UK Prison Nightmare!

The UK prisons offer Halal meals for their Muslim inmates.   And because the 5% ratio of Muslims in the UK is overbearing in their prisons, sometimes accounting for upwards of 20% to even 50% of the incarcerated, a fear factor, a gangland has developed reminiscent of the days of Muhammed; “convert or be killed”.   In order to be guaranteed ‘protection’ inmates are converting feverishly.

In fact, the fertile ground for conversion is so great that Muslims will purposefully get themselves arrested on a nominal charge just to indoctrinate more terrorists while behind bars.

Overcrowding, violence and attacks have become so commonplace in the UK prisons, the union of Prison Officers Association held a walkout to protest the conditions.  Their demand?  Not greater pay, not more time off – they wanted “protection equipment” to help them stay alive!

Inspector Clouseau was obviously on the loose when British Inspectors declared foul because inamtes in a Bedford prison were not abiding by the rules and were doing drugs!  How dare they not abide by the rules!  Shame!

So the UK Government has acknowledged that reducing staff is actually not a good method of securing their existing/remaining staff.   And so they have vowed to increase pay, provide body camera’s, and to double the sentence for an inmate’s assault on a guard.   Lastly, they are investing $52 million to tackle the drug problem and proudly proclaim they have added 3500 new guards – although they fail to add when – as in over the last decade?

A blogger from inside the UK prison system had a more enlightening insight into the Truth. Apparently, the media is censored from writing negative stories, so this one is free:

“The incident yesterday was horrific. The wing has been brewing for a while. The worst, most difficult wing is being run by new officers. We are 30 staff down and now will be even more. 
The wing is over run with problems of gangs and gang violence. There has been a big rise in weapons and drugs in the jail. The governors were warned. The wing in question houses most gangs in the jail on one wing.
A mass brawl broke out yesterday morning, calling on all officers available lots of times. We didn’t have the staff. Prisoners were attacking each other with weapons – and staff.
Staff were trying to save their lives and got battered. Some were seriously injured. Another officer was on the landing unconscious. We had ambulances and fire service in trying to help alongside our healthcare department. If anything had happened elsewhere in the jail we wouldn’t have been able to cope.
Aylesbury is at breaking point. Eleven officers had to go to hospital and others are injured.”

“…jails in England and Wales are awash with drugs and mobile phones. And the vast bulk of this contraband is not being flown in on flimsy little drones that cost less than £100 in Argos.”   In other words, while the media ploy is to downplay the extent and the Mafia intercession, the reality is far beyond the scope of police – and MI6, obviously doesn’t give a rat’s arse.

In 2016, there were 2580 arson ‘incidents within the UK prisons.   Given that many of the prisons don’t ban smoking and lighters are an available commodity, errr, surprise!

Prisoners are routinely asked to sign over access to all their previous medical records which then become the fodder for making parole decisions regarding one particular incident.  Certainly this can be beneficial, but it can also be used to create an agenda.  That’s why we have HIPPA.

The blogger, who himself spent time in jail, offers an interesting perspective of rioters that could also cross the psyche of the riots we are experiencing in the US and EU.  He claims that there are two distinct types and purposes.  The one that seeks to right a humanitarian wrong, and the second whose purpose is purely provocation, destruction, and a divisive narrative.   In other words, this person, blogger, tells us that riots most assuredly fall into two very distinct categories – even within the walls of prison.   There is a hierarchy.   There is an instigator.   And there is a benefit – whether it be contraband, money, a favor outside of prison, or even a reduced sentence.

There is always a reward.

Riots across the US are marked by Craigslist ads offering money and training.

Investigative videos have shown how easy the marks are.

This is an inside look into the prisons in the UK.  If you think it is any different in any other country, if you think the corruption and fraud aren’t rampant, you are naïve.   In the UK – the prisons are overflowing with Muslims and they protest. In the US the prisons are overflowing with blacks – and they protest.   The percentages are similar.   The statistics revealing.  And still – it ain’t politically correct to say so…

Because, somebodies feelings might get hurt…  And can’t have the truth get out in the media because then – the Truth Would Be Out!

2 thoughts on “UK Prison Nightmare!

  1. Ronnie. I totally agree that our system is attempting to fix the dam by chasing the waves… Prisons are despicable. There is no point to them. In their current agenda. Europe is being eaten – and soon all that was your sweet history will be gone, evaporated. Everyone in the US envisions ‘seeing Europe’, but they have no idea what it really looks like. We are shown 1950’sesque renditions. Just as you see bits and pieces of the news here. Any more it’s like you either get eaten by a shark, or snuffed in a terrorist attack, or fall from your balcony for no apparent reason, and no one even bats an eyelash…shhhhh

  2. The Governor of Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow once said “It is not more prisons we need, it is more schools.” That was a very accurate statement. Shortly after that, the UK Government (Tory) closed down a load of schools.

    The UK Government’s combination of austerity and privatisation in the prison service is the root of the problems in our prisons.

    The Police need more funding because they do not have the resources to do their job, but in spite of rising crime, there are going to be even more reductions both financially and in the number of police officers available.

    Violent offences, including rape, are being dealt with by way of Community Resolution Orders, in other words, no consequence and no criminal record.

    A significant factor with regard to the increase of Muslims in UK prisons is because 46% of them live in the 10% most deprived local authority districts.

    Unsurprisingly, large numbers of prison officers and police officers are leaving, because their working conditions are being made increasingly difficult due to Tory austerity/privatisation plans. It is the same with the NHS.

    It is like turning the clock back in the UK, we are heading in the wrong direction.

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