Hollistic Doctor Deaths –

GcMAF. Ever heard of it? Nor had I. But it’s efficacy claims as an immuno ‘cure’ as opposed to a ‘treatment’ for cancer, HIV and autism, were squashed when it was found NOT to be patentable.  Without a patent, the Big Pharma wouldn’t stand a chance to make mega-profits…  and therein lies the story!

Because GcMAF is considered a naturally occurring molecule in the human body – it is not patentable unless it is modified.

Enter Big Pharma:

It made headlines when a doctor in Georgia who was using the protein for a variety of patients had his office raided by FDA Agents who confiscated all the material – and then the good doctor turned up dead four days later, June 19, 2015. A former Christian pastor, it was concluded that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest and then jumping in the Rocky Broad River. “The gun” was found nearby. He was also on the Board of Medi-Share, a Christian health insurance exchange which holds to the values and morals of Christ centered living – i.e., suicide is a sin.

The controversy over GcMAF is rooted in the UK and Big Pharma. GcMAF was discovered in the early 1990’s, and first publicly introduced in 2007 by microbioilogist Nobuto Yamamoto as a potential cure for various forms of cancer, HIV and autism, the research was rejected by cancer institutes who made no attempt to investigate further. The findings were claimed to be fictitious and the medical journal that advocated for the protein was labeled junk journalism. But the journal was actually the International Journal of Cancer, a widely accepted prestigious medical journal. And it would appear, the molecule has simply been re-named.

In 2014, seven years later, the article was retracted. But not before Dr. Bradstreet cultivated quite a following.

A Washington Post article published about a month after the death of Dr. Bradstreet, attempts to vilify the use of GcMAF and Dr. Bradstreet with a statement that ‘nearly all doctors’ agree the drug is investigational … and tout the statement of Peter Jay Hotez, dean of Baylor’s National School of Tropical Medicine as an independent source who claimed that there is no evidence that modulating the immune system would have any benefit on ASD.

Peter Jay Hotez specializes in vaccinology, is President of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, and is funded by the Gates Foundation. A bit of a conflict of interest … It would also appear, he is not keeping up with the medical ‘break-throughs’ that are now circulating.

Dr. Bradstreet was offering a series of the shots for $50 each and had over 600 patients making positive claims about their treatments. The series was for a period of 3 ½ months and thereafter labeled a cure never to be needed again. Recently, an Israeli company, Efranat, attempted to duplicate the shots at $1000 each.

The company that worked in conjunction with Dr. Bradstreet was First Immune who marketed the protein online. Their laboratory in Cambridge was shut down by the government citing “concerns over sterility”. But those ‘concerns’ were never formally addressed. The raid on the company was conducted by 10 agents, 4 of which wore bullet-proof vests. They raided the wrong lab, thought the head scientist had a degree in ‘ale-brewing’, had no knowledge that the lab used government approved testing facilities for sterility, claimed they had no backup research, and while they acknowledge there are ‘no side effects’ from the use of GcMAF, they recommend all users see their local doctor. Odd? It gets worse.

Enter Nadeera de Silva, a researcher at a cancer institute in Cambridge. At the ripe age of 34, he suddenly disappears from the MRC Cancer Institute where he worked as an up and coming microbiologist and turns up dead in a nearby field – no known cause, but it is determined to be a ‘suicide’.  MRC Cancer Institutes website claims their mission is:  We aim to improve the early detection of cancer, to help identify individuals who are most at risk of developing cancer, and to create more effective treatments for cancer, through the invention of innovative technologies. Early intervention in cancer through improvements in prevention, detection and treatment offers tremendous promise in combating the disease.”   But more importantly, they claim to work closely with GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca, major powerhouse pharmaceuticals.

Connection:  It was GlaxoSmithKline’s MMR vaccine that Bradstreet claims caused his own son’s autism and brain damage and that led to his research and advanced use of the GcMAF molecule to cure autism and cancer.

Nowhere on their site does MRC  advocate a ‘cure’, instead the focus is on pharma enhanced treatment.  Why?  because ‘treatment’ generates a continuous flow of profits, while cure – has an end.

2016 rolls around and suddenly all the research and medical journals and biotech labs and cancer research centers are claiming the discovery of a ‘new cancer treatment and potential cure – immuno-therapy’!

A newly published article by MRC dated January 2016, advocates a new and emerging class of warfare against cancer – immuno-oncology – which is projected to create $35 billion in annual revenues by 2024 – conservatively. According to their blog, this method of therapy seeks to harness the individual anti-bodies within the immune system to attack cancer by releasing a ‘protein’ which acts as an inhibitor… Interestingly, it would appear that this is nearly exactly the same process that was inherent in GcMAF.  The same GcMAF that they claimed was worthless.

Could it be that given GcMAF could not be patented, it was necessary to remove its scientific consensus and ultimately its market so as to replace it with one that is patented as in – ENTER:  PD-1 and PD-L1, the new and improved variant which will profit considerably? “Trials indicate the results last for years and for some – indefinitely” As in the exact same cure that was touted by Dr. Bradstreet. The coincidence bears scrutiny.

While there are numerous blogs attempting to claim there is a hollistic doctor death squad, these blogs may actually be clouding the real issue – GcMAF and its relationship to PD-1 and PD-L1.

PD-L1 was patented in 2010 by Genentech. But since then Bristol-Meyers Squibb and Ono Pharmaceutical have obtained royalty rights with GlaxoKline, Merck and Dana-Farber claiming they deserve a piece of the estimated $35 billion annual revenues.  SURPRISE!

Perhaps the ‘real’ conspiracy is planting stories that try to create a link between various doctor’s deaths, when the real story is about a patentable cancer cure/treatment…that should have gone to Nobuto Yamamoto and Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet and instead is being touted by Big Pharma … after the elimination of ‘those who present a potential barrier’.