China’s Economy Has Been Tanking Since 2017

In contrast to the Magical Mystery Tour Illusionists we fancifully refer to as the Cabalists, China’s economy is tanking and has been since 2017.   The erasers of history have yet to pull the Google strings completely, and China’s economic expansion hit a brick wall and has been in a downward spiral for four years.   Hyping the China economy – is a game.

Harvard is a classic initiator of all things pro-China. In 1993, Harvard aligned with 5 Chinese Universities in joint collaborations called The China Project.   Of 115 US universities that received funding from China, Harvard raked in the most tauting $93.7 million out of a $1 billion total.   Harvard has been front and center in the China Thousand Talent Program wherein sensitive intellectual property created at US research universities was shared/given to individuals sympathetic with the CCP. Often illegally.

So when Harvard issues their reports on China, Harvard says what China writes. Because it comes from Harvard, few will challenge the statements which typically reflect China as the new Worlds Economic Powerhouse.   Unfortunately, the numbers simply aren’t real.

A recent post in referenced just this sort of blather by two authors, Graham Allison, age 81, a former Clintonite, and fellow at Brookings and the Trilateral, and Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google.   Schmidt serves on the board of The Economist, and was a major funder of Obama and Hillary.   He holds dual citizenship in Cyprus for its tax haven status which has been the subject of Google criticism for years.

Other interesting alliances include Schmidt visiting the Vatican, despite having a secular view, and his visit to Myanmar as it transitioned thru the color revolution coup and instillation of pro-cabalist government in 2013.

Schmidt and Allison would have us believe the economy in China is booming, that they have surpassed the US, and that all the experts historically who claimed China could not achieve domineering status – were wrong.   The basis of the original argument was because China could only imitate, not innovate under its authoritarian regime.

Which was and still is a truism.

China’s economy is built on cheap replica’s.   It’s technology and science sectors are propped up by US institutions selling US intellectual property in exchange for gifts. The Wuhan Institute Gain of Function research was funded by NIH thru EcoAlliance ($600,000) and NIAID ($826,000).   In addition, NIH sponsored scientists from various US schools worked at the laboratory to teach the Chinese how it is done.

According to a Judicial Watch expose, research associated with the EcoAlliance NIH award was also being conducted at East China Normal University in China and Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore.  EcoHealth was supposed to be awarded over $700,000 per year for five years for their research into “infectious cDNA clones which are available in the lab, including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, conventional human and model CoVs, and several bat CoVs with pandemic potential.”

Judicial Watch obtained emails between HHS government and the foundation of U.S. billionaire Bill Gates who worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chinese-produced medications to be sold outside China.

The emails detail the complicity of World Health Organization, Peter Daszak, Fauci, Gates, and HHS dating back to 2014. The Wuhan Institute Bio Lab was completed in 2014 at a cost of $44 million in collaboration with the French company CIRI. CIRI provided conceptual, engineering and logistics for the Wuhan Bio4 lab facility because the Chinese scientists could only mimic what their US and French counterparts detailed.   Funding was tabled when various lab failures revealed that EcoAlliance was NOT monitoring safety as was required per their grant from NIH – not to mention the release of CoVid BATshitake.

By contrast, the Canadian Winnipeg lab took ten years to build and cost $179 million in 2009.  China Cheap.

IF China was so unparalleled in their economic and scientific evolution, they wouldn’t require NIH, NIAID, CERI, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Canada’s Winnipeg Bio-4 lab, Fort Detrick, among hundreds of others to show them how it is done.

The ONLY point in establishing medicines in China thru Gates and Fauci was to cut costs and make a financial windfall from Cheap China.

What the CCP and Harvard do NOT detail is the fact that China is out of water, their unabated air pollution is catastrophic, their lithium and rare earth mines have completely ravaged land and caused massive water pollution, their coal output is highest ever today, and the cleanup bills for these catastrophic projects run in the billions and will take over 100 years.

The impact on humans is even more expansive. The mining has been releasing cadmium, lead and radioactive materials that cause bone cancer, skin cancer, and cardiovascular and respiratory issues.  GOSH Darn – isn’t China just the hippity hoppin bestest in the World??

China’s solution?   Move the mining to Africa.

Oddly, both Schmidt and Allison fail miserably to identify the full spectrum of this technology and science monstrosity built by a communist regime bent on illusions that will effectively destroy china’s land, people, and ‘sustainability’.   But then who actually wrote the report?   Allison or the CCP?  And Schmidt, well he’s sunning on the coast in his new $30 million digs drinking Mai Tai’s…

3 thoughts on “China’s Economy Has Been Tanking Since 2017

  1. China although a large and populous country has an economy that is far behind ours. China’s GDP per capita is $10,400 whereas the US has a GDP per capita of $63,300 Total GDP $21 Trillion US, $14 Trillion China. Their giant Naval Fleet we keep hearing about how they have surpassed the US is an illusion. China’s navy is suffering from structural problems. Their steel is substandard as is the workmanship leaving them with unsafe tin cans. Our Navy would mop the floor with them, the same with their Air Force. It’s impossible to produce quality products with forced labor. This is always the problem with Communism. Trump knew that future wars would be economic and his China policies on fair trade was devastating to their already weak economy. Unfortunately Biden reversed Trumps policy.

  2. China was always seen as a liar. They lied about everything. It was a joke until just recently, the left began to create the China Cheap as a reality… WHY? Because China told them to or China would unleash truth that would completely devastate the Western propaganda…

  3. i keep hearing about how great the chinese culture is,from what i’ve read and seen,the chinese always have been a brutal,nasty,dirty country. they seem to have no morals when it comes to business,just look at how many times they contaminated pet food,tooth paste ,mouth wash,packaged foods,and probably the drugs we take,they make almost all of them now,the list goes on. thru out history almost,if not all major plagues started in china and spread all over the world,the latest is the covid scam.they sneak and connive their way into a country’s politics,subvert our schools and universities,corrupt our doctors and medical research centers,Jesus i’ll be here all day!! you get my point,nixon was a dupe and and asshole to ever think he could control these people,he should have left them to their muddy roads and carts and oxen and america maybe wouldn’t be where we are now,swirling down the shitter!

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