Climate Summit – gaming the Africa Land Grab

Why are we giving billions to Africa to combat global warming?

Everyone seems to simply accept the notion that giving Africa billions of dollars and labeling it Climate Change Funding, will somehow actually change “Global Warming”.  It is nonsensical at best, and very devious at worst. And unfortunately, somewhat brilliant as we taxpayers pay for the infrastructure to support the Africa Land Grabs on behalf of governments and business conglomerates while they reap the profits.

In Africa, climate change has been a documented and theorized scientific phenomena for tens of thousands of years. Given there was no “industrial revolution” ten thousand years ago, it is a safe conclusion that humans had no impact on global warming whatsoever – then. So why would we think that the 4% could possibly change the direction of this natural phenomena? Because there is a hidden agenda – of course.

According to climatologists, Africa’s climate changed from a tropical grassland to desert between 8000 and 3000 B.C. That desert area that plagues the northern hemisphere of the continent remains today. While Africa’s infrastructure is poor to non-existent, the cause of this is not “Climate Change”. According to a paper released by the World Bank, the deficiencies in infrastructure are due to corruption, crime, financial markets and red tape. There is no mention of ‘global warming’. The paper goes on to say that the largest deficiency is in power – electricity for the 48 Sub-Saharan countries supporting 800 million is roughly the same as Spain’s supporting 45 million.

So why are we associating climate change with what is clearly corruption issues?

Could the land grabs of Africa over the last five years be related to the investment of billions under the guise of Climate Change/Global Warming? Power, electricity, roadways, these lacking conditions plague the land grabbers from cultivating the land at maximum efficiency, ie raping profits. How to mitigate the problem? Create a disaster, call it Global Warming, disguise funding, and poof – infrastructure for free!

In 2014, The African Climate Change Fund – a bank – was established with a contribution from Germany in the amount of 4.725 million Euro. The fund has given money to Mali, Kenya, Swaziland and Cape Verde. These same countries have been the targets of massive land grabbing by;   UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Germany, US, UK, China, Sweden, South Korea, India, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Egypt, and Djibouti.

In the banks 2014 annual report it stated that a sum of $660 billion would be needed to ‘meet the needs’. A hefty chunk of change that “world leaders” decided could be funded by – you and I!

The ACCF is a subsidiary managed by the African Development Bank – and Germany. Three dominate members of the UN panel which officiates the Climate Change Fund include; Jens Stoltenberg, current Secretary General at NATO and former Prime Minister of Norway; Akinwumi Desina, current President of the African Development Bank – and former VP for Alliance for A Green Revolution – a prominent Bill Gates Foundation; and George Soros, chairman of the Soros investment and financial services company. Uh-oh.

This would obviously mean that Soros has a large stake in the decision making process that determines the funding that the world will make to support the African Development Bank, and thus, The African Climate Change Fund. Which would appear to be the True agenda at the Paris Summit.

We also have the fact that NGO’s are the largest group being awarded grants and funding by the ACCF. NGO’s are typically conglomerates and individuals who prefer to remain somewhat anonymous in their business dealings while operating under the guise of some very important agenda…including such innocuous sounding organizations as “Natural Resource Governance Institute”, which is mumbojumbo speak for George Soros World Order.

This would mean that the Climate Summit has little to nothing to do with Climate and everything to do with siphoning money to prop up necessary infrastructures in Africa so as to ease the efficiency of agricultural and cash crop farming on Africa’s grab lands by foreign investors whose agenda is to maximize their profits.!    Land is cheap to free, labor is cheap, water is confiscated, infrastructure is provided for free, and voila!  Africa becomes the new raped country where fuel is exported, crops are exported and the country will be left razed, arid, and forgotten.

Because it isn’t about Africa, or the African people, it is about making money and selling ones soul.

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