Climate Change Reparations: The US Must Pay!

Drought in various African countries is being scrutinized once again for the purpose of determining ‘fault’.   Of course, African countries, governments and their people’s are not considered remotely at fault in this  drought and food shortage epidemic.  Why?  Because the point of ‘fault’ is to charge other ‘rich’ countries a monetary punishment.    Those punishable countries would apparently include western nations and NOT China – in particular, the US.   Suddenly Germany’s Deutsche Welle has determined that the US is responsible for the damages – alone.

This distinction automatically reveals the punishment is arbitrary and simply another means of diluting western wealth into an African model of peasant class.   With an upcoming pre-climate summit scheduled in Glasgow, India claims they will NOT adhere to any climate mandates or stipulations unless they are guaranteed $1 trillion from the US by 2030!  AH!

Somalia and Guatemala are also demanding monetary compensation.  South Africa has already been pledged $8.5 billion – not because of drought per se, but because of flooding and drought – meaning gross mismanagement of resources which is being stipulated as a western nation cause.

Africa’s weather was not documented until 1961.  Thus when making predictions, 1961 is the baseline year for comparative purposes.   Algorithms and modeling forecasts have been consistently wrong and science would appear to be bewildered…  Thus MONEY is the answer.  In light of these analyses, building irrigation systems is still being considered as a possible solution.   But they aren’t sure…   4500 years ago the Minoans had irrigation systems in place – but Africa still doesn’t…  How is that?

The punishment equation is suggested given that Africa produces less than .1% of global ‘carbon emissions and these emissions are determined to be the sole cause of all climate change.   Carbon is the created cause despite scientific graphics generated for thousands of years showing climate alterations have existed forever – before and during human activity.

When supporting the ’cause’ a graphic is presented that is conveniently altered to reflect a radically short period of time for comparison.  Why not show the entire graphic?   Because the white knights are sleeping and black pawns are overpowering our king.

By isolating a cause, the Powers have the opportunity to isolate a perpetrator.   Justice is the fantasy game!    Anyone and everyone whose life is made better by fossil fuels and who is not a member of the Pyramid Dynasty Club must have their existence purged of comfort.   Hence fake shortages and fake inflation.

Stockpiles of baby formula and ‘tampons’ are under government control.   No other nation has a shortage of these commodities.   Oddly, the shortage crisis has seemingly targeted only babies and women.  Why?  Likely to focus on the emotional response and fear.   A beer shortage might be met differently…

But wait.   A shortage of glass bottles in the EU has put a damper on German beer.   Revered scientists are busily looking for a solution and have come to a conclusion:   “The global water shortage could be mitigated if urine instead of water was used in the processing of – beer.”   How that relates to bottles – I have no idea – but it is SCIENCE!

The breweries affected by the glass shortage would apparently only be the small and medium sized independent businesses, not the large industrials.   Why?   No idea, unless they have been systematically hoarding glass bottles for the last year in preparation for yet another manipulated scheme.

Climate She Does Change.  

Climate science didn’t even exist until the 1850’s when measuring temperatures via outdated and antiquated methods created a data base.   The methodology has changed vastly, but the data bases are static.   But even those faulted means did not take into account the globe, but fractions of it.   In Africa, these same scientists claim a faulted data base dating from just 60 years ago and use this uniformly to make the assumption that this represents a valid field.

Reverting from our true issues of Master Manipulators and Cult elites playing an elaborate chess game is the age old distraction used over and over – because each time, it plays.  

Africa needs to build dams, reservoirs, canals, and irrigation systems to mitigate their own issues.

Blaming the US is akin to blaming the US for the African slave trade.   It fails to acknowledge history in total, and instead creates a Hollywood version of irresponsibility.   Creating more liberals incapable of cracking an egg, much less managing a country.   But then the methodology was utilized to justify Mao and Stalin in their psychotic purges.

Africa doesn’t need any more taxpayer dollars, they don’t need micro loans at 30%,they need to take responsibility.

India doesn’t need a $trillion from US taxpayers, they need their sovereignty to make their own choices to mature and grow on their own skin.   But bringing down the western countries is the target practice of the day.   And few leaders are left a s holdouts to repel this invasion.

While some countries have no cards left in the game, the US is still holding a few aces.  

In the words of Kenny rogers, “ you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em ,know when to walk away and when to run ”

Folding with a hand full of aces is NOT the way of Americans.   We just don’t talk as much as you…