WARS Cause Climate Damage – Ukraine Wants Compensation

The very erudite Politico is suddenly concerned about the ‘climate impact’ of the Ukraine war.   Who better to determine the amount of carbon output from the war than Lennard de Klerk, a degreed electrical engineer who is running an ecolodge in Hungary.   Not to worry, he claims his top skills include: military climate change • Carbon Footprinting • Greenhouse Gas • Low Carbon Technologies • Green Building.   None of these top skills are a degreed program.  Climate Tzars typically study biology, chemistry, statistics, and environmental economics.  

Not Lennard.

How are carbon emissions calculated?   “Countries report their emissions through a ‘bottom up’ approach, where national emissions are estimated by combining data on types of activity with the emissions typically produced by those activities.” The International Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) ‘Task Force’ developed ‘guidelines for measuring activities’.   Their first report was developed in 2006, revised in 2014, and revised again in 2019.

In the presentation report by the IPCC, they provide reporting guidelines to the experts wherein they tell them how to spell chemical compounds, how to abbreviate units, and how to abbreviate a factor into a power.   I don’t think they are talking to ‘scientists’.   The four categories include:   1. Energy, 2. Industrial Processes, 3. Agriculture, forestry and other land use, and 4. Waste.

What is not in any category is War and War exercises.   In addition, there is no accounting for volcano eruptions, home appliances, cow farts, and race. The means for measurement is a small sampling of soil and an expert created set of predetermined emissions measurements.   To top off the cake, they add a dollop of creamy estimates and a pinch of guestimates to make an expert calculation sound plausible! VOILA!

Obviously any measurement stats prior to 2006, are completely fabricated because the methodology was not developed yet.  So the comparables would have to originate with a start point of 2006 – not 1850 when temperatures were first measured:  A man would board a ship and hoist is mercury or alcohol based thermostat in the ocean.   Reading the temperature, he would write it on a piece of paper.   And that is our historical evidence.

When reviewing the list of authors for the 2019 expert IPCC report, a few have been out of commission for years, some as long as 8 years.   Selecting another random name, I found William Irving of the EPA. Claiming to be an environmental specialist, his masters at Columbia in 1996 is listed as ‘Environmental Policies’.   Only Columbia did not begin offering such classes until 2002.

Despite all these inconsistencies, experts have determined that the US has warmed by 2.6’ since 1970.

March 2023, the deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Army for sustainment, said the service branch is moving forward with plans to acquire Electric Light Reconnaissance Vehicle prototypes as part of its efforts to adopt electric vehicles. Expected to be in production in 2025 for delivery in 2027, the vehicle fleet will represent roughly 10% to 20% of all vehicles, the remainder being diesel. An electric mobile microgrid will travel with the fleet.   This vehicle grid can generate up to 100 watts per vehicle despite the fact that most small EV cars require 250 to 400 watts.

But the Army is determined that this transition is sustainable and will have a yuge impact on the climate by 2035 or 2050 – whichever estimate fits the schematic.

Clean Technica is working with the Army. Their website claims their content is for “entertainment purposes”.  WHAT?

Lennard’s ecolodge in Hungary emits 1744 kilograms of carbon dioxide annually in a town with a population of 59. This is explained by Politico as the result of his expertise.   Working with a colleague in Kyiv, they estimate the number and type of projectiles, tanks, planes, etc… that are in Kyiv on any given day.   Their report as submitted to the UN found that the Ukraine war emits 120 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.   The report includes the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines by the UK and US militaries. It is rife with assumptions – and vacant of data.

The purpose of the report is to hold Russia globally accountable for climate change.   Both Zelenskyy and expert Greta Thunberg were behind the initiative to hold Russia accountable. The purpose? To raise the monetary war compensation reparations.   The means would require bringing charges in the International Court claiming Russia broke the law wherein the ICC states’, “every state has a duty to prevent significant transboundary environmental damage”.

There are two flagrant errors in this distraction:   1) it was Ukraine which broke the law by refusing to uphold the Minsk Agreement of 2014.   2)   Pandora’s Box would open claims against the US military in every incursion throughout the middle east and Africa.

One thing is certain global militaries don’t give a fark because war is business. And business is money, including all those war exercises which dilute inventory requiring more spending.   Still, the UN is considering the proposal of allowing this to proceed.

4 thoughts on “WARS Cause Climate Damage – Ukraine Wants Compensation

  1. According to Columbia Climate School (and other sources) CO2 makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere. That’s four one hundredths of one percent. How the heck can this warm anything?

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