New World Conspiracies – Propaganda or Reality?

When writers and bloggers say something that is contrary to the mainstream media, they are laughed at, shamed, and called conspiracy gypsies on a witch hunt… But the conspiracies have been around for centuries, and they weren’t created by bloggers and writers, they were created by Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, politicians and statesmen.

How easily we are muted.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, John Calhoun, John Hylan, Louis McFadden, FDR, William Jenner, J Edgar Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, John F Kennedy, Larry McDonald and Daniel Inouye represent generations of dire warnings. These are not clumsy halfwits, these are highly respected men who claim that the US is being run by a shadow government that is incredibly evil, disastrously monstrous, a disease that has enslaved the world for their own personal pleasure.

While most of them did not actually put a name to the shadows, they all refer to the Banking Industry which not only controls the money, but the media, the military – and the elections. Edward Bernays, known as The Father of Propaganda and a pioneer in the field of public relations, also fervently commented on the manipulation of the citizens by a shadow ruling power. The difference? He supported the idea as a necessary means of ‘controlling the herd’.

Daniel Inouye was bold enough to put one name to the shadow face – Rockefeller – and allies. Who would those allies be?

In the early 1930’s Rockefeller created an alliance with a German company, IG Farben, a large chemical conglomerate that sided with the Nazi’s during WWII. After the war, thirteen directors of IG Farben were sentenced to prison for collaborating with the Nazi’s. Upon their release Hermann Schmitz became a member of the supervisory board of Deutsche Bank, Fritz ter Meer became Chairman of the supervisory board of Bayer AG, Otto Ambrose held a seat on the supervisory board of Chemie Grunenthal, a pharmaceutical company that was embroiled in lawsuits as a result of its drug, Contergin, marketed to be used by pregnant women for morning sickness.  It caused severe deformities in children.  While no direct compensation to the victims has ever been made, the company donated some funds to various foundations.

All these 13 IG Farben directors went on to become prominent directors and CEO’s of various large companies worldwide.

None of the men convicted served much more than an acute fraction of their one to eight year prison terms – some served days.

It was Rockefeller who urged for war with Japan feeling slighted by the competition they created in his market realm.

Today, the allies include none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Kofi Aman, George Soros, Helmut Schmidt, Jimmy carter, Kissinger, Bono, and the Lucis Trust.

The Lucis Trust is a charity NGO created in 1925 by Alice Bailey – author f 24 books advocating for The Tibetan who she claims will be the ‘real Jesus Christ’ returning to rule this earth. In her book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, she unfolds the Master Plan as confessed to her by The Tibetan. It discusses ‘seed groups’ in the New Age of one religion, living in harmony, and the Axis Powers – as in the Axis of evil and the Axis of good… She espouses contacting the forces of Shamballa, and refers to the Trinity as the Head, the Heart and the Throat. She speaks of the Lords of Liberation as the advanced minds who will ultimately rule the servants under Shamballa.

Shamballa was at the core of the Bolsheviks who attempted to unite Communism with the Tibetan Kalachakra Tantra.  It failed.

Why is this Trust so important? Because it wields a central world power – the United Nations and all its ‘specialized agencies’ as belonging to its subject caste. These special agencies would include; the IMF, aviation, labour, agriculture, maritime, telecommunication, education, science, culture, industrial, World Bank, World Health, World Intellectual Property, etc… The Trust is called the spiritual consciousness or foundation of the UN.  Their followers believe they are directed as ‘agents of god’ to enlighten the world, to release us from the old order and usher in the New World Order for our own good, under the control of the Ascended Masters and occult. Their god is not ours:

For it is he who was the “Harbinger of Light,” bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of automaton (Adam) created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was first to whisper, “In the day ye eat thereof, ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil” — can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour.’

These are the people of the Shadow government that we have been warned about for centuries – from illumed Presidents, Vice President, from Congressmen, Senators, and the like. It is not simply a Soros invention. The ‘seeds’ are the NGO’s propped up by Soros to hasten the phenomena, the same NGO’s that China has recently put the brakes on after being unnerved by Soros attempts to destablize the yuan. Unfortunately, the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, parts of northern Africa and South America, and much of the Middle East have all caved to his – conspiracy/agenda.  It is as children that we are being led to slavery.

But the game is not over – yet.