Fascism: Trump or Schulz? A Propaganda Tool

Schulz, Merkel, McCain, and a host of ‘journalists’ have all condemned the idea that the US would stand up to North Korea’s bullying and threatening tactics. These war mongering individuals who promote Revolution in Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Libya, have suddenly become pacifists who angrily and bitterly denounce Trump’s posturing…  

Selective warring. It’s okay when the Pacifists support ethnic cleansing – as in population control – but not okay when a country is threatening to bomb a US territory. In one instance we respond by turning a blind eye, in the other instance we respond with ‘diplomacy’.

Was Hillary’s Benghazi reaction an act of ‘Diplomacy’?

The media seems to have short term memory problems. Not to mention ‘definition’ problems. Fascism in Hitler’s Germany was able to thrive because of control over all media. Information created a belief system.  This more closely parallels our MSM today.

Fascism is actually a bit difficult to define for there are various branches, ideologies, and even a social vs political interpretation. A Monarchy is clearly a social and political Fascist Dictatorship.   But other political concepts are misconstrued onto social precepts, muddying what Fascism truly represents.  Today, the word is carelessly tossed about by the same propaganda media that thrives on ‘control’.

Fascists embrace War and Revolution as necessities of civilization.  That would parallel the protests and riots of today that are organized and embraced by left wing extremism calling for coups and impeachment and divisive anarchy.  It is interesting that both Schulz and Merkel who are quite ‘German” radically denounce Fascism while failing to acknowledge that this same ideology has been the mantra of Germany since 1908 and a causal factor in WWI and WWII.   Capitalism did not instigate World Wars.

Fascists campaign against capitalism and believe in complete government control.. a common Socialist/Communist belief that can more closely be attributed to and align with left leaning Liberal Democrats.

A devout Socialist, Mussolini held to his own manifesto of Fascism that included: a progressive tax, equality of labor unions, national councils/committees, minimum wage, eight hour work day, elimination of religion, nationalizing military contracts, social corporatism,  and nationalization of armature. I’d say that sounds pretty much like the Obama/Hillary platform…

Later, Mussolini attempted to further massage his views via support of the The Roman Catholic Church and of free enterprise – while still upholding to a Monarchial system. His superfluous attempts at free enterprise and corporatism failed abjectly as the Fascist government maintained complete control nonetheless.

When protestors, mostly students, toss around terms for which they have no education, intellect, or history of understanding, they unwittingly become the tool of propaganda. They foment what they are protesting against, and like Hitler’s youth, they become puppets of the state.

Recently I finished reading a book written about Nazi Germany from the prospective of an SS Officer. It provides an interesting look into how the minds of these young men could become so molded and entrenched in a belief that they didn’t previously hold. And even how their brutality was advanced by a systematic numbing and hypnosis of a sort. Even the terminology supported the justification – ‘cleansing’ vs ‘murdering’.

It is difficult to comprehend how these same Jews who were liberated from the Germans by the allied Russians – now embrace Germany and demonize Russia…  The same propaganda that created the Nazi’s is now creating a belief that Socialism and Communism are preferential to Capitalism…

The minds of youth are an empty slate, they can be told most anything because they have no history from which to draw. It worked then, and it works now. The protests, they are a means of creating a Revolution through the molding of an empty slate into a belief that is rooted in propaganda and false truths.

It is theorized that in the Dark Ages, a thousand years of unwritten, unknown and forgotten history, in which the slate was cleansed, the youth were enlisted to fight alongside the Roman warriors and thus Lancelot was created. But the story of Lancelot was created by a French poet sometime around 1150. Hollywood would have us believe the fable is based on fact, when that would be impossible given there is absolutely nothing written during this time to provide any glimpse into society. Scientists attempt to create conclusions based on basically nothing in the hopes of writing what is – unwritten.

 “Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” Epistle, verse 4:12

True, This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword —
States can be saved without it!    ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton