Will Robert Kennedy Save America? NO. The Cartel Would Prevail

Conservative media pundits are railing against Trump supporters.  The largess cry is that Trump can‘t save us.  Trump is a liar.  Trump is deep state.  Trump flip-flops on ideologies.   Half of which is true – but the wording is the Language Libel tool.   Trump can save us from the abhorrent destructive mania.   He can reinstitute law.   And he can stop the border crisis.   The libel of liar and deep state are targeted vacant words to defame and instigate anger.  NOT UNIFYING.  And the ‘flip-flops’ are  no different than growing pains…  imagine if the ideologies of a person stagnated from the moment they turned 21 until they died… 

The punditry assumes that Maga are ignorant.   Maga live in a bubble.   Maga are fools.  Words of a man who lives by his own superiority, ego, and self esteem.   The solution is apparently – Kennedy.

No one dislikes Kennedy – he faces no lawsuits –  and the family name is historical.  But what would Kennedy actually do?   How would his advice be better than Trumps?   Why is his ego so self inscribed that he refuses teamwork?   Kennedy has announced his choice for VP is between Aaron Rogers and Jesse Ventura.  Really?

Jesse Ventura:   As governor, Ventura was aligned with the Reform Party.  Today his alignment is with the Green Party.   The Reform Party endorsed;  Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.   As Governor he took a $3 billion budget surplus and turned it into a $4.3 billion deficit.  Aligning himself with Ron Paul, Ventura was keen on being offered Paul’s VP ticket claiming he was Libertarian.   He voted Green.  The Green Party is Marxist.   A Ventura ballot would alienate everyone except the Cabal.

Aaron Rogers:  Rogers political career began less than 2 years ago when he began speaking out against the CoVid Vaccine.   Essentially, that would begin and end his political career.  Why Kennedy would consider him a strong VP candidate is up for grabs.

Whoever is advising Kennedy – is doing a poor job.   A Green Party ticket would destroy Kennedy’s credibility and dissolve his status in 0-3 seconds.  Kennedy is a Democrat.   He ran as a Democrat and failed.   Changing affiliations to Independent while supporting Green Party politics is a dead end.

Kennedy is pro-War in Israel supporting Netanyahu in his annihilation of every Palestinian.  He wants to close numerous military bases abroad (I agree).  He believes that NATO did create the Russian/Ukraine conflict but makes it clear he thinks Putin is a thug and a monster.  While banning all guns is not on Kennedy’s list – he would ban all assault weapons.  Kennedy advocates a single payer healthcare system wherein the wealthy can still opt for private healthcare.   This is the UK system which is in complete disarray and meltdown.  He stated that he would appoint an AG who is focused on police misconduct and ‘hate crimes’.

This last declaration is an immediate Zero!   Police are being killed and injured at an unprecedented rate!    Resignations are up, retirements are up, crime is through the roof – uncharged – and NYC has forcibly brought in the National Guard just to secure the subways!!   This is NOT about police brutality – it is about a judicial system that ALLOWS crime.   Police are shot during routine traffic stops, run over, and set up for execution!   Kennedy’s proposal is an extension of the destruction of our cities and clearly lacking in basic rationale.

If Kennedy’s name was John Smith, no one would give him a nod.   He has chosen as potential running mates – glorified entertainers.   He is funded by liberal and rhino entities and seems naïve in his sensibilities and understanding of The World Stage at large.

DONORS:   1) Gavin de Becker is the largest donor to Kennedy at $14.5 million.  Becker is a Hollywood cultist.  2)  Impala Asset Management primarily donates to rhino republicans such as McCarthy, Cruz and DeSantis. 3)  Skyhorse Publishing which donated to American Values Pac which gave $7.9 million to Kennedy.

Kennedy is NOT going to save America with Marxist Green Politics.

But the psychological ploy of picking an entertainer with a nationally known name as a VP is flat and certainly takes away from Kennedy’s status as a viable presidential candidate.   Instead, he is looking more like a trojan horse to take votes from MAGA and give the White House back to The Cartel.

IF Kennedy was really about America, about the American People he would see Trump as someone he could “Help”.    The same could be said of the now failed DeSantis campaign.   Ego became a self-serving agenda.  America was NOT the focus.   This is the one place where Trump stands out – America over self.   A legacy.  No, Trump can’t save America by himself which is why people like Kennedy could have offered ‘assistance’ – a position within a Trump White House where their particular strength would be valuable.  His ego won’t allow it – not even For America.

General Flynn is the epitome of that ideology – help – instead of hinder.   TEAM.   Kennedy and DeSantis made their presidential platform about themselves – instead of about The People.   What do The People want, Kennedy?   I don’t care what ‘you’ want.   MAGA is about The People – and every other candidate is vacant to that strength!

I personally don’t align with everything Trump.   The person sitting next to me doesn’t align with everything I support.   But the overall Agenda is about America – not YOU, or him, or her, or your wife or husband. 

Kennedy is about Kennedy.