GDP, Debt, Wealth DATA : The Ouija Board of Statistics and Economic Growth

GDP is measured by the value of goods and services. Quantities multiplied by price.   Therefore if the price has increased by 50% and the quantity sold decreased by 50% the GDP would remain the same.   Manufacturing could reflect only a slight nick in the arse as long as pricing skyrocketed.   Via inflation.   And ignoring the inflation factor is why the economic numbers are faulty.

The World Bank is tasked with releasing the data on every country in the world indicating their GDP.   It is compiled via meta input and analytics.   Obviously there is no input for most African countries as they don’t collate this information – so the data is entirely an algorithm.   For other countries, the data is reliant on the country providing the World Bank with the information.

For Russia, that data has not been updated since 2020. Therefore when the World Bank issues it’s predictions, The Economist posts them as fact.

For example, according to the World Bank data collection, Russian inflation went from -0-% in 2020 to over 16% in 2021.   Well before the infiltration into Ukraine – WHY?   Crude rose 50% in 2021?   Perhaps 50% of data was missing from 2020.   When reviewing the same data for the US – there were common data blanks – 2020, perhaps 50% of the metrics used to calculate were blank.

So exactly how can the World Bank estimate/create a GDP growth rate for 2022 if the last data input was in 2020?   It can’t.   It can only “Guess”.   Which is what the economics of the world is based on – Guesses.

When ‘Bloomberg’ or ‘Reuters’ release their data on GDP growth of Russia vs the US – it is based on nothing.   Because the algorithm is pre-programmed for a specific result – like a paid for – Poll.  And the World Bank has yet to gather ANY DATA!

That would also equate to inflation.   Inflation is supposed to be measured based on ‘specific’ industries submitting ALL their data for analysis and input into an algorithm.   Perhaps 10% actually do.

According to World Data the inflation rate for Russia for 2021 was 6.7% – according the revised World Bank it was nearly 17%….   a 250% discrepancy?   Or a manipulation of data?   World Data calculated their number based on the value of the Russian Rubel.   World Bank – the Ouija Board.

While the manipulation of media news is accepted, the manipulation of data is only beginning to scratch the surface as we recount CoVid.   Of course the CoVid data was also an algorithm – with end results preprogrammed into the data.   For example, Bill Gates stated over 3 million in the US would die the first 3 months of the Pandemic.   Data.

Many have warned that the extent of information fraud is beyond our most intellectual of intelligentsia concept.   Data algorithms are like AI – you can harness it for good or evil – it depends on the manipulator.

We know history has been rewritten.   We know religion has been rewritten.   We know that our present is rewritten.   And yet we continue to rely on the very information that is flagrantly contrived to formulate our understanding and opinion. Such as statistics and economic data. And continue to believe that these reservoirs of data are anything of value…

JP Morgan has ‘predicted’ that the housing market and stock market will cave ‘an additional 20% – next year.   Is it a prediction, or is it a creation?

We do know that housing prices loped along for years rising 4% to maybe 10% annually for a decade – only to suddenly spurt 40%+ in a year.   Why?   Manipulation.   Hedge Funds were busily buying up or manipulating properties with dangleberries of cash while pushing asking prices over 20%.   Was there a market to support this?   NO.   It was done to lure homebuyers into buying at inflated rates before tanking the industry.   Foreclosures coming to a neighborhood near you!   A chess move.

Corporate entities collaborated with this RESET inflating the prices of basics such as food, energy, health/medical, education and insurance.   A Cult Effort.   Knowing they would price kill their corporation – and exiting with insider sales before the inflation nuke hit.

What is the inflation rate in Russia? GDP Growth?   US inflation?   US Growth?   They/WE have NO IDEA!   The numbers are pulled from a magician’s hat.   They are created to fit a narrative that is then pushed via the five conglomerates who own the Global Media.   Creating sells and buys and fake markets.

The wise person is debt free.   Or close thereof.   The entire concept of DEBT was created by the Bankers to destroy wealth.