GLOBAL DEBT is Unraveling Global Sustainability

Global debt is unraveling.   With the help of Brandon, the US is now well over 130% of GDP.   The EU is running collectively at just over 100% with five countries between 100% and 200%.   And the money machine continues to crank out paper that has no value.   And yet, the US Congressional pundits think now is a good time to forgive ALL education debt with is approaching $4 trillion.   Ukraine was well into the hole of debt with a Comedic President who had absolutely no idea how to run a country, much less his own meager finances – and became a sovereign debt defaulter.

The debt to GDP ratio jumped from it’s normal range to 82% in Obama’s first years as president and has increased every single year since.

And suddenly, Biden signs an EO advocating the research for global cryptocurrency.   WHY? Because the governments know full well, that the RESET fundamentally requires that all outstanding debt has to be extinguished in order to start anew.   All treasuries, all bonds, would RESET to $-0-.  And Control of the form of Money translates to the control of who is allowed to buy what.   A form of rationing.


There is no scarcity of resources. There is oil a plenty, there is bountiful wheat, gold, diamonds, cows, vegetables and fruit. There would even be plentiful God given rainfall if ALL countries actually managed this resource. In the US that would be California where droughts and floods are a typical surge between el Nino and la Nina.   Despite this knowledge, California, an agriculture haven, does absolutely nothing year over year.

The real reason for depopulation is simply because the elites don’t want to ‘share’. Anything. They believe that only they are ‘worthy’ of this planet.   And the riff-raff must be excluded.

Years ago, Aspen Colorado, an elite junkyard, announced they were raising their ski rates – triple – in order to keep out the ‘riff-raff’.   They didn’t want to share the mountain with anyone who had a net worth below their leanest millionaire.   That lasted all of two years before the mountain realized few came.

As we approach the installation of the World Economic Forum’s Great RESET, governments and politicians are scrambling to make as much money as possible so they won’t be considered the ‘riff-raff’ and lose their seat in the NWO pyramid.   They have shown us that they will murder millions of citizens in order to achieve that coveted seat for eternity.  And they know if they don’t achieve the necessary wealth, they will be relegated to either extinction or peasant status.

The plague of money owns them.

Inflation is supposed to be based on ‘supply & demand’, theoretically.   But it isn’t any longer. It is as manipulated as was the election, Covid, the media and coups.   The supply chain crisis was also a created vassal of illusion.

There are 331,500,000 people in the US with a 2.63 count per housing unit,  That would equate to a need of 126,500,000 needed housing units.   According to Statista there are over 140 million housing units.   There is no shortage – there is a surplus of roughly 11%.

The US office vacancy rate stands at 12.5% to 15%.   We don’t need more offices.   Turn the offices into unneeded housing units…

But the concept that everything is a “crisis” is the chaos card played over and over like a record on an old worn out gramophone.   To hide the fact that reality would be just fine – without 95% of federal government, without 95% of local politicians, without CIA proxy media, and without a federal reserve. They have no real purpose – they are unessential. One sheriff, one mayor per town, to report to one governor.

The Department of Transportation employs 55,000 people.   The number of employees of the CIA is ‘classified’ but ‘estimated to be over 22,000’ – locally – meaning agents stationed across the globe are not in that count.   The FBI – ‘approximates 35,000’ – no one seems to know for sure. And still our government hires mercenaries to do what the CIA and FBI are disallowed from doing – although paid from the same coffer – US Taxpayers.

According to our esteemed Economists and Financial Advisors, the advantages of having government debt are:

  • Increased international trade.
  • More companies operating globally rather than nationally.
  • High level of dependence between countries/economies.
  • Freer movement of capital, goods, services and people.

ALL of these ‘advantages’ have proven to be our chaos. Why?   Global MASS corruption.

When the Handlers that run the US demanded that ALL countries sanction Russia and threatened to sanction any country that didn’t – many balked angrily.   Because the demand usurped their power completely and would make them subject to the World Economic Forum’s Reign wherein Committee’s will become the NWO adopted form of government.

What we don’t realize is that WEF ideology has already been dropped and adopted. We keep asking why our US government is doing nothing – Congress drinking umbrella Maitai’s while US citizens are screaming for help when there is no one in the forest to hear.

ALL these government employees do – literally nothing. The Committee took complete control when Brandon was installed. The governments which have been gobbled have no power, they read scripts like a Hollywood actor. And the holdouts are thus – The Enemy.

