Constitution Party – A Cult Built in Fakery

In 1991 a new and improved Party was created in the US, it is called the Constitution Party.  Ever hear of it?   Neither had I, but you are in good company.  NO one I have talked to has ever heard of this anomaly party.  They have 0 seats in the House and 0 seats in the Senate, identify as extreme fundamental right wing Conservatives with strong southern Baptist ideals.   Their entire US membership is 97,893 which would be roughly .02% of the US population.  Their colors are – wait for it … red, white and blue.  And their newest cult leader is Pastor Chuck Baldwin.

Mr. Baldwin received his ‘Bible’ diploma from an unaccredited, correspondence school.  His political policies include:  The elimination of the New World Order which he states will immediately vanquish itself upon his election because God so ordained him.  He will abolish all personal Federal income taxes and replace them with an across the board 10% tariff on all imports.  He believes the US should return to the gold standard and advocates for tapping oil reserves in Canada, the Dakota’s and the Gulf.  He believes that America was founded as a haven for Christians, opposes the Patriot Act, Wants to abolish the US department of Education, promotes militia believes in the sanctity of life, detests drinking, considers homosexuals perversions, a movements across the US, and believes that the US has succumbed to a matriarchal society that needs to be suppressed and subjugated to conform to strict Evangelical doctrines.  He advocates for the immediate quashing of the UN and the confiscation of all UN real estate by the government.

His one claim to fame is that Ron Paul endorsed his Presidential election in 2008 – despite the fact that NO ONE per se, has ever heard of him outside his cult.

He has become the Party spokesperson for the .02% affiliates that believe he would constitute a Constitutional President.

While many of his platforms are not wholly, in their essence, derogatory, the arrogance that he would ever be able to effectuate any of them – is unequivocally – derogatory. And, a bit scary.  He obviously has no conceptual understanding of government, the Senate, the House, or, much of anything real.

If in fact this Party had a following, one might be concerned for the fanatical cultivism it exudes, but a .02% following will never equate to anything of consequence. As such, they are more of an annoyance, much like the Ocasio-Cortez Green Party that irritates both Democrats and Conservatives with its flamboyant idiocy and relative unintelligent knowledge of history, politics, economics, or the world at large.

When asked what their Constitutional Party has accomplished, the answer is generally a spew of personal attacks reminiscent of liberal agenda’s wherein if you haven’t an answer, attack the character of the person asking the question.  If they had actual numbers behind them, they might be a legitimate threat to society as a whole, but they are so infinitesimally small they are merely a fly to swat on one’s leg in the midst of the humid heat of summer in Florida.

They are nothing.

However, if you have the occasion to attempt to discuss anything with them, buyer beware, because they have a lethal wicked tongue that will attempt to spew denigrating verbiage to support a non-existent platform that will never even make a dent in the reality of politics – anywhere.

In review, Chuck Baldwin’s credentials bear witness to some sketchy if not bizarre falsehoods.  While his supposed BA and MA degrees came from a ‘non-accredited’, correspondence school, he claims to be a lawyer and a Pastor despite offering no evidence of either.  He claims honorary doctorate degrees were imposed on him by Christian Bible College which currently boasts a full time staff of – 28 and an entire undergraduate admission of 377.   Unfortunately, this college does not have a doctorate degree program and thus has no ability to honor an honorary degree in such.   Oops.

As such, the man, his Party, is pushing a fake person, with fake degrees, who is obviously a fake Christian, attempting to fake his way into a Presidential election and supported by Ron Paul who has completely lost credibility and is venturing into senality. Baldwin thus has managed to not only denigrate the Constitutional Party, Ron Paul, and anyone so affiliated, he is a clown, a mockery of a person who has an agenda within a possible support of .0 to .02% of the population.

And Bev, Clay, and all 98,000 of you swarmees – you have been conned by a really bad conman who didn’t even try to be legitimate, you should be ashamed for not conducting ANY due diligence and following a cult agenda that is so obviously poor, fake, and convoluted, even the most basic research can destroy the fakery.