Geo-engineered Fire Bombs = Directed Energy Weapons not Climate Change

As war drums beat across Africa, as China cleans up after devastating floods, as Maui searches remains, a tsunami is scheduled to hit Japan Tuesday with predictions of 20 inches of rain in 24 hours.   Climate is changing patterns both naturally and thru geoengineering with bomb like consequences.   And Niger’s military coup has sparked a western reaction – WAR!

It is playing out like a 4th of July fireworks display with the finale being a ratcheted torrent of bombs bursting in air!   Ordinary people are on edge, their tongues quick to lash out with anger and even rage.

Are we in the midst of a geoengineered tit-for-tat war?  

The media overwhelmingly claim the Maui fire was caused by climate change.   Why?   Because the topsy-turvydom world claims everything nefarious is now caused by climate change.   Vax deaths are because of – climate change.   Plane crashes are – climate change.   Citywide chaos is caused by – climate change.   All because The Media says so.

The concept that a hurricane south of Hawaii caused the ‘climate change’ fires in Maui is preposterous!   According to a past weather graph, the temperatures in Maui were normal, peaking at 88’, the wind speed was NE peaking at 25 mph at noon. This is normal. Hurricane Dora never made landfall and was tracked 500 miles ‘south’ of Hawaii amidst Northeasterly winds blowing southwest.   Maui is north of Hawaii.

A normal ‘fast fire’ can travel up to 14 mph.   The Maui fire was stated to be traveling at 60 mph.

According to government officials, the vast majority of the recent fires in Greece and Italy were arson. These coordinated blazes also spread across Croatia, Portugal, Spain, and Algeria. In each scenario, the respective governments blamed ‘arson terrorists’.   NOT Climate Change!

Therefore, what if Hawaii was a tit-for-tat weaponized reaction to the China flooding? Or, what if it was a US military exercise using Directed Energy Lasers – gone awry…?

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) use electromagnetic energy via energy lasers and high power microwave rays.   Sonar is used to hone in on a target.   They are being developed and/or are already in use by:   US, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, UK, Germany, France, Iran and Turkey. Their impact is somewhat akin to an atomic bomb.

Lockheed Martin:   “At sea, in the air and on the ground, Lockheed Martin is developing laser weapon systems ready to defend U.S. and allied forces. Combined with our platform integration expertise, these systems are designed to defeat a growing range of threats to military forces and infrastructure across all domains.”

Lockheed, Northrop, Raytheon are in various stages of testing Directed Energy Laser Weapons. It is NOT a conspiracy.   Their websites are rife with bravado regarding their ability to target our ‘enemies’.   Certainly, it would not be the first time the US military ‘accidentally’ destroyed a city/town.

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti was considered by ‘conspiracy theorists’ to have been caused by a HAARP experiment causing tectonic plate shifts. The recent earthquake in Turkey was a ‘threat’ to Erdogan to obey and abide by Western Cartels.  OUR Government is a Conspiracy – incapable of providing anything remotely parallel to Truth.

The power and control these DEW weapons can yield is considered much more efficient than nuclear. Yet governments continue to parlay the effects of climate change as though the military industrial complex is nonexistent.

The Jet Stream:   Jet streams are narrow bands of strong wind currents that occur in the upper atmosphere around 30,000 feet. The jet streams roughly follow the earth’s rotation. The speed of rotation is fastest at the equator, and slows to zero at the north & south poles. Typically these air currents flow west to east and when cold air collides with warm air, the jet stream moves north or south creating curvature blips.

Jet streams cause changes in weather, affecting high and low pressure systems – and shaping the weather.   Climate enthusiasts assert the opposite – that climate changes cause jet streams – a scientifically proven false assertion.

According to Science Alert, today jet streams are chaotic and undefinable. The current fragmentation of the jet streams are fueling catastrophic weather patterns.   Scientists are baffled.   As a result, they are calling for more geoengineered manipulation – which will likely cause more chaos.

The flooding in China is damaging crops.   The western media is fueling claims that China’s flooding could result in Xi Jinping’s government being blamed causing a collapse of faith in his power.  And once again, the point of the accusation is to undermine Xi Jinping in order to insert a western proxy. The secondary point is the creation of a global food shortage.

The reality is that earth’s weather is comprised of complex atmospheric and subsurface ecosystems that interact in a completed cycles.   Like a rain forest, if any singular interruption of the eco-balance occurs, the entire system begins a slow death. When we pound particles at CERN, seed clouds, manipulate climate, and block the sun, we are forever destroying the natural balance. And no amount of $$$$$$$$$$$$ will reverse the course SCIENCE has crippled.

8 thoughts on “Geo-engineered Fire Bombs = Directed Energy Weapons not Climate Change

  1. The Information Age brought us two main things: 1.) Increased ability of humans to conspire for no-good; 2.) Increased likelihood that no-good will be exposed. As a result we live in a world in which we cannot trust much at all.