Current US Dabblings:   There are ten to eleven ongoing conflict/wars that the US has it’s benevolent hand in today: Ukraine, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Pakhtunkhwa, Horn of Africa, Maghreb, Sudan and technically Afghanistan.

Why are there no sanctions against the US? Why are US citizens crying desperately over Ukraine – but nary a tear is shed for these other countries? Dead children.   Devastated infrastructure.

Pundits continue to decry that Russia only has 2-3 friends and the rest of the GLOBE are against the Stag – Putin.  

Of all 12 South American countries – two managed to pinker up:   Chile said it would follow the UN sanctions and Argentina said – cease military actions. Not exactly Note Worthy condemnations.   So no Russia has NOT isolated itself from the world – they have simply taken a stand in defiance of the Mafia Committee along with roughly half the globe, including super power China.

And a massive shift is about to take place which derails the Committee at large! These are the STAG Governments.   Not the cowards that inhabit offices throughout the US, UK and ‘most’ of Europe. IF in fact The Committee was so ever assured of their agenda – why do they cower behind children?   Women?   Men of honor?


While the media is obsessed with Trump bashing, the world of business continues to turn. One such turn is cyrptocurrency which is smashing the markets right now and getting very little media attention that is positive. In fact, the major banking institutions missed the boat, and curmudgeons that they are, they are determined to ignore reality. And reality is:

Bitcoin – up 2125% in 12 months

Litecoin – up 9800% in 12 months

Ethereum – up 7266% in 12 months

And still! The major outlets either ignore these stats, or refuse to acknowledge that they happened and claim it is all a crash and die bubble.

Maybe. But – maybe not.

Some of the bigger companies already accepting Bitcoin include; Microsoft, Overstock, Subway, WordPress, Reddit, Expedia, Virgin Galactic, Wikipedia, etc… Russia recently announced that in response to the continued sanctions, they may team with Iran and Venezuela to drop the US dollar as their primary currency for trading oil and revert to cryptocurrency. They did not specify which one.

As of December 10th, futures trading on the Cboe Exchange was launched creating a frenzy of buys and sells. This is not for the faint of heart. When a correction occurs, which is frequently now, it easily shapes into a 20-25% curve. Exchanges crash temporarily unable to hold up to the massive volume, and the ride continues.

So why did the major banks and financial institutions avoid the crypto surge? The most obvious reason is because they don’t have control. It is outside of the Federal Reserve heavy hand, outside of government’s Big Brother hand, and thus a free reined Bronco!

In addition, the existence of money outside of cash may ultimately effect lending and mortgages as money can be made available through an open source peer to peer market without interference, or hefty interest rates.

More importantly, Cryptocurrencies undermine the Soros Cabal because they are no longer in control of the economy, the spending, and the flow of money. While claiming that cryptocurrencies promote money laundering, the truth is, money laundering is already well entrenched in the offshore banking industry in which Soros is well ‘funded’, avoiding taxes, and hiding – money. So the argument is relatively benign.

Cryptocurrency should be the story of the year, and yet the media is dragging it’s feet, and instead promoting stories in their Business Section like: Sexual Harassment and HR, St Louis Reconnects With The Gateway Arch, The Alternate Right Created A Parallel Internet, Will Robots Take Our Jobs, Alabama’s Election Reshaping Washington, Trump Escalates Criticism of Media, etc… BORING.

And the DOW went up .56%…

There are currently roughly 125 Hedge Funds investing in cryptocurrencies as of October. The top five crytpocurrencies now have a market cap of over $406 billion. DAILY trading volume of just the top five is well over $29 billion. But hey, this is just a bubble?

There are 1344 cryptocurrencies with more coming online as the concept of a free market explodes. Millennials are driving the trading as they pour every available dollar into what they see as ‘the future’.   And the codgers will be left behind because as currency trading shifts from standard currencies, the dollar, the Euro, the Yen will take a nose dive.

Futures trading will impact crypto trading simply because it offers the ability to short the market, something Soros may manipulate. In the meantime, CME, the world’s largest futures exchange is slated to launch futures trading in Bitcoin December 18th.   It is thought this will usher in the ETF’s and an entirely new platform of trading.


