UKRAINE Was NED’s Proxy Partner To Destroy Russia

Is the Hunter Biden laptop, suddenly recognized by the FBI as real, the setup for Biden’s swift impeachment?   Biden’s political reputation is in complete tatters.   The infamous laptop could be the culmination of his personal reputation – or even his deign as an accomplice to Hunter’s dastardly deeds. Timing is everything.   The baby momma coming forth ‘suddenly’ with damning financial evidence that she has retained for years…? The liberal Media declaring Biden unfit and incompetent. This is NOT coincidental – Biden was a place holder whose legacy would be obliterated by his actions as President.  

Technically, none of Biden’s actions were conceived by him, but what stooge would want to go down in history as the singular cause of America becoming a third world country?

Given that we are informed MI6 was involved in the Trump 2020 election corruption, the Queen’s gambit to shift America into the twalette in favor of the UK takes a new twist.   The British Empire of 1901 included nearly half of Africa and all of India – territories they lost.   Many in Africa have been recaptured via election coups and insertions of pro-UK Presidents.

National Endowment for Democracy has been a significant player in these African coups with many current African presidents having attended university in London.   When a country in Africa fails to be properly ‘couped’ NED considers this a Loss that on occasion requires more permanent actions to be undertaken.

NED’s typical means of upheaval within governments deemed unaligned with the globalist agenda is precipitated by massive protests typically using university students and the poor who likely are paid props.   “Civil society activists who helped lay the foundations for Sudan’s peaceful revolution received NED’s annual Democracy Award”. The Congo, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Ghana, Ghinea, Burkino Faso, Togo, Tanzania, Corte d’Ivoire, etc…   ALL subject to coups, revolutions, unrest and election interference.   NOT by Russia, but by NED and Open Society.

These election manipulations are not called interference, they are called ‘instituting democracy’.   Just like when western nations bomb Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, etc… no one is charged as ‘war criminals’, but instead defined as freedom fighters for democracy.   NED boldly declares which countries are in alignment and which need more work in order to achieve the desired colonization.

Since 2016, NED has funneled over 2.6 million pounds to groups in the UK including; Bellingcat, Reuters Foundation, Open Democracy, Finance Uncovered, Media Legal defense Initiative, etc..   These groups are also funded by the Open Society Foundation – creating a shadow alliance of organizations working toward The Reagan aim of NED which was to “foster the infrastructure of democracy”.   Translation?   ‘Own Governments’.

Colonizing is defined as globalization. But is the end regime America or the return of the British Empire?

Ukraine:   NED claims that Ukraine has been their partner since 1989 – before the Soviet Union was repartitioned by the UK, Germany, NATO and the US in 1991:   “Ukraine is NED’s fourth largest grant-making program around the world with more than 95 current partners on-the-ground.”

A meeting was held between NED, Ukraine and a number of NED speakers to discuss, “Russian Expansionism”, March 4, 2022.   An odd statement given Russia was divested of territories by – NED. But narratives or propaganda have been deployed for so long that the host speakers have forgotten what is the truth.

In 1991, 14 territories were broken away from the Soviet Union in a move disemboweling major asset portions of Russia..   Eleven territories, including Russia and Ukraine, then signed the Alma Ata Protocols, a treaty within the Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS.  

In reading the Articles of the Treaty, after the 2014 Ukraine coup and up until the present, Ukraine was in violation in its treatment of the people of the Donbas Region, and in Ukraine’s creation of a military that is not in alignment with the provisions of the Treaty.

In FACT – Russia had requested Ukraine to comply with the Minsk Agreement which was attached to the CIS Treaty, and to disarmament and deNazification of militias and its army.   Ukraine’s advancement toward the creation of Nuclear weapons is ALSO strictly verboten in the Treaty.

Although Russia has made its stipulations clear from the beginning, it is Zelensky who was ordered to sacrifice his country for the good of the Cabalists who had been using the territory for their own means since 1945.   Ukraine, in its corruptness was the perfect European point for the Mafia’s complete.  The Cabal underestimated Putin and are now losing vast sums in their Mafia CULT – Ukraine.   Hence, the US and EU must ante up BILLIONS to curb the Mafia losses.

Russia was never going to be integrated into a partnership with the power hub, but nor was China.   Both were levied and used for what they could provide before being discarded.   In 1997, Brzezinski laid out the scenario in his book, ‘The Grand Chessboard’.   In it, Brzezinski stated, “75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil.” U.S. global dominance depends on controlling Eurasia – which includes Europe, Russia, the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and the Middle East.”

The Formation of the BRICS Threatened That Survival!  Syria threatened that Agenda & was destroyed…Middle East…Maidan Coups!

3 thoughts on “UKRAINE Was NED’s Proxy Partner To Destroy Russia

  1. The new world government under anti-Christ shall be in Jerusalem starting day 1261 of the week of trumpets, Daniel’s 70th week. Backing up to day 944 is the 6th trumpet when China moves west across the Euphrates and kills 1/3rd of those remaining on earth. Today, we await the 4th seal war. It kills 1/4th the earth or almost 2 billion, and 1/3 of polled American idiots want this war.

    • Polls are idiotic at best, irrelevant by most. The polls are no longer polls – but surveys conducted online of a few hundred or so persons who identify as whatever! Take no heed. Americans and Europeans are most certainly woke – whether they have the balls????

  2. Great write-up. Too many Christians are naive and don’t believe how wicked these tyrants are. If they did, the elite would have little or no sway over the political arena in America.

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