Tucker Carlson interviews Rob Reiner; a Soros Regime

An interesting dialogue between Tucker Carlson and Rob Reiner bears analysis. Apparently, in alignment with war hawks in the military, Rob Reiner, a devout atheist liberal, and Morgan Freeman, a devout ‘I am god’ Liberal, have produced a commercial in which they very seriously state that the US “is at war with Russia”.

While Reiner backtracks considerably in the interview claiming that a) it is actually a cyber war, and b) the US is equally at fault, he fails to explain why he is producing the video clip. For what purpose?

Reiner is adamant that this is not about Trump although he is a vocal extremist in his campaign against Trump calling him a racist, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, sexist and a Nazi… Of course, anti-Semitism is thrown about as casually as a football these days. Most people don’t even know exactly what it means: coined in 1879, it was used to define Jew hatred. It has since broadened it’s definition to define specific legs of the five point star, as in social anti-semitism, economic anti-semitism, political anti-semitism, religious anti-semitism and racial anti-semitism.

While Reiner claims Semitism as his ‘birth rite’, he focus’s all his propaganda animosity on Russia, and somehow feels a kinship with Germany and Austria the roots of Nazism…

In his propaganda cyber warfare clip he fails to address any other nation, for example China, North Korea, Germany, France, etc… who are ALL ‘equally involved’ in cyber manipulation and hacking.   It is a world issue, not a Russia issue – which begs curiosity. Why would he be so anti-Russia?

What he does allude to is the power of propaganda. What he doesn’t say – is that he is the source of propaganda.

This is certainly not the first time the media has collaborated with the CIA and/or military in order to manipulate opinion and thought. The most perverse use was in the 1950’s through the 1970’s when Allen Dullas, Director of CIA, instituted Operation Mockingbird in collusion with The Washington Post, New York Times, CBS, Time and Life, Miami News, Washington Star, Louisville Courier Journal and the Christian Science Monitor.

Liberal. Pro-American. Anti-Soviet. Big Business. For 20+ years they told the American People how to think, what to believe, who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. And we believed. It was a time of subliminal seduction wherein movie theaters subliminally insert pictures of popcorn, candy bars and coca cola to covertly stimulate a sense of desire. And these tactics worked.

And so we have to believe that while the CIA claims these ‘operations and tactics’ were shut down in the 1970’s – most likely they have continued unabated. We now have two new puppets to add to the fray; Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman.

We can believe they are bumbling stupid and have been conned into this same media manipulation, or we can believe they fully understand and embrace lying and deceiving the public for “the Greater Good” – of Socialism and Communism.

Rob Reiner is a board member of American Foundation For Equal Rights, whose advisory board includes, John Podesta and John Levy of the CATO Institute with ties to George Soros. Reiner is also a member of Democracy Alliance, a Soros organization that funded the creation of Black Lives Matter. It is fair to say that he is heavily ingratiated into the globalist cabal of Soros/Rothschild/Ford/Rockefeller and this silly anti-Russia video is propaganda in the extreme and pathetic in the twallette of indecency.


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