Who IS Anti-Semitic? Who Were The Semites?

Anti-Semitic.   Thrown around as though it pertains to a singular current time culture – or religion.   The word Semitic was actually a reference to a common language and bloodline in reference to Noah’s son Shem.   Parallel bloodlines of the time were the Hamites and Japhatites. Hamites were descendants of Noah’s son Ham and native to North Africa and the Horn.   Japhitites were descendants of Noah’s son Japheth and are considered modern day Europeans. Muslims believe Japheth is the ancestor of the Khazars, Turks, and Slavs.  Of course it is believed that the Ashkenazi Jews were the Khazars.   But knowing the Truth, is far different than the billions of speculations.

It wasn’t until 1770 that the Gottingen School of History located in Germany and founded by the King of England, decried that Semitic people were a race, not a bloodline.   It wasn’t until the 20th century that the term Semitic was applied to religion by Carlton S. Coon. From Harvard and usurped as a ‘bloodline’.

Coon was ‘associated with the Office of Strategic Services, a front for the CIA.   In 1945 Coon “wrote an influential paper that argued that the United States should continue the use of wartime intelligence agencies to maintain an “Invisible Empire” in the postwar period”.   He is considered the modern theory of the creation of ‘races’ as opposed to bloodlines.

The point –   ‘anti-Semitism’ is mostly a farcical version of BLM.   There is a history, but that history is rewritten, exponentialized, and wholly bereft of fact and truth.   If one wants to find anything ‘anti’ it has likely existed at some point in time and could be brought to the surface for victimhood.   No one, no bloodline has been left unscathed.   But when it becomes a live virus it can mutate and find a host in anyone.

So why is the victimhood of anti-Semitism so much in the forefront?

No one has a problem with victimizing ‘white supremacists’, or ‘Patriots’, or Trumpers, or anything that is attributable to a prefect side.   The minority are much more of a sob story and thus co-opted for media Blitz and Glitz!   And of course, pretty soon, those who had no opinion are just sick to death of the wah-wah stories and now find they DO have a prejudicial view that never before existed!

The divide grows.   The polarization becomes the means of destruction.

Anti-semitism.   Anti-negro.   Anti-women.   Anti-cops. Anti-stupidity. Anti-homosexual.   Anti – everything.   Everyone is a product.   EVERYONE.     And we now face the Anti-anti’s.   We are truly sick of your whining, your self absorption, your self self, and your pity me attitude.   It is why we have grown to abhor Hollywood.   And this particular, anti-anti – is much bigger than any anti before – Trust Me!.

You  are pathetic. Annoying.   Weak. Unproductive.   Did I mention – pathetic?   Anywho.  Wahoo’s protesting your free stuff while getting paid by the Communists is kinda droll.   But mostly just ignorant.

There are massive frauds that have been perpetrated upon The People, The Global Citizens, at large.   And what was the truth – was completely rewritten sometime in the 1700’s.   Bibles were changed.   Interpretations become common.   And science was elevated to mini-god proportions.

I was recently questioned in a semi-assault means and told to say I was anti-Semitic.   Like BLM activists who have told white people to kneel and call themselves white supremacists, or worse, murderers.   I asked my perp what a Semite was, and he didn’t know.   At least he had no knowledge whatsoever of the history that defines the Semites, and thus Semitic.   What has been usurped is the true expanse of peoples that were of this original Tribe. The expanse is NOT based on religion at all, and never was, it is based on simple bloodline and originally language.   If you speak the same language, you are all of the same bloodline.

When did this definition become hoodwinked, corrupted, and redesigned?

While our ForeFathers were not the perfect men we were taught in school, the frontier expanded exponentially in the 1700’s wherein recreation of truth was defined as “Science”.

And that became an interesting research project.   Sometimes I backed away for days.   Absorption levels peaking!   Trying to put the puzzled pieces in a qualifiable and comprehensible order.   Because everything is scattered.

But the idea that RACE as we define and segregate today, was not even in existence until the 1950’s is truly mind blowing.   People were defined by color which was not necessarily anything more than a hair color, and features, nose, eyes, cheekbones, etc… And along came Cole who sought to eliminate bloodlines and instead create and define race by a person’s features and abilities.   And it stuck. Lineage’s were – rewritten.

Abraham was no longer your source, instead it was a topography of your features.   And this became our new and improved – BOX.

Just like Anti-Semitism is now defined as a reference to ‘Jews”…   So Who Were The True Semites?

They were likely close to representative of 50% of the population in their day. They were everyone. They were not a color, or race, or a religion.   They were a variety of tribes which had their own distinct cultures and ways.   What they are said to share is simply one thing – language.

Therefore to be ‘anti-Semitic’ would be one who would have to reference language as their source of discrimination.   In which case, speaking ill of Germans as inferior for their harsh language – would be ‘anti-Semitic’.   We have been compromised by the ‘idea’ of race’.   BUt it would seem, the purpose was to create a global victimhood.   Race is a meaningless designation.   So what?   There is no Godly value in this other than – the REMOVAL of GOD.

And that Shape Shifting was instituted by a man of the OSS and CIA.   Who advocated for the ‘continuance of a Shadow Government’ or “Invisible Empire”! All while redefining the various descendants of all the 12 Tribes as Jews.  Knighting them ‘The Chosen Ones”. While Pitching Son against Father, Husband against Wife.

This was NOT Yahweh.

I just read that many who have chosen to remain unvaccinated claim they had a vision of God in this.   I would never doubt the True Power.