CERN – The God Particle & CLIMATE CHANGE

The Conspiracy Theory regarding weather modification has been proven a reality for over a decade.   And yet – the connection to climate change has not been discussed.   Maybe, they screwed up!  The use of aerosols cooled the planet – so we banned aerosol products.   The use  of fossil fuels are warming the planet – so we are banning them.   Every person on the planet breathes out 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide daily for a total global daily output of  18.4billion pounds or 6.72 trillion pounds a year – so depopulation efforts to ban people are underway.     Weather manipulation is somehow the means to alter Climate Change despite research revealing it exasperates the problem!

Man attempting to be God.

As “science” attempts to glorify itself, their serious failures have likely been more causative than solution.   China has been openly deploying thousands of rain inducing machines across its country for nearly a decade.   When clouds are altered the weather that might have been naturally targeted for say Africa could be diverted to China.  Like every scientific discovery, the application for good is ultimately used for evil.   And the political or military application is obviously in play.

While climate has been ‘scientifically’ stated to have been volitively changing for tens of thousands of years, civilizations have died as a result in the short term – and likely been nearly eliminated in the long term.   The Anasazi moved during periods of climate change – and ultimately disappeared.

History museums are replete with graphics claiming that Colorado was once a lush rainforest, and northern Africa was fertile grassland before – it wasn’t.   People didn’t cause it, nor did they manipulate it – but it happened.    Science has stated that the cause of these historical changes occurs on a regular basis and is caused by Earth’s Orbital Wobble.

It is believed that interactions with Jupiter and Saturn create magnetic changes which affect our due North.   The cycle is believed to occur every 112,000 years and lasts roughly 26,000 years.   The theory produced by Milankovitch some 80 years ago is widely accepted today.   While there is no scientific reasoning found for these timed glacial-interglacial cycles the ‘science’ stipulated today to create pockets of wealth are creative – but false.

Given this evidence is contrary to the Climate Gurus of today, the new and improved version of the earth’s wobbling effect is deemed ‘human caused’.    Unfortunately, this human causation is simply a theory that has no actual evidence to support it.   But then ‘Science’ is a philosophy of thought and nothing more.

CERN  The God Particle.

Today, we have the ability to move agriculture to reflect climate change given our transportation system.   Instead, the goal is to war with climate and kill 90% of our global populace.

CERN was turned back on April 22, 2022 after a three year hiatus and suddenly the globe has been screaming Climate Change – once again.   CERN has been studying the effects of colliding particles, in particular muons, protons and electrons.   Particle physics are inherent in the natural cooling and heating processes of earth.   “Improvements and repairs” made to CERN over the last 3 years include the ability to squeeze more intense beams providing five times the data.

One piece of data released last year is the theory that muons accelerate ‘wobbles’.   Muons are caused by cosmic rays which penetrate earth’s atmosphere reaching land surface and even deep within its core producing ionizing radiation.   About 10,000 muons reach every square meter of the earth’s surface a minute.    Creating muons within the CERN Haldron collider releases muons into the surface and into the atmosphere.   Accelerating wobbling effects.

CERN back online until 2025 is likely to enhance the wobbling effect creating a faster climate change model.

Therefore the statement that ‘climate change’ is being caused by humans is true, it is misleading.   Because the humans causing this massive acceleration and the causal factors attributed to them are False.   Scientists are causing the acceleration.   The same scientists that Steven Hawking warned us about when he said that CERN would not only ultimately destroy earth, but our entire universe.