Elimination of the Supreme Court and US Constitution?

The Supreme Court was created 233 years ago by Congress through Article Three of the US Constitution.   At that time there were 26 senators and 65 representatives under Senate Leader, John Adams, and House Speaker Frederick Muhlenberg.  The power of the Supreme Court allows it to overturn presidential directives for violating the Constitution or Statutory Law.  It is the final authority for the federal judicial court.  At the time, New York City was the capitol of the US.   However, it wasn’t until FDR’s New Deal that the Supreme Court expanded its powers exponentially increasing regulatory power of the federal government.

While FDR was in office he stacked 8 of the 9 justices – they were all Democrats.

At the time, law degrees could be obtained without previous college enrollment or high school graduation and were granted via a two year program.   Bar examinations were required.  But exams were far more intense than anything we have today.   It was under these FDR progressive appointees that Japanese internment camps were ruled Constitutional.   Democrat Tolerance.

The extension of power within the Supreme Court was massively increased and solidified under democrat/socialist administrations, most notably FDR.   However, current democrat socialists condemn this power when it is utilized to extricate the federal government from power control and re-instate it to sovereign states per the US Constitution as we are witness to today!

Today, as a direct result of the Supreme Court weaning itself from unconstitutional doctrine, the Socialists want the Court to be disbanded.   Should that occur, the US Constitution would be shred and replaced by stakeholder Unions, ie UAW and Teamsters.  THIS would align with the goals of the WEF Agenda 2030.

There are three countries in the world that don’t have a constitution:  UK, New Zealand and Israel.   This lacking has proven to be Israel’s demise dysfunction within their electoral system.   However, what embodies the context of a constitution is volatile according to each country and their respective system of government.

For example Qatar:
The Constitution that was first adopted in 2004 has five preambles.    First Preamble basically dictates that Sharia and Islam rule within the directorate of the Royal family.  Rule will be passed down according to first born of a mother who is of Qatari descent.  Secondly, all children belong to the state and shall be educated according to State directorates.   Thirdly, freedom is guaranteed… subject to rules of engagement, morality, law and Sharia.   Fourth the Royal family ‘emir’ has absolute power over everything and everyone.   Fifth, amendments are prohibited.

Given Qatar is a slave state wherein the ratio of slave to Qatari citizens is 933%, they model the view that would embolden the World Economic Forum – Schwab.   The vision for the future.

While embracing ‘a constitution’, it isn’t the concept but the content that determines its worth.   And according to Qatar, their constitution would seem to be a fictional embodiment pretending to be a constitution when in fact it is a Protocol.   A dictate of its dictatorship.

Just two years ago Hong Kong was fighting for its sovereignty.   But the protests were infiltrated.   The Soros anarchists took hold and the entire portrayal became that of dissidents and insurrectionists.

Sound familiar?   Because it is the same Agenda utilized in the US – as well as every other coup across the globe!   Entwined with ‘disinformation’ to be polite – LIES – to be truthful.

The Supreme Court has become WOKE.   Just not in the liberal socialist sense.  Instead they appear bent on cleaning house.   Eliminating the cobwebs.   Polishing the wood left behind.   Long over-due – to the tune of 85 years when FDR destroyed America.

The Matrix has become confused on itself.  

And thus we are continually given conflicting orders from the Tzars who have ruled earth since its beginnings.   Problem:   The level of intellect and education among them has deteriorated.  Failing to groom a proper replacement is the bane of the narcissist who believes no one is good enough!   Therefore, their entire legacy will die when they do. FDR –

July 4th is their last hurrah of fireworks before they dissipate into oblivion.   The People have risen.   The media lies.   Ukraine is in rubble.   Europe is in a desperate failing economy.   China is in default.   Canada has no gold and no reserves.   The US is Split.   The EU is splintering into the abyss – and the focus is on Ukraine and January 6th?   Despite a Public concern of less than 20%…

Which again begs the query – will an election occur in November 2022 – or will the RESET be instituted?   It is the $1.598 question that remains in the clouds…

3 thoughts on “Elimination of the Supreme Court and US Constitution?

  1. This constitution is the direct result of a silent coup perpetrated by the founders. They said they were going to make a few adjustments to the Articles and instead trashed them throwing out everything the men of that time fought for.

    A quote from Benjamin Martin. (the patriot)

    “Would you tell me. Please, Mr. Howard, Why I should trade one tyrant three thousand miles away
    for three thousand tyrants one mile away. ”

    “An elected legislature can trample a man’s right as easily as a King can.”

    Easier because the fools think they’re ‘represented’…..

  2. I am believing in anarchy more every day. Government has constantly proven it has no right to exist. It favors no one but itself and operates as a slave master in order to justify its existence.

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