Green Party Reigns Solidarity – Germany Goes Marxist!

Under Annalena Boerbeck, Germany’s newly imposed Greenie Foreign Minister has stated, “A country that, like China, tramples on the rights of its own people should not be given a stage for games that stand for peace and solidarity.”   When referring to the Olympics.

As the Green Grinches take over Germany and preserve their Marxist agenda in a totalitarian rule, it is a witless airhead statement by Boerbeck.   Germany is in LOCKDOWN.   Unvaccinated individuals are wearing a gold star.   And ‘trampling on the rights of its own people’ Germany should be sanctioned from the Olympics – FOREVER>.

And just like that, the same country, China, that made the Biden family wealthy, Fauci a Gain of Function hero, and Bill Gates a vaccine tzar, is now the demon country.   What happened to the thousands of Chinese scientists knowingly stealing secrets from our university research institutes? No one cared… in fact universities viciously fought each other for the privilege of being the source of the ‘theft’.

China was used for one purpose – the scapegoat in a global Pandemic. A sting operation hosted by the globalists. Like Nixon, Xi Jinping’s biggest error was being stupid and falling for the trap.  

But picking a fight with China and Russia simultaneously is even more ‘stupid’ –   that is unless you have a bunker somewhere to weather the coming nuclear blizzard and it’s fallout.

In 2018, it was noted by Bloomberg and others that the elite were buying up land and having bunkers installed in New Zealand.   The belief was that New Zealand was neutral and thus less likely to suffer from a world war fallout.   The bunkers sold for up to $12 million and remain unoccupied.     It is difficult to imagine elite businessmen sitting in a bunker with a wife and girlfriend for years endlessly without going utterly ‘bonkers’.   Given the bonker-bunkers likely come equipped with guns and ammo, it might be a good idea to sit it out alone, in solitary confinement… just a thought.

Rhino’s in the Rhineland known affectionately as DC are eagerly calling for Russia to be ‘nuked’ – and would have no problem simply murdering an entire country’s population!   Not sure why that wouldn’t come under the “incitement to violence” threshold of tolerance or treason, but then like democrats, rhino’s are exempt from all the laws and rules and regulations established under the US Constitution.   Why?   Because they don’t recognize its validity.

How we can easily spot them in a police line-up. Bail is set at $3.50.

The Rhino in the nuke scenario is Roger Wabbit Wicker.   He is the force dejure within the Cabalist couture of Cheney, Romney, and Amash, who want to preserve the hawks under the guise of ‘republican party’ stature.   The NED’s.   The Albrights.   “How wicked doth they lay their hearts upon our land, when destruction and death is their mantra.”  

But they have a problem.   The same Big Tech that they deplore has failed to deflect the Truth.   Unlike George Orwell’s Big Brother, these maniacs have yet to completely garner the hosting of ALL our information.   As such they have gone on a blitze to oust CEO’s, founders, and Board Chairs, so as to insert their own.   That would include Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple.   HOWEVER, they have yet to enable a suicide of Facebook.  And that game has been given pronounced media attention in recent weeks!  Demon Facebook!

BUT that failure is eating at their narcissistic ego. Big Time!   Russia and Facebook actually share the exact same publicity and vault by the Cabalists!  Isn’t that crazy!

The Globalist failure to collapse Russia and install their puppet fish, Navalny has been a nightmare for a decade!   In the real world of intel, these failures would have severe consequences…   And yet, they continue as though a “Reptilian Brain” is the source.   As I have noted before, the CIA has revealed that ‘if you don’t see the internal corruption, you aren’t a very good agent and worthy of nothing.   If you see the corruption and do nothing – you are complicit.   In Either CASE, the CIA is completely toasted.

The problem, is that a sub-person such as myself can figure out their obtuse game plan because it is so incredibly lame and lacking in finesse – attributes we used to attribute to our intelligentsia!

Today, Lloyd is so blinkin’ obsessed with appealing to the LGBTQRXXYZ community that he hasn’t a grip on anything actually ‘military’. But then, the man has spent the vast majority of his career-life reading books in a library, and hoping he gets promoted because he is black.

I remember when my brother-in-law decided to teach himself how to windsurf via a book.   He diligently bought the book, read it from cover to cover, bought the windsurfer and set sail from our dock in rural Maine.   It was an abject disaster and he never tried again.   Why?   The book didn’t explain winds, and wind corners, it didn’t explain the inherent mental acuity, the understanding, the listening, the solitary that winds elude.   Instead it was a graph – and in the wild, the graph was about as useful as tweezers in the African desert.

My Brother-in-law gave up and never tried to windsurf again.  I imagine Lloyd Austin has about the same military soul.   He was retired.   Enjoying his nonexistence.   Now he is personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of people directly because of his stupid decisions.   He gave up because he didn’t understand – the soul.   And now, he appears to have had his brain expunged when we see him at any ‘event’.  His eyes are gone.  His body – soulless.

Sailing – isn’t about a book, it is about the soul.   The Movie White Squall delineates this most aptly.

And so I come back to the Greenie Weenies who have captured Germany. They are a book.   They have no heart. They have no soul. Nor do they have the remotest idea what these values do, why they persist, or their inherent strength.

And THAT may be the core, the crux of what ultimately Fells the Cabalist Regime.   Their reptilian logic, their lack of red blood, their inherent lack of heart and soul is exactly what frames them and destroys their rise.

What is most interesting about them is that they rise with such force, and fall with such failure – as they never ever change the game plan.   The largess difference today is our media – Twitter, Facebook, Gab, etc… that reveals the faults and fisures much faster than historically.  Stuck in the Bolshevik mindset, they haven’t caught up to the present.   THAT Is and Will Always Be – THEIR FAILURE>

In order for them to actually gain – they need to reinvent themselves.   And yet, thousands of years later, they always emerge as the – Reptilian.   MEANING.  WE ARE ACTUALLY MORE POWERFUL – and the illusion – is that they have any power at all…