Blinken Poking the Bear WWIII – Using Directed Energy Weapons

Given that the CIA is running Ukraine and Zelenskyy is simply a figurehead, Blinken is authorizing the CIA to strike inside Russia putting America in the war front and center.  A last ditch solution to Netanyahu’s criminal arrest dilemma.  War.   A last ditch effort to forego US elections.  War.   All while putting Taiwan on military alert. 

The Blinken logic is that if Ukraine uses – US weapons inside Russia – it could trigger WWIII.  Problem with this media illogic?  The Kyiv CIA has already been striking inside Russia in the Belgorod Region.  Every weapon left to the disposal of Ukraine is either US made, German made, or UK made. The Kabbalah is running out of time and solutions.  Kyiv has few troops left and morale is in hell.  But Netanyahu needs a diversion.

As Blinken testifies before the House committee, the topic opens with,  “I think the need for U.S. global leadership – and cooperation with allies and partners – has never been greater”.  Congress is in denial of world events.  No one in Congress objects to this dystopian intifada.  On the World Stage – No one wants America’s version of leadership.  Not even Europe.  Global Heads of State have watched as the Kabbalah has taken a nice filet mignon and turned it into blackened ash.   America is decaying – and their war is already lost.  Their only hold on The People was their anonymity.

Jacob Rothschild died.  Klaus Schwab has announced his retirement.  Soros has handed the reins to his youngest son Alex whose education is a BA in History.  And 145 countries voted FOR Palestine against Israel and the US.  The power struggle is now simply a Will Smith slap fest.  While the media continue their tribute to immature fantasyland drivel.   Ted Cruz, one of Kabbalahs top funding recipients, suddenly appears on CNN discussing election fraud.   And pundits grovel.  Nauseating!

The insanity of America’s politicians discussing initiating WWIII based on Ukraine is most certainly the last death wish of Gyorgy Schwartz – Soros.   Lloyd Austin has admitted that the US is not nearly ready for a confrontation with anyone given our depleted inventory of manpower and weapons.   Not to mention, the quality of manpower has been severely lowered via vaccine injuries and death and a lowering of intellectual and physical enlistment requirements.  Not to worry, the FBI is training migrants.   Not to work the vineyards as Pelosi claims – but to fight – internally & externally.  The same FBI that was given a thumbs up to take out Trump at Mar a Lago last year.

Inevitably, chaos has always been the mantra of Soros – which is also the reflection of the Biblical Satan.   Chaos vs Order.   Order is the equivalent of a country rooted in Biblical teachings.  Chaos is America.  If chaos wins – America goes to Hell.

Last week, Russia launched a low orbit satellite that was following the same orbit as its American counterpart.   Several months ago, the Pentagon was warning Russia against putting a weapon in space.  Maj General Pat Ryder declared that Russia’s satellite was capable of destroying other satellites and was thus a weapon of war.

In line with Ryder’s intellectual acumen, he stated:

“Certainly, we would say that we have a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend the space domain and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the joint and combined force. And we’ll continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment.”

Translation – The US has launched space weapons and is angry that Russia would have the audacity to launch one as well albeit programmed to shadow – the Pentagons.   Such low orbit satellites can carry Directed Energy Weapons such as the one used in Maui.  Nukes can be taken out.  DEI’s are much more targeted and virtually immediate.

The US currently has over 11,500 satellites in orbit with different functions.  Of those, roughly 240 are military.  By comparison, China has 140 and Russia has 105 military satellites.  All, of course, are simply spying – not weaponized – if you believe the White House. While the US has declared the latest satellite launched by Russia to be weaponized, the statement is based on speculation and media fear mongering.   The fact that the Pentagon declared the Russia satellite a ‘deterrence’  indicates that the US is operating weapons in space despite claiming otherwise.

Currently under development in the US are the following space weapons according to The Pentagon:  Chemical Lasers, Particle Beams and space planes.   The Directed Energy weapons are considered the most valuable by the DoD which contracts with TRW Systems, Northrop, Pratt & Whitney, Boeing, GE, Raytheon, and Rocketdyne.  According to a very informed anonymous, former official who worked somewhere official, the chemical laser research was stopped in 2012…because they preferred a renewable, sustainable, equity weapon to replace those nasty pants chemicals.

However, the Army does issue a Weekly Report that discusses “Directed Energy Master Plan”.

One such Report in 2023 discusses high energy lasers and high powered microwaves.

These weapons can be carried by a satellite.  The ultimate goal is to create hypersonic missiles. Which Russia, Iran and China have already developed.   The report is focused on a go-to date for War – 2030.  One such prototype is named THOR – and is considered of great value for the fact that any idiot can operate it – even an untrained immigrant…  These weapons can be mounted on trucks, ships, and planes.   But their quality diminishes with distance.  That is now the focus.

Up thru 2023, the DoD had not convinced Congress that the increased research and development of prototypes was worth the disadvantages – repair, cleanup, etc…   Which makes their test case, Maui, look as though it was actuated to show Congress how powerful such a weapon could be over conventional counterparts.  IF one of the DoD military contractors, like Raytheon, wanted a live demonstration it would explain why the entire Lahaina area was/is immediately cordoned off in order to assess the means for cleanup and to suppress any link to an American defense contractor.