BITGOLD: The Soros/Chase Connection

The extraordinary virtual reality of Bitcoin is so massively corrupted that agencies have no idea how to invade it’s cyber space.

We don’t know who created it, who developed the program, where, or when it was originated, and yet it has grown into a massive conglomerate of cryptocurrency without the traditional backing of gold. It is a bubble waiting to burst and yet no one could be held responsible because we don’t have a clue who is behind it…

Much like a virtual reality game, Bitcoin created it’s own language, cast, crew and dialogue:

You have Miners and Bitpay and Coinbase, software wallets, wallet stores, input owners, blockchains, network nodes, virtual ledgers, key holders, and transactions can occur as a representation of as little as one hundred millionth of a bitcoin.

It reminds me of the old game Simm City whereby a city would be created using computer software replete with houses, offices, skyscrpaers, garden, people, roads etc… A virtual city that you as the gatekeeper managed. Bitcoin is a virtual monetary unit and most likely was initially created as a – game.

For lack of an inventor, the name Satoshi Nakamoto was created for no other reason than to give reality to a nonexistent programmer. An institute was created in 2012 to give credence to the name. A foundation was developed. All under a ficticious name representing a virtual reality nonexistent product… What’s worse, this global scam has captivated hundreds of thousands of people into it’s web.

The underlying concept of Bitcoin is that it is decentralized, it has no Federal Reserve Bank as it’s third party vendor, and thus it is employed in a more free and open market. It is a world currency, which could translate as the basis of a ‘one world government’.   There are multiple fallacies within the concept;   1) someone(s) have to manage the ledgers, the computers, the programs, and the upkeep, 2)   if the ledgers are virtual, stored in a virtual node, hacking could bring about a complete failure of all transactions and ledgers, 3)   it’s value is artificially created, it has nothing to support it’s value other than a program created by a programmer who makes the stipulation and like the Wizard of Oz, becomes the absolute authority, and 4) there is no checks and balances, fraud, theft, collusion, manipulation, are all freely engaged.

All transactions are completely anonymous given that the both the buyer and seller users are identified only by a Bitcoin number. Tracing transactions is completely opaque which has given rise to its usefulness within the underworld, trafficking, porn and other criminal conduits. Few actual mainstream banking or investment houses will trade in this medium. In fact, JP Morgan CEO, Jamie Dimon, has recently declared that Bitcoin is a Fraud.  But there may be an ulterior motive…

Today there are roughly 16.5 million Bitcoins in circulation with a current value of roughly $3825; $63.1 billion float.

Gavin Andresen claims that the fake founder Nakamoto, handed him the power to manage Bitcoin in 2010. Andresen is a software developer whose claim to fame was 3D Graphics and online games for the blind. In other words, a brand new world currency that could revolutionize monetary policy was handed over to a guy who was working on a computer game… He is currently claiming to be ‘the developer’ of Bitcoin.

In 2016, Andresen publically announced that he was not the actual founder and programmer of Bitcoin, but that this title was conferred on Craig Wright. Oddly, it was later proven that Craig Wright was a fraud. So why would Andresen readily hand over his crown to someone he knew was a fraud?

Given that Andresen claimed to have worked alongside the pseudonym Nakamoto, he would be the only person to know who the real inventor was, and in deferring to Wright, that should have served as proof. But investigations by Wired and Gizmodo, claim their evidence proved Wright was a fake. Therefore we must also conclude that Andresen is a fake.  And as expected, Bitcoin is being set up to crash.  But not before a replacement has been created aka Soros and the Banking Cartel.

Think George Soros is out of touch?  The media would like us to believe so.  Tch-Tch.  Think again. BitGold, a Canadian startup is taking the virtual currency concept in a slightly different direction, using gold as the bit source, or node. Josh Crumb, one of the founders brags that he has some heavy weight investors including Alex Soros, son of George Soros.

In this scenario, the ‘physical gold’ is stored in Brink’s Vault. Sold on the NY Exchange under the symbol XAU, it is now considered the most popular gold exchange rate. And while the CEO of JP Morgan is claiming Bitcoin is a fraud, for the past two years JP Morgan Chase has been busily not only mining gold, but accumulating and hoarding physical gold and silver, all the while encouraging the use of digital currency… as in BitGold.

Who else is hoarding gold?  France, Germany, India, Norway, Switzerland, China and Russia.

Oh my, oh my.  Funny how that makes sense.