The United States Is NOT A Republic: It Is A Corporate Entity via New American Security

A Presidential candidate in Ecuador was assassinated.   And the US is sending a security force of FBI agents to Ecuador to investigate.   Why? Because the candidate was a US Puppet.   Germany has determined he was shot by rival Mexican cartels – perhaps they think Ecuador is in Mexico?    In actuality, Ecuador has been a proxy state of the US since it’s independence from Colombia in the 1930’s.   Since then coups and assassinations have been somewhat commonplace with the CIA front and center in allegations.

In 2000, Ecuador adopted the US dollar as its national currency despite being a Spanish nation.   The most recent American affiliate President of Ecuador was Rafael Correa who took office in 2007, shortly after returning to Ecuador from his residence in Illinois.

A left wing socialist, Correa’s economy was built on oil and gas.   When the price of gas deflated 50%, Correa had no money to prop up the socialist reforms and welfare state he had built.   As the economy entered a recession, Correa fled to Belgium. An arrest warrant was issued but Belgium refused to comply.

The next US proxy insert was Lenin Moreno.   He earned numerous awards during his tenure, including a nomination for the Nobel Prize despite having an approval rating of just 9%… Most importantly, he allowed oil drilling in the Amazon Rainforest. Leaving office amid charges of bribery and corruption, Moreno fled to Paraguay and works for the Organization of American States.

Fernando Villavicencio thus became the next US proxy – given the US need to maintain a military base on the Galapagos Islands and continue to ravage the Amazon Rainforest unfettered and unregulated.

Enter Anthony Blinken – losing yet another US colony, Blinken will need to find a new candidate.   Stretched a bit thinly, Blinken has announced the possibility of sending US military troops to Niger, his latest faux pas.

There are numerous bureaus under the direct overseer, Secretary of State, including;   Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Bureau of Health Security and Diplomacy, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Executive Secretariat, Office of Civil Rights , Office of DEI, and Counselor of The Department.

These three Bureaus are key.   These agency directors have diverse backgrounds, ie they were all initially appointed by Obama.   Their backgrounds include; CIA, DoD, Harvard, CDC, WHO, Bill Gates, USAID, CSIS, NED, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and the Center For a New American Security, among others.

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) was founded in 2007 by Michele Flourney and Kurt Campbell. Their function is to create wars and coups so as to colonize countries for the Cartel.   Their goal is to ‘secure’ natural resources, energy, critical minerals, land, water, and biodiversity from countries around the world on behalf of their funders – military contractors, oil & gas companies and Open Society Foundation.

These Funding Companies are running the US Government. They call the shots.   They determine where and when the wars will be.   They determine Geoengineering targets.   They own Congress – both parties.

In other words – The United States NOT a Republic, it is a Corporation ruled by stakeholders.   And Congress is a deflection of corporate ownership. Congress does the bidding of their owners within the schematic of milking taxpayers of their wages.   Presidential candidates are given tasks during their campaigns with one candidate chosen at the onset who will win ‘by an upset’. They created our debt. They create inflation.   They create recessions.    They tell Blinken what to do.

When you are good, they will reward you with money. But when you are bad, and allow their colonies to be whiplashed by regimes outside of the Funders schematic, you will be severely punished and banished from their protection via the CIA, NSA, and FBI.   Under Anthony Blinken’s watch he has lost Ukraine, Niger, and now Ecuador.

Quietly, 2 days ago, Biden pre-emptively signed an Executive Order that will take effect sometime in 2024. Likely written by the director at the Bureau of Intelligence & Research, the EO is accompanied by a declaration of a National Emergency. Citing China, Hong Kong, and Macau, the EO declares that investment in ‘certain’ technology, AI and military industries in these countries will be prohibited.   Therefore companies already doing business with the CCP are on notice to decouple and leave China before the EO takes effect.

The National Emergency powers entitle the President to 136 distinct statutory emergency powers. Powers that would under normal circumstances not be authorized. 13 of these require a declaration from Congress; the remaining 123 are assumed by an executive declaration with no further Congressional input.

There are currently 42 National Emergencies still in effect:   the vast majority involve blocking and freezing assets of other countries funds under US jurisdiction.

Biden’s EO directs the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, to issue regulations that monitor or prohibit transactions that may help China develop technology to counter US national security capabilities… The West has effectively destroyed China’s real estate market and will be attempting to setback China’s technology and military via this EO.

The end result would be to diminish the power and value of the BRICS – inline with the diminishing of Western Countries wealth distribution.   Thereby attempting to ensure a Cartel Closed Door.   And the completion of the pyramid ORDER.