Anti-Aging Elixirs: Red Wine for Thee – Big Pharma Toxins For Me…

Gates/Bezos/Page obsession is “Aging”.   In 2013, Larry Page of Google helped found Calico, a biotech working on reversing or stalling the process of aging.   Calico is a subsidiary of Alphabet, Inc. and works in partnership with AbbVie.   Calico’s Leadership team is predominantly from Genentech. AbbVie’s Leadership team comes from Abbott Labs. In 2013 Abbott spun-off AbbVie which is now traded separately.

In 2015, Calico partnered with the Buck Institute For Research on Aging which gets the bulk of its funding from – NIH. In 2013,   Obviously, anti-aging is primo facto the elitist obsession in a world that is bent on ‘depopulation’.

NIH researcher, Harrison Wein, produced an article about the health and anti-aging benefits of Resveratrol.  Found naturally in red grapes and nuts, other than ‘possibly’ slowing blood clotting, Resveratrol has no side effects.   In an NIH study published February 2021, Resveratrol was found to have positive implications in the prevention or treatment of CoVid.

July 2021, an NIH study of Resveratrol and Polydatin found that Polydatin inhibited the ACE2 spike which was found to host the CoVid virus. Polydatin is commonly found in the bark of the Sitka Spruce tree which grows along the coastal regions of Alaska and western Canada into the US.   To a lesser extent, it is found in grapes.

Why is it suppressed?

Because if there is a viable treatment, ‘CDC Authorization is NO LONGER valid.   Because if there is a viable treatment, vaccines are no longer viable…according to CDC and NIH and FDA Guidelines…

The use of wild grapes for wine making has been dated to upwards of 12,000 years ago in Greece.   Domesticated vineyards have been dated to roughly 4,000 BCE.

Ancient history has little evidence to support lifespans other than texts and recordings in the Bible and in the Sumerian King List among others. Science chooses to deny the texts because it does not correlate to their ‘beliefs’ based on current conditions.   However, Science has absolutely no basis for much of anything dating over 1000 to 2000 years ago – other that theoretical postulation.

While the Bible provides lifespan timelines before and after the flood as: Adam 930 years to Abraham’s 175 years, the Sumerian Kings List details lifespans of thousands of years. In addition, medical records in ancient China document living 300 years during the Qin Dynasty, 230 BC.

Unperturbed, Science is determined to neutralize these documentations simply because they don’t know how it was.

I remember distinctly when I became a “Christian”.   I ultimately evolved to be quite angry that Science billed itself as Fact when it was crystal ball theory, predictions, and best guesses.  For decades I was led to believe that science was factual.   Today,Science is twalette water.  They have decimated themselves.  They have proven to be corrupt, lying, and  and outright fraudulent.   Many deserve Hell.

While the propaganda supports the predictive and speculative Science, the reality is far different.   What is global distribution cannot be attached to elitism, otherwise they could not achieve their Agenda of superior beings.    You see, the elite draw upon the mythological gods as their progenitors ruling over the inferior peasants. That cannot be achieved if the truth is revealed.

Small minds breed small thinking.

While AbbVie prefers to corner all markets, as in a distributor of botulism BOTOX to the Hollywood Elite and Pelosi who believe this is the serum to longevity, they recognize the value ($$$$$) should Calico actually find the elixir of the gods.   And that value is their sole motivation.

Unfortunately, that elixir must be genetically modified in order to be patentable and thus profitable.   And thus lies the conundrum.

GMO for thee, elixir for the elite.

Witnessing the transformation of Jeff Bezos is part and parcel of the conundrum.   Did he simply inject himself with Botox and implants to accentuated his physique, or is he a voluntary Guinea Pig of pharma? By contrast, we can easily assume Bill Gates did not volunteer in these trials whatsoever given his deteriorating physique and cognitive abilities.   A website picture of Calico would indicate that none of the team has yet to participate in any trials…  aka, most are plump to obese.

Biblically we are told that red wine was a staple.   Roots and legumes have been the Bill Gates marketing splay would have us believe that a chemical derivative of chemicals derived from chemicals man-made will serve as the alternative to natural health.

The Side Effects of EVERY man-made derivative are explosive!   Death, cancer, neurological debilitation, are all acceptable side effects of Big Pharma.   While Grapes, Resveratrol, Osha root, and tree bark would seem to provide the cures – with absolutely ZERO side effects. YOUR CHOICE>

In the brokerage world we used to call it “Due Diligence”, it applies today in every aspect of everything – and should NOT be degraded or denigrated.


Personally – I think I will vacate the industry that hails ‘side effects’ as a pharmaceutical curative choice …   which typically embrace:   ED, Neurological dysfunction, cancer, heart disease, stroke, infection, bone pain, diabetes, HIV, and cognitive demise.

Documented as medicinal in China and American Indian lore as natural remedies readily found in hillsides,  berries are profoundly antioxidants.   And yet, they can not be patented.   ALAS.   And thus are useless to the Big Pharma Protocol… and lost in the fight against – Disease.