    The winds swirl with uncertainty and doubt fueled by misinformation, partial truths, plausible deniability, legalese double-talk and self-serving lies. No longer do I conclude that “Nobody would do that”. Anything is now possible. And some truly mendacious things are probable.

    With the advancement of civilization – goodness has taken a hit. And so it goes.

  2. I would suggest that these events are not experiments gone awry, but purposeful destruction to support the liars pushing climate change. There is no honor among liars. An interesting side note is that the exact areas in Paradise Valley and Maui were both targeted by Agenda 21 as property they wanted, minus the citizens living on it. They don’t call it deep state for nothing.

  3. Helena, I just talked to my friend who has lived on Maui for thirty years. The wildfires were not the cause of the Lahaina fire, they were under control and not a threat. Most everyone on the island believes that the fire was caused by Directed Energy Weapons, either from the Feds or China. Remember the Northern California fires in Paradise in 2018 and Sant Rosa 2019 ? The burn patterns in Lahaina are similar. In January of this year, there was laser tagging coming from the atmosphere that was documented on the Islands just before the Chinese balloons reached the mainland ( . Many on Maui believe that the atmospheric laser tagging was a targeting exercise. As an aside, my friend said that the governor of Ha’wai’i claimed that high winds can ignite -not fan- but ignite fires (that sounds like a cover story that I would have invented as a 5 year-old). Oh, and the claim that a hurricane created massive winds is bullocks as well – that hurricane was 500 miles away from the Big Island.
    At least 12,000 are homeless and estimates of those killed are expected to be as high.

  4. Everything’s a scam these days. Here a scam,,, there a scam,,, everywhere a scam, scam.

    A non existent virus scam to get the people to take the safe and effective vaxxine scam that is a bio-weapon. Millions have died. Billions will eventually.

    War scams,,, Ukraine fighting a WWI style war that is guaranteed to decimate the Ukrainian population… more dead.

    The Climate scam where supposed hotter and hotter temperatures are fed to the fluoridated lemmings. Now they’re killing people and destroying property in arson fires to make their point. more dead.

    Then there is the Windmill scam. In Australia each windmill put up nets the land owner $13000. (Course he is responsible for repairs and maintenance.) The corporations get a cool $700 – 900,000. And the kicker…. they don’t work. They use grid power to turn the blades. Any power they do make is so variable it cannot be used. Another conspiracy you say? Okay,,, fine with me.

    Solar panels the same but here an inverter can sync to the grid frequency if the voltage is correct. But without hundreds of $300 batteries it too is too variable Like the Windmills the power companies are paid taxpayer subsidies. Which is why the power companies could care less if you don’t have power for your AC, refrigeration or EV charge equipment.

    How about the gas stove scam. They pass regulations banning your present gas stove for a “safer” one that costs more. They invest in the corporations manufacturing them and make a fortune. The same goes for the water heaters and air conditioning units. All scams to make them and the corporations more fiat. We are simply marks.

    And the fluoridated lemmings thank them for their concern. You gotta love it!

      • Okay,,, one point,,, Everything is a scam. Every agenda,,, narrative,,, coming from all govs little baby money pits including media is bs. Everything!

        Of course it’s always conspiracy theory or Russian/Chinese propaganda until proven true like the safe and effective vaccine which isn’t a vaccine and its not safe. It is effective at injuring, maiming, disabling and killing.

        They have moved on temporarily from the fake covid to the fake CC and the lemmings move with them with nary a speed bump.

        Speaking of conspiracy theories,,,
        I remember being laughed at when I told DS Americans the Gulf of Tonkin was pure bs, 54,000 dead so Johnson could get rich.
        I have been accused of tory telling when referring to the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty killing many. Oh,,, that’s right,,, Turns out the Israelis said it was all a big mistake and paid for the dead Americans. They were flying unmarked aircraft and couldn’t make out the huge US flag. LBJ threatened the crew with prison if they told the truth. Today they are coming out and telling the truth but Americans couldn’t be concerned. That was then,,, This is now and Israel is our buddy.
        Then another lemming got so mad he was turning red at my saying WTC 7 was pulled. He showed me online that it was still there. Of course that was after they rebuilt it.
        Called an Iraqi lover when I said the only WMD in Iraq was American. Even Bush joked about it.
        Called a liar again when I informed people that Osama Bin Laden Died in 2001 from Kidney Failure but the lemmings believed the gov tory about the raid then burying him at sea as was the custom of Muslims…. What a bunch of horse hockey. A moron with the supposed seal team still takes credit for the kill showing true American spirit.

        A book could be written about all these conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts. But Americans close their eyes wide shut and cover their ears while gov sends off their young in another stupid war. $250,000 pays them off and they consider their sons and daughters hero’s when dying in some God forsaken land fighting for freedom and the American way.

        So, being thought of as a kook or weird and even unpatriotic is a badge of honor for me. :))

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