Trump – The Money Grubber…?

Elizabeth Warren, Pocahontas, how much does a person’s net worth have to be to be a ‘money grubber’?

Because in her opinion, Trump is a grubber and Hillary and Bill are not… Worse, apparently Mz. Warren has a net worth of over $14.5 million as of 2010, with no valuation attributed to her current wealth.

Compared to the average Joe, that would make her in the category of ‘money grubber’. In addition, when offered to option to pay a slightly higher wealth tax to the state, she decided NOT to comply. In addition, she apparently has -0- or less of charitable contributions.

So what makes a money grubber?

A person who cares more about accumulating than giving… and that definition would surely apply to Mz. Elizabeth Pocahontas. So while she is not in the realm of Romney or Trump, nor is she in the realm of Hillary, but she far outweighs the public at large and thus it becomes a simple matter of semantics. How much? A million per year apparently does not qualify. Tch. Is it a graph? What is the cap that defines ‘grubber’ vs liar?

How dare she attempt to align herself as a candidate of the women and yet lie, and slander, and make a hypocrisy of the entire agenda. I am outraged! She does NOT speak for me. And I AM woman.

And despite the absolute fact that she lied on her application to Harvard as having Indian heritage that qualified her for certain privileges and tuition breaks, she skates unscathed. How is it that we ALLOW this? How is it that she can skate – and Martha Stewart, of all people, goes to jail? How does that nuance happen?

How is it that such a woman can make such defamatory comments and not be taken to the mat? I am a woman, and I do NOT support liars. And as a woman, if it is the woman candidate who is lying, so much worse is the judgment. Because, they believe they are speaking for me.

And they are NOT!

I’m sorry, but when deriding someone else and calling them names and creating a national sensation, it would behoove tat person to take a look at the content of their accusations and how they might apply to themselves.

Between Warren and Hillary, we are acutely bereft of a candidate that would seem to have any viable value structure or honor, and it is this depravity that makes both democrats and republicans cringe when confronted with females whose behaviors and ethics would seem to be – vacant.

You are not Ghandi!

And while there are numerous countries throughout the world who have honored women as their Presidents and Prime Ministers, America still has not. And perhaps that is because the pickins just ain’t that sweet!

For the record, Sarah Palin, wasn’t a good choice either. While she might be a fun social guest, an intelligent debater, an interesting character, she was not a person who represented – me. Or many other women for that matter. And then of course, there was the Soros affiliation that became the McCain agenda, not a good neighbor. Too bad. A loss.

While I am stupified who could possibly vote for Hillary given her status as crook and traitor, I am humbled by the fact that my ex-husbands entire family are adamant supporters. How can they not know? Because like most, they are victims of a branded media that has created a virtual reality of politics and politicians. If this were a movie, it might be viewed as ‘interesting’ and ‘scientific’, but the fact that it is our reality, makes it horribly scary and infinitely manipulative.

In the end, it is up to each of our individual selves to try and rise above, to see the world for what it is, to create our values based on our heart, to disassociate ourselves from the media, from entertainment, and from the manipulative powers that will send us to eternal Hell. It is after-all that poignant. That imperative.

Just close your eyes and take a breath and – breathe.