DOCTORS Cannot CURE Any Disease

When did this medical nontransparent tidbit regarding ‘shedding’ come to light.   The first mainstream came about as a result of the CoVid Vaccine?   However, shedding occurs with every vaccine, every medication, including chemo.   This would mean that of the some 100+ vaccines that children get – they are also shedding those vaccines on everyone they come in contact with – family, friends, friends of friends – neighbors…   everyone.  

Yet not ONE mainstream doctor feels the need to reveal this toxic side effect when administering any clot shots?   Wouldn’t that be a form or medical malpractice?

The primary cause of Leukemia is previous chemotherapy?  Rarely will a doctor reveal this pertinent information.  Why not?   The second greatest cause of Leukemia is previous – radiation – also administered without the patient’s knowledge of this subsequent side effect.  The primary treatment recommended for Leukemia… – is chemotherapy.  The same chemo that caused the disease.

President Assad’s wife was recently diagnosed with Leukemia derived from previous chemo administered in 2019 for breast cancer.   The doctors say that her Leukemia is a direct result of the Chemo.   Imagine – in a parallel Universe an America doctor making such an admission of Truth?   If  you – can!   She is a stunningly beautiful woman who emanates grace and poise  – at only 48.

Americans are not allowed to have compassion for her because our esteemed government and its affiliate NGO agencies have deemed Syria, its citizens and leaders, as criminals worthy of sanctions and economic hardship.   Of course bombing Syria was the American Government’s way of showing how evil the country really is.  The absolute destruction levied upon this country by the West is on par with Palestine.  Ancient History destroyed!   What was once beautiful and ornate is now rubble.

In Gaza only the Holy sites have been spared by Israel’s relentless bombs.   Why would a secular state preserve Holy sites?   Because they represent tourism.  They represent money.  Big MONEY!

For decades, our government realized the effectiveness of hypnosis and mind control in creating a parallel earth.  Our Feed told us who was good and who was bad.  A Bad country – must be destroyed!   All within this bad country should die.   Islam is Bad.   Secularism is Good.  The Feed replays on a loop.  Thus, Americans are disallowed from having sympathy toward anyone in a government prescribed ‘bad country’;  Iran, Syria, Russia, Hungary, China, etc…  If you sympathize that is akin to sponsoring terrorism and therefore you must be punished.  Severely.

The Feedee’s are so severely aberrated as to call for the genocide of Americans who don’t support war, because peace is disallowed.

The delusion implemented has been quite profound.  But there are outsiders.   Those who didn’t submit to the Feed.  Creating two distinct human species. Educated people on both sides of the proverbial aisle, yet processing information differently.   The medical community has fallen into this void – injecting diseases into our bodies and chastising those who refuse.  There are currently thirteen different vaccines my chart shows I am lacking.  And even more prescriptions.  Do I have symptoms that relate to any of these?  No.   Another medical miracle – I am asymptomatic!

Mainstream media ignores Asma Al-Assad.  Not merely because we are not allowed compassion toward an educated woman who grew up and went to school in the UK, but because the pronouncement of her health crisis would upend the American Medical posit – American trained doctors have no idea what causes Leukemia – it is a mystery.   The same deflection for nearly every single disease known to man…  first statement, “no one knows what causes this disease, however…”   The list of medications and surgeries is thus provided.   In the real world of science, if one doesn’t know the cause – one cannot cure the ailment.  And all the medical training is – for not.  Best to simply go for plastic surgery – everyone knows what causes aging!

Why do we go to the Dentist every 6 months if mouthwash kills 99.9% of all bacteria?  TO pay half a mortgage payment to clean the .1% of remaining bacteria?   Why must we be required to have eye exams as a prerequisite to repurchase lenses or glasses every year?   My personal prescription has been the same for 30 years.  Why do I have to ‘register’ my car?   I mean, are you planning to take it’s fingerprints and arrest it for some potential future crime?  My Car.  An Outlaw.  A Weapon of Mass Destruction!

While it is amazing that the cartel was able to put together this entire WEB while we merrily went along, “Singing in the Rain, Oh…”, it is equally amazing how quickly – it fell apart.   A Humpty Dumpty Story – to be sure.

The self flagellation exposed on Tweeter regarding the defensive Zionists is a bit over the top drama.   The PR is in Hyper Mode – but isn’t making a dent.   The deed is done – the Pandora Box is Open – and they have LOST.

Doctors?   Shame!   Kaiser is now begging the unvaxed doctors to return – pretty please!   Why doesn’t Kaiser want the vaxed doctors?   Why did the elites demand unvaxed pilots?  Because they all knew.  Because doctors and nurses shed.

WHY do we need millions of illegal immigrants to do the work of the legal and seasonal immigrants?   Because the death rate is vastly higher than we are being told.   Feeding low unemployment –

The same Financial Times that is a subsidiary of the Rothschild Economist just announced that the reason Argentina’s Milei cannot get inflation under control is because the government keeps “PRINTING MONEY!”   So in Argentina – government money printing = out of control inflation.   In America – government money printing = good for the economy!  What’s with that Inflation, Fred?

There is no way to protect oneself from a shedding person.  Especially when that potential shedding is inserted in 180 million Americans.  So we have to take care of our own health via education, diet, exercise, vitamins, minerals, and herbs.  Oddly, conventional doctors are disallowed from talking about vitamins, minerals and herbs by – BIG PHARMA.

4 thoughts on “DOCTORS Cannot CURE Any Disease

  1. I think I concur with the article title. That said, without doubt most pharmaceutical drugs just treat symptoms and cause other problems downstream and then usually more drugs are prescribed to combat further symptoms and then the never-ending downward health spiral from the feedback loops and the bodies inability to deal with more drug burdens. Typical medical thinking: Name your drug here _______ yes, said drug cured your symptoms because you had a deficiency of said drug. WTF? Unless the root causes are addressed more problems are usually created as a by-product rather than curing symptoms in isolation.

    Asama al-Assad: I really liked that you not only used her for an example of radiation problems, but also your quote: “She is a stunningly beautiful woman who emanates grace and poise – at only 48.” Agree 100%, I think historically, very few first ladies have held a candle to her beauty, grace, and poise. Think of the hardships that she been through as Syria’s First Lady and look at how she still radiates those qualities.

  2. We can see the widespread ignorance of the public with their acceptance of the poison jab. And most people diagnosed with serious cancers accept radiation and chemotherapy. There is no excuse, the information is available.

    If Israel hit holy sites, gullible Christians could be alarmed. Zionists use Christians as a valuable resource.

    I have not accepted the Feed. The other side thinks differently, but more importantly, incorrectly, not in a moral, ethical or logical fashion.

  3. I am in my 70’s and take no pharma pills.I still lift weights, run 50 yd dash cut down 30-40 ft trees ,block them and split them. I am unvaxxed as is my entire family. I currently have a bet with men i used to play football with and against. The bet is I will bench press 205lbs, free wights. My former teammates and opponents are all on at least 5-9 different prescriptions. They sit and watch tv . They do nothing. They are all vaxxed and boosted. Received a call from one of them last week who wants to get in on the free money as he calls it.
    I asked him about his health and he told me he is a new man. Has had 2 hip replacements, spinal fusion operation and now has had heart surjury. He told me modern pharma is wonderful, it extends and gives a quality of life and that he knows i will have a heart attack and die from lifting weights . One of the drugs he is on is prednazone. It is a wonder drug he told me i told him it’s really called pregnazone and you must be fucked in the head to take it.

  4. Wouldn’t that be a form or medical malpractice? SHOULD READ Wouldn’t that be a form OF medical malpractice?

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