Saudi Arabia Supports ISIS – Doing Their Dirty Work For Free

If in fact the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel collaborated to create ISIS, if they were instrumental in instigating the Arab Spring and joined in the battles to annihilate Arab civilians through ethnic cleansing or genocide, is the bigger picture really about the implosion of the Middle East completely? Have they been played?

Arabs have been brutalizing and destroying their own countrymen by the millions, entire cities razed, economies non-existent, without consequence, and don’t seem to realize that as ISIS takes control, ultimately the resolution will be to annihilate the entire Middle East with the help of – the Middle East…

As more reports are aired of the Saudi atrocities, will Israel, the US, and EU begin the final act of the play and suddenly divest ourselves of a relationship, act as though we are appalled – suddenly – and turn the tide to deliver a massive offensive against the remaining Arabs? Is this the real maneuver? Are the Saudis puppets and don’t even know it?

The Arab Spring supposedly began with youth protests in Tunisia that turned bloody. Given we know of the ploy to pay protesters here in the US, it would not be far fetched to think the Tunisian uprising was fueled by paid protesters as well. The US and EU were allies of the Tunisian government before the uprising began in 2010. Then they weren’t. Then they were when the newly appointed France educated President and Head of State came into office.

The Prime Minister of Egypt made the claim that a number of the protesters that were arrested during the 2011 ousting of Mubarak – were paid. And recently in Turkey, the Gulen organization was credited with paying and instigating a failed coup.

So – who is doing all the paying for these coups?  You and I.

Interestingly, the major issue fueling the Egypt and Tunisia riots was ‘police brutality’. The other issues ran from freedom of speech to unemployment, to rising costs of basic food. Consistently, the riots were led by the youth of the respective countries using facebook and twitter to gain an audience.

Sound familiar? Because it is the exact same tactic used by Black Lives Matter in the US.

Since the revolts, ISIS has gained a foothold in both Tunisia and Egypt. Their fate may be the common thread that has seen Syria, Yemen and Iraq fall to terrorism.

Will the Saudis wake up one day and find out that instead of being the Master, they are the intended victim and were played the entire time?

With the newest revelation from Wikileaks that Hillary and the White House have known all along that the Saudis and Qatar are heavily involved in the Syrian War as promoters of ISIS, isn’t it odd that they pretended otherwise… Doesn’t it follow with the ‘conspiracy theories’ that the US and EU never had any intention of destroying ISIS? And if that is true – does it follow that using Arabs to cleanse the Middle East of their own is the tactic.

Which would mean that once the world discovered this atrocity of law, bringing down the Saudis and Qataris would be the logical military resolution thereby ultimately dismantling the entire Middle East… oil fields decimated… infrastructure destroyed… wealth obliterated.

And technically, they would be to blame and not realize they were the pawn all along until it was too late.  Is that why we prop up ISIS and Al Qaeda and Al Nusra?   So they can do our dirty work for us…