Repealing Obamacare – Truth vs Fiction

The media is blasting a ‘nonpartisan’ report released by the Congressional Budget Committee in which they headline, “18 million people will lose healthcare coverage in the first year and premiums for individuals will double in a decade”!  Perilous news!

Pure Trash.

But the report is making the claim based on a very large caveat: That no replacement healthcare plan would be put in position! And that has never been the strategy. The entire article is so incredibly misleading because it ignores the obvious – the replacement plan. And so, in essence the headlines and article are basically – FAKE NEWS.

Rand Paul has created an alternative plan. And while it may need tweaking, there is no intention of simply having ‘nothing’. The CBO report is based on 2015 jargon that claims Trump would simply drop Obamacare like a rock and leave people stranded. That has never been the mandate, aka he commissioned for an alternate and has one on his desk.

So why would the media release a fear mongering report based on outdated politics within a ‘nonpartisan’ partisan government office days before the Trump Inauguration?

To Spike Hate, Chaos, Fear and Anarchy.

The Washington Post is claiming that Trump promised a plan of replacement, but because Trump didn’t give the Washington Post details, they are jumping on a report that is nearly two years old and has no relationship to Trump whatsoever. It’s like they are mixing metaphors…

First.   The CBO review states that 18 million people would be reduced from coverage. What they fail to mention is why? The reason would be because many young people don’t want healthcare insurance, they can’t afford the monthly and their alternative is a mandated penalty.   The report is based on eliminating the Penalty. Thus they ‘estimate’ 18 million people would opt out – it’s called freedom of choice.

Secondly. They make the assumption that 10% of the population would live in areas where “they had no insurer participating in the nongroup market”.   But that’s already been happening under Obamacare. United, Blue Cross, Aetna have been mass exiting the individual marketplace because the youth market isn’t supportive of the aging sick market.

Thirdly. They claim premiums would go up in the nongroup market by 20-25%. But they did already this year under Obamacare! And in some market places they went up 45% this year!

The entire report is based on enacting a Bill; HR3762 that was proposed in 2015.

So before the media goes topsy-turvy over – gasp – a CBO report commissioned in 2015, that took nearly two years to finalize, check out the Truth.   And why did it take nearly two years to complete anyway?