The Feudal mentality is ultimately going to be tested in WWIII.  The ‘WHEN’ is questionable. 

Israel Inciting Iran For a Regime Change via Pahlavi Dynasty

Well criminy jehosephat!   The West is bruising for an Iran Regime Change coup in order to install the Western backed Reza Pahlavi, son of the Shah of Iran.  Thus ushering in a monarchial Dynasty that cannot be deposed while doing the bidding of the CLUB Cartel.

Currently residing in Great Falls, Virginia, a gateway suburb of Washington, Pahlavi is the first and now only son in line to succeed his father.  When the Shah was on his deathbed, his Ministers encouraged him to leave the throne to his youngest son instead of Reza claiming Reza hadn’t the competence to rule.   The 1979 Iran Revolution forced the Pahlavi family to leave Iran and take up residency in the US.   Ali, the younger son, died by a ‘self inflicted’ gunshot wound in 2011 – securing Reza as the sole Heir to the throne.  The claim is ‘suicide’ despite the fact that hAli’s daughter had just been born… a Clinton affair.

Today, as Iran ponders its Israel retaliation, the coup regimers have been busily inciting the planned return of their western puppet Reza.  This would explain why Israel bombed Damascus:  To force a retaliation strike that would be met with War.  The War would decimate Iran, depose the Ayatollah, and install Reza.  Reza would then allow the Mossad and CIA to rule Iran.  And The Monarchy is thus re-established – forever.

It was reported by Bob Woodward that the Reagan administration allowed the CIA to support Reza as long as was necessary before he could be reinstalled.  That was 45 years ago.  He is now purportedly worth upwards of $2+ billion.  Reza has 3 daughters – no sons and has never held a job.

The CIA issued a script to the media that Iran would retaliate – last Friday.   Given that didn’t happen, the CIA released an update Saturday that Iran would retaliate in 48 hours.   Amidst these secretive intel reports scripted for the media, there are videos showcasing the military might of the US Navy and Air Force in the Red Sea – just sweating to initiate a full blown assault.

Danny Danon, Israel’s permanent Representative to the UN has posted a threat on Twitter wherein he warns Iran that should they retaliate, Israel will retaliate in the same fashion it did in Gaza,  “Look what happened to Hamas”.   Essentially, Danon is posturing, hoping that Iran will back down, fall to its knees, and bow to the new installed King Reza gilded with crown, bejeweled staff, robes and jewels.

The Twitter propaganda is on full Deployment…in anticipation of a crowned King.

Center For Strategic and International Studies (CSIS):   “Despite the fact that the U.S. economy is more than 16 times as large as Iran’s and its military budget more than 100 times as large, Iran has consistently blocked U.S. efforts to create a stable regional order.”    COUP.

Key to every regime change (coup) invoked by the Mossad/CIA is the phrase, ‘Defending Human Rights’.  This phrase provides the justification for every battle, skirmish, and war as promoted via Social Media propaganda.   It has been used to dictate and oust every single leader and to create poverty thru sanctions.

For Example:   CUBA – In 2023, the UN called for an end to the embargo and put it to a vote:  187 nations agreed and 2 opposed – the US and Israel.   The reasoning?  The claim that when Cuba sends its doctors and supplies to assist other countries dealing with catastrophic and humanitarian events – it amounts to ‘modern slavery’.   Cuba is renowned for its doctors and many countries request their assistance.   Therefore the embargo must remain based on “defending human rights”.

Israel’s offensive has enraged the entire Middle East and protests have rangled Jordan where the Western backed government is unsure how to handle it.   An attack on Iran would rattle Turkey, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Syria, etc…  The elephant in the room being Saudi Arabia.   Picking sides.  “A Jordanian researcher monitoring the protests told Al Jazeera that there are some primary questions to be considered;  suspending normalization with Israel, reconsidering ties with the United States, and cancelling other energy, gas, or trade deals with Israel.” 

As it stands now the Jordanian government have arrested hundreds of protesters, politicians, journalists and human rights groups.  There are roughly 2.4 million Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.  ALL of whom would join Iran alongside the 400,000 Yemeni troops already pledged.   Israel has the weapons – they have nukes.   And they don’t care about any country, any populace, other than their own.

Hypersonic Missiles are believed to be game-changers.  Iran, China and Russia have stockpiles.  North Korea may have advanced to this stage as well.  The US has independently been actively working to develop them, but so far tests have failed and more research is needed.

In The Art of War – it is preferable to have secured better weapons than your opponent BEFORE inciting a World War.  

According to the chairman of the Israeli Space Agency, an exoatmosphere Arrow 3 hypersonic, was jointly developed with the US.  The weapon may serve as an anti-satellite weapon, which would make Israel one of the world’s few countries capable of destroying orbiting satellites.  Oddly, this comes after the White House recently demanded Russia sign a pact against the use of anti- satellite weapons.   While simultaneously claiming Russia is planning to use the exact same weapon to take out satellites – a National Security Threat!

This is how they parlez vous!  

How Iran will respond is an unknown.   But retaliation is not a prediction, it is a fact.   It will be planned meticulously as Israel continues to incite and destroy without mercy.  While the US was complicit in the Damascus attack, just as we are in the Ukraine attacks, Iran has defined Israel as their primary target, not the US.  And stated – “it will be cruel”.