Ukraine – A Global War Model

UKRAINE and TURKEY Preparing to go to War against Crimea

and by default – Russia. Holy Moly!

While Obama dropped the mic, troops have been amassing along the Crimea border with Ukraine. Was the mic drop a sign that the stage is set, the chess board is positioned? Was it the last legacy of one who had an agenda that is now well established and that will alter the world to come? As in, I have done what I was told and everything is ready…

Despite a NATO ceasefire and a 15 mile restrictive zone along the border of Crimea, the Ukrainian army with the assistance of Turkey have been steadily positioning armory and troops at Donbass, Artemovsk, Pisky, Dubrovka, Slobodna, Netilo, Noveske, Negara, Donetsk, Mariupol.

Boom! No news. Not a whippet. The UN and NATO are more than aware of the buildup and have been silent – eerily so. The news having focused on Trump vs Cruz, on Syria and Assad, on Cuba tourism, and on supposed aggressions of China and Russia, the psychology of media manipulation has achieved it’s goal and We The People have no idea what is really going on.

And now, the newly appointed Supreme Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Scaparrotti, has announced that he recommends ‘arming Ukraine in defense of the Russian aggression’. Really?   The aggression is Ukraine, ie Poroschenko – in cahoots with our good buddy Turkey. In other words, an all out war is being tipped and the media is being hushed. The military aggression would surely coincide with the frenzy of Poland, Slovakia, Belarus, Romania, Moldova and Hungary in demanding assistance to defend their countries. They know this will be used as the impetus.  And Eastern Europe is running scared!

Drop mic.

In the meantime, the US is ramping up its presence in the South China Sea, claiming it is defending Japan against China aggression. But China keeps saying – leave us alone, stop interfering, get a life, mind your own business…  Ash Carter’s response?   The World Is Ours and Therefore it is Our Business. Shitake Mushrooms! Provocative? YES! Arrogant? YES! Scary as Shitake? Definitely.

In the meantime, while we demand that Russia solve the Syria debacle that the attempted US coup created , we vilify them in the media and then beg for their help.   “Pretty Please” you evil, demon, vile country better save us from the horror we created – or else we will annihilate – you…   Who the heck is running that show? Because everyone knows Ash Carter is simply a vacant – Marionette. Dance!

It is rumored that Ukraine’s military, and by default, Turkey, will wage an all out assault this summer on Crimea, ramping up the Kerry “peace effort” and instigating an all out potential global war in defense of a people who seem to have no idea why they are killing their own people.

With a revamped government, as in everyone left or was fired, Ukraine is once again an oligarch, the only difference is Who’s On First – as in Poroschenko and Saaskashvili. The US is silent. Europe is silent. Canada and Australia all hold to the hush concept of media censorship. And while the buildup of NATO and US forces across China, Russian borders and Europe is aggressive and provocative, the entire motive was clear when Obama stated that the TPP Agreement would allow the US, not China, to lead in global trade. A statement that begged aggression and arrogance. Ouch!

Of course, the TPP Agreement is really simply a Japan/US alliance that omits Europe and most other allies, the statement was an obvious call to a chicken fