US VALUES; According To Obama

Obama keeps talking about ‘US Values” as though he is the representative speaker chosen by all US citizens. The problem is, we have ‘diverse’ values because we now have a very diverse nation. And so there really aren’t US values. I don’t have the same values as the Sunni Muslims living in the US.   Nor do I have the same values as Black Lives Matter.

I don’t have the same values as the abortionists, the rioters, or the haters that promote division and anarchy.

So, what are the “US Values” according to Obama?

  1. Racial Discrimination: which apparently no longer identifies that the broken pendulum has swung to a rigged far left and no longer tick-tocks… and we now face polarization that has not been so advanced since the days of slavery. Whites are prohibited.
  2. Freedom to Chose a Gender: From a list of some 36 different categories… hey why even have a gender at all?   Everyone can just be a ‘P’.
  3. Friend to ALL nations – that Obama likes: We love those countries that routinely behead dissidents including homosexuals, women and children. We love those nations that beat same women in the streets, throw homosexuals into dungeons and use children as sex slaves.
  4. Freedom of Speech: We can burn American flags as a sign of our anger, but he vehemently denounces the burning of the quran. Protests and riots by angry blacks are okay, but protests by citizens against Muslim ideologies – prohibited.
  5. Open Borders: A Soros/Marxist concept of communism that has contributed to gangs, crime, healthcare crisis, and education crisis.
  6. Colonization: An American historical atrocity that made the US deplorable according to Obama. However, it is permitted in countries the US would like to control… Land-grabs in parts of Africa, parts of South America, parts of the Middle East via war, and Ukraine – a Monsanto/Biden project.  Shhhhh, just don’t tell anyone…
  7. Welfare: As a country we must support everyone who is less fortunate. Even if it means that we become – the less fortunate as a result of Obama’s policies. The decline of the middle class is also a Communist agenda. It ushers in a class of uber elites who govern and control the peasant class – as in Lenin/Marxist doctrine.
  8. Welcoming Refugees: We support the infiltration of violent, un-vetted, rapists riddled with diseases who demand unconditional welfare status for eternity at an average cost of $60,000 per refugee, not including the life and disease cost promulgated on victims of the refugees.
  9. Human Rights: We must uphold fundamental human rights – for everyone except Americans. Peace is a human right. How many citizens did Obama sacrifice in wars across the middle east and Africa? Education – during his administration, despite many statements and billions of dollars, our education system is more broken than ever, riddled in Liberalism, intolerant of conservatism, intolerant of fundamental Constitutional Rights.

During the Obama administration, the exact same promises that Obama claims were successes, have been decried as his ‘biggest failures’: Obamacare, College Tuition Costs, Advanced Education, Climate Change, the Economy, International Relations, Nuclear Proliferation, Racial Discrimination, and US as World Peacemakers.

ALL of these successes are Abject Failures!

Despite this, Obama has arrogantly proclaimed that if he feels that Trump threatens these Obama values, then he will intervene to re-align Trump to the value system instituted by the Obama/Soros agenda. In other words – he may not be President any longer, but he plans to lurk menacingly in the shadows…