Olympic Doping Scandal -A Drug Disease

After a bit of a debate about the Russia doping scandal that is being touted in the media as grounds for banning the entire country from the Rio games, I thought I’d take a look at the statistics.

First, I liken the scandal(s) to elementary school whereby an entire class is made to be responsible for the bad behavior of one child. The argument was that this is what the military does in order to create a team atmosphere of trust and dependence. That may be true, but the elementary school is not and should not be – the military. And the Olympics by definition is about competition – and while there are team sports, there are singles as well, so the team concept is only so good as it applies to a team sport – one size DOES NOT fit all – not in dresses – and not in the real world.

Banning those individuals who tested positive for banned drugs is imperative, but banning an entire country sets a precedent that will require multiple definitions and possibly instigate hundreds of lawsuits.

The countries with the highest precedence of testing positive for winter Olympic events are: Greece, China, USA, Canada, Australia, Korea and England – in that order. Not once has an entire country been banned despite unprecedented and continued use of drugs. The question then becomes, ‘how many individuals must test positive before a country ban is legal’? If Russia is found to have 30 cases, and Greece has 29, then what is the rule?

According to the anti-doping rules as set forth by the Olympic Committee, sanctions are imposed on athletes – not countries. If the Committee wants to make entire countries responsible, then a whole canopy cocktail of rules would have to be prescribed to stipulate at what point it is no longer about individual athletes, but about an entire country’s athletes. Guidelines, numbers, verification, would all be necessary or the rules could ultimately apply to Greece, China, US, etc… and we would have no Olympics.

As well, most of the allegations against Russia so far that are in the media are circumstantial, and while ‘accusations’ have been fomented, they have been levied against 8 Russians out of 23 total for the 2012 games and 14 out of 31 accusations for the 2008 games. But so far, the report is all about allegations without evidence, a whistle blower with an agenda. The politics behind the current situation are significant. To be able to ban a country based on yet unproven allegations would be criminal – in our court system.

The fact that a particular lab was cited makes sense, but a particular athlete, a cross country skier was also named by the Committee whistle blower – however, the skier was living in Europe and coached by a German… tested five days each week and passed. This obviously does not fit the profile of the Russian lab, so now we are in a flux of Truth and Truth sayers…whistle blowers with a vein for vengeance, and innocents who deserve to be given their chance.

In perusing the names of athletes sanctioned for doping, the list is daunting – logging in more than 70 individuals in just the “C’s” – 10 from the US and 4 from Russia. It IS a problem. But it is NOT a country problem – it is pervasive and it is influenced by every country participating. Maybe the C list is just an anomaly of US accusations. Ummm, no – in the “D’s”, 6 were US and 2 were Russia.

Perhaps the substance abuse should be the problem we focus on instead of a country. In US sports, 52% of professional football players used opiates, and 9% admitted to using steroids.  Be careful the precedent you set because it could come back to bite you and you and you.

It’s like guns – guns don’t kill – people do. Drugs are used by people who abuse them. People. Not Countries. Just ask – Lance Armstrong. The problem is prolific. Address the disease.  It needs to be cured!

Russia Targeted by WADA – Doping Scandal

A doping scandal, an epidemic, and a history that is an embarrassment – to many. Let’s see who? Oh my!  Oh my!

Olympic Doping has quite a history it would appear:   In 2014, the score was; Latvia and Ukraine tied for – 2, Austria, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Russia, Italy – 1. In 2010 we had just one – Poland. In 2006, we had Austria – 7! Russia – 1. In 2002, Austria again came in first with – 4 dopes, Russia – 3, UK, Spain and Belarus – 1. Prior records are sketchy – 1988 – Poland – 1, and 1984 – Mongolia – 1.

Based on the evidence, Austria is the clear winner! Yea, they are forever banned. Oh wait. Never mind.

Doped horses: Ireland is clearly the winner with – 5, Germany – 2, and Norway and Brazil each – 1.  And the Winner is!

Doping cases for cyclists is so long it bears pages and pages of names with the US leading the pack in 2012, but by 2015, everyone had hopped on the bandwagon; Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, France, UK, Turkey, Canada, Columbia, US, Czech, Chile, New Zealand, Russia, Slovenia, Algeria, and Venezuela. Pardon me if I unjustly left someone out of the scoring.

So why all the hoopdela suddenly? No one has ever before considered banning an entire country? Gasp, could it be…

Who is making the accusations against Russia? WADA, World Anti-Doping Agency, a French company based in Canada, whose current leader is a British sports administrator, born in Scotland. He was a Badminton player who lobbied for the ‘sport’ to be recognized as an Olympic event and won. He was knighted by the queen of England, for what no one is quite certain. What we DO know is that  WADA is apparently an expensive business to run…

WADA 2013 Financial:  Salaries and Consulting fees – roughly $13million, travel $3.8million, Grants $4.87million, Admin and IT $4.67million, oh and testing fees, the thing they are created to do – $689,700 representing 2% of their budgeted expenses. Hmmm. As of 2013, their total assets amounted to a whopping $34,563,969 – a nonprofit foundation…

Hillary move over.

Where do they get their funding? Half comes from the Olympic Committee, half from world governments. In 2014, the total budget was over $26 million. Of that, $13 million came from governments. The US, Canada and the UK accounted for 35% of its government funding.  Could that be considered a conflict of interests?

In 2013, Jamaica was on WADA’s hit list. In addition, Turkey was host to a significant number of test positives. As a result, WADA issued the following statement, As we look forward, the fight for a level playing field is faced with many challenges. An example of a very current challenge is the potential influence of an athlete’s entourage. Increasingly, the global anti-doping community is viewing the athlete entourage (coaches, trainers or athlete support personnel) as one of the main influences for athletes that decide to dope.”


And after a scathing article was written and published in France with respect to WADA’s labs being corrupt, WADA released this statement in full repudiation of the claim:

Accredited anti-doping laboratories do not know the names of the athletes whose samples they analyze. Period. Samples are identified by an anonymized code. Only the anti-doping organization (e.g., the sports federation or national anti-doping agency) that has ordered the test is able to match the name of the athlete with the code from the laboratory. It is inaccurate and irresponsible to state that the laboratories are the sources of athlete information.

Today, WADA has issued a statement in which they are closing the laboratory in Russia, after claiming it was corrupt. Oops.  They have also stated that their investigation has been rather ‘narrow’ in that they have only targeted Russia.  Oops.   “The independent commission wants to make it clear that Russia is not the only country with an ineffective anti-doping programme and that athletics is not the only sport with an ineffective anti- doping programme”.

I suppose the question raised is why then only Russia? When Austria and Germany have radical histories of drug abuse?

Cheating is so commonplace, it is glamourized. Elections are rigged, 140% of voter turnout, in Hollywood sleeping with a Director to get a role is so common as to be blasé, Lance Armstrong cheated for decades, what laboratory was implicated? Tiger Woods cheated on his wife. Obama cheated the country with false promises. FIFA officials have been accused of money laundering, taking bribes, racketeering, and fraud. But no ‘country’ was brought down over the scandal which included reps from the US, Australia, Columbia, Switzerland and Costa Rica. In 1919, the White Sox purposefully threw a game. Harvard students expelled for cheating. Bernie Madoff. Chinese athletes stripped of medals because they were too young – but China wasn’t expelled. In 2005, referees in Germany rigged games.

The list is endless. But in a society now bent on a punitive form of justice, we make everyone pay for the mistake of a few. It begins in elementary school where one student’s bad behavior leads to the entire class being punished.

Moral: “Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools who don’t have brains enough to be honest.”

~Benjamin Franklin