Mueller Pressing Trump on Russia

Working backward, we have:

The Atlantic Council                 The Atlantic                 The British American Project

Council on Foreign Relations          WilmerHale Law firm

And Mueller, Schumer, Feinstein, Huntsman, McCain, and Soros

A web intricately woven.

To begin, we had two very Liberal, very Democrat, notables vehemently applauding the nomination of Mueller in the Trump investigation, Feinstein and Schumer. They gushed! They also apparently gush over McCain, a leading Soros comrade. This would indicate that Mueller is somehow supported by or connected to – Soros.

The headline story regarding Mueller calling for a Grand Jury Investigation of Trump came from three major sources: The Atlantic, The Washington Post and CNN. All quite entrenched in the Soros mega-cyclone of a World Agenda. All outlets for Soros viewpoints.

Mueller’s last legal connection was with the WilmerHale law firm in Boston. They created a subsidiary Investment Advisory firm, Silver Bridge Capital Management which has about $1.5 billion under management.   Two of their more high profile cases involved 1) representation of numerous Swiss Banks and German companies accused of profiting and exploiting laborers during the Nazi occupation.   And 2)   The representation of 6 men accused of plotting to attack the US Embassy in Bosnia and who are now held at Guantanamo.  Interesting choices…

Despite criticism of their representation by then Assistant Secretary of Defense, a notable Harvard Law professor hailed their integrity and loyalty.  Harvard’s face is everywhere in the World Order agenda.

Numerous principle law partners at the firm were former Clintonite appointees. Some are members of the Trilateral Commission, others are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, thus connected with the Atlantic Council, The British American Project (Rothschilds) and the Council of Economic Advisors with a heavy handed dollop of Harvard Law (Obama’s alma mater). All of the above are heavily ingratiated in the World Order, Open Society Foundation, and Soros.

Knowing the adamant terrorizing of Trump by the Clintons, Soros, CNN, Washington Post, etc… could pressure have been put on Mueller from his partners and connections to the Soros cabal to create a Grand Jury Investigation despite having no evidence?

Entrenched in the CFR, is the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Harvard Corporation, World Economic Forum, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Chase, Merck, Reuters and a host of the largest and most elite.  Click on the Picture to link.

And so, voila we have a veritable cocktail with Mueller seemingly the glass.

The Chairman of The Atlantic Council is John Huntsman. Although he describes himself as a Republican, like McCain, his good buddy, he is more Liberal than Conservative and would seem to be a possible groomee of – Soros. The Atlantic Council is funded by over 25 countries as well as numerous businesses including the Soros Open Society Foundation.

The Atlantic Council awarded Hillary for her “Distinguished International Leadership”, in 2013. Their Clinton lean is well known.  Wanting a Hillary/Obama government, they have been instrumental in creating Trump backlash and pushing the Russian agenda.  WilmerHale law partners have connection to the Council.

And while the Russia witch hunt continues unabated, no one seems to care that Hillary gave her brother board membership to one of two gold mining companies in Haiti along with Billy’s interim chair of the Haiti Recovery Commission.

No one peeps about the Uranium deal Hillary made with Russia.

And while the Russians are demonized ferociously, no one seems to remember that during WWII when the Nazi’s and Germans were committing mass genocide, the Jews were routinely told to flee for their lives to – Russia, the good guy.

So, Mueller, do you represent the President, or the Council on Foreign Relations?   Are you being blackmailed, or have you become a part of the Swamp?

Because the connections seem rather deep and wide, entrenched in a Hillary/Soros core whose tentacles are much more vast than we realize.