We Stand At the Crossroads of The Cartel Lies …

Reading headlines of MSM, the tendency to lie and speak within the logical premises of a 12 year old seem to be driving their mantra narrative.   Perhaps, a consequence of destroying the value of education in public schools and across universities.  Perhaps, the extent of mental acumen of the Cartel that embellishes itself within PR propaganda.   Or, perhaps, AI is writing all the MSM content based on the input of memes and tweets…

Novelists are excited that AI is capable of writing entire books putting them out of business…   The Bureau of Labor Statistics is published by an AI alien taught common-core math incompetence.   Zombies are roaming the streets of every major city – but Russia, China, and Iran are “Bad”.   Trump snapped his fingers and suddenly the mass hypnosis that gripped western countries has been severed.  Yet, the Cartel refuses to acknowledge these truths – and simply pretends they don’t exist.

THIS is why the liberals and democrats are leaving their Master’s in droves.   Because the western narratives have already been exposed – and instead of addressing these realities, the Cartel tweets ideologies from the 1980’s when they had it all!   Not Exposed;  Jimmy Savile Scandal, Epstein Island, Bush was a good president, Reagan wasn’t a neoconservative, and money was flowing – further away from The People and into the pockets of the Few.

When the Biden Handlers release their monthly guestimate algorithms that measure different aspects of the US economy, they use the pinky-swear methodology.   Statistics are now meaningless.   The Census counts illegals.   And the growth in the US economy is fully devoted to spending by the Federal Government – and thus meaningless as a measure of the populace wealth.

PREDICTIVE DATA:   according to WHO, cancer cases will increase by 77% over the next few decades.  So why do we bother giving trillions to Cancer charities if they can’t figure out a cure or cause after 70+ years of ‘scientific research’?   There is no cancer prevention because they have no idea what are the causes.   There is no cancer cure because they have no idea why it occurs.   $307 billion spent on cancer “treatment research” annually.   $253 billion spent on oncology support care annually.

What has the medical and science community learned about the ‘cause’ of cancer?   Nothing.   The easy out is always – it’s genetic.   What have we learned about cancer over the last 70+ years?   According to NIH:   1.   Cancer is a disease.   2.   Caused by changes to DNA.   3.   Most DNA changes are in sections called – genes.  4.   These changes are called ‘genetic changes’.    Yes – 6th grade level speak.

IF cancer is a DNA abnormality and it has already altered your genetics since birth – how then is it preventable?

It isn’t – but the medical community would like to control your habits which they ‘claim’ contribute to alterations in your genes.   Thus you are told to not eat, not drink, not live, not enjoy – life because LIFE causes Cancer.   But if the alterations occur during your regular life cycle, then the scientific community should be able to see those changes, and alter genes – right?   In the same way that science claims they can manufacture a perfect baby thru genetic manipulation:

“Genetic engineering (also called genetic modification) is a process that uses laboratory-based technologies to alter the DNA makeup of an organism.  Somatic genetic editing has been in use in humans.”

In order to identify the causative gene and edit it, one has to identify the exact gene that is the culprit…   According to the Genome Project, every gene has been identified.  Therefore, science and medicine should be able to identify every disease via a particular malformation of a gene.  And thus extract or manipulate the gene to eradicate the disease.

The Genome Project was initiated in 1990 and completed in 2003.  The goal was to determine the base pairs that make up human DNA, and identify, map and sequence all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and a functional standpoint.   Mission Accomplished!   Yet.   Despite cancer being identified as a DNA abnormality within a particular genome, there is not a cure … yet – trillions of $$$$ later there are instead ‘treatment programs’ using Pharma toxins.  These treatments are called ‘care’.

And we bought into the Lie.

There are so many lies now, that the Cartel can’t remember what they are.  This is called a conspiracy.   Truth, in actuality no longer exists.  Theoretically, there are UFO’s, aliens, cures for all disease, evil dwellers among us, democracy, prosperity, and mythology.  Theoretically, mythology defines our history.   It is the basis of ancient Rome.   And we are simply pawns in this schematic space travel on planet earth.

Tucker Carlson claims that his window into the UFO and alien phenomena was so overwhelmingly fraught in evil, he refuses to divulge what he learned…   Because of course, he and he alone is capable of mentally absorbing this alternate reality.   Humans must be spared.

While the deflection is that the Pandemic was The Greatest fraud perpetrated on our globe, does it pale in comparison to 100 years of scientific research into Cancer?   Does it pale in comparison to the fact that the US government is a prop and always has been?   Does it pale in comparison that War is for viewership enjoyment?

What can NOT be undone is knowledge.   Ignorance that was essential for the Cartel to maintain and grow their control.   While social media upended that frailty of OZ behind the red-curtain, AI has the potential to either enhance ignorance thru subversive knowledge – or expand knowledge thru exponential means.

This is why the Cartel is desperate to regulate and control AI according to their engagement agenda.   To subvert it into a realm of infinite Lies.

We are at a crossroads that may never again be available.   We overwhelmingly have the numbers.   But when just one person falls and digresses into the abyss of fear and perpetuity of evil – it magnifies across millions.   Don’t be that one person.   When you feel the fall – pray the Lord’s Prayer.   Go outside and walk in God’s nature.   Clear your mind of the drivel and enhance your critical thinking skills. 

We Can WIN.   We just have to want it – enough…