Mueller and Comey Guy-Pal History

The Mueller/Comey man-pal association dates back to some very interesting case history and vendettas of ruinous nature.

Martha Stewart:  Mueller was Director of the FBI and chose Comey to go after poor little Martha Stewart who made a a killing off insider trading by ‘avoiding losses of roughly $45,000 at a time when her net worth was estimated to be about $700 million.   But Comey and Mueller wanted to make an example of her and brow beat her to helter-skelter before her indictment charge was simply “lying”.  For that heinous crime she was sentenced to five months in jail, five months house arrest, and two years probation.

Hillary?  Huma? Podesta?  Obama?

Talk about going after the Big Ones!

Then there was the case they leveled against banker, Frank Quattrone whose charge was described as ‘allegedly incriminating emails’.   A long drawnout series of trials, a hung jury, a conviction, an appeal that overturned the conviction, and ultimately a deferred prosecution that was labeled an ‘exoneration’.   His FBI charge?  Attempting to hinder an investigation.

Scooter Libby. Remember him?   He was Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney and Assistant to the President under Bush.  He was convicted by the Mueller/Comey pact for lying about the leaking of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Wilson.   Ms. Wilson, not only worked for the CIA, but she apparently wrote spy novels…  After the FBI investigation, Ms. Wilson wrote her ‘memoir’ which also became a film.  Again, the ultimate charge imposed on Libby was – lying.

But by far the worst, was the bungling duo in their defamatory case against Steven Hatfill for the 2002 Anthrax attacks.  Two Democrat Senators supposedly bullied the Mueller/Comey team into attacking Hatfill; Senator Patrick Leahy, and Senator Tom Daschle.   It is notable that John McCain was a one for all against Hatfill, lauding to excess, the team of Comey and Mueller.

The judge ruled that : “The prosecution’s dog handler “as biased as any witness that this court has ever seen.”

While Hatfill was eventually exonerated and paid a settlement for his harassment to the tune of over $5 million, Comey and Mueller still collaborated, colluded, and plotted their next victim.

Despite Comey taking a ‘substantial pay cut’ to work for the government, surprisingly his net worth didn’t which is estimated to be $11 million and counting, depending on what the Offshore Accounts might be hiding.

Robert Mueller’s net worth has also seen a recent spike despite his ‘government pay’ rising at least 64% to roughly $18 million.

Of course these estimates are conjectures, and are most likely far lower than the actual net worth given the tax havens, offshore accounts, foundations,  and subversive trails of ‘follow the money’.

What this does reveal is an inept team prosecuting people that are innocent for crimes that are nominal, and not targeting the real criminal activity that defines – THE SWAMP.

This is the same – Laurel and Hardy – team that is attempting to justify a comedy skit against Trump while leaving the criminals at large to languish in Jamaican hideaways drinking purple Mai-Tai’s and ….

They have a history of ineptitude, a conviction history of ineptitude, and an nearly comedic if not sad resume of – ineptitude.   This is the guy-pal team going after Trump and Russia as our Legal Representatives.      If they weren’t comical, they might be taken seriously, but given their performance history – one must wonder who, how and why they are even representative of our government?

They are seen as the “Bunglers”.   Their profile is the “Laurel and Hardy bunglers”.   And somehow, Comey felt his book might exonerate his reputation only to find that he was further ostracized by those he desperately sought to affirm his goodness.  Denounced by the Hillary cabal, hated by the Trump cabal, he really has no one and nothing but his ego from which he can draw any semblance of integrity.

Their legacy, their accomplishments, their life, have been a stage of inexcusable failures.   And this may certainly go down in history as his most defamatory and corrupt.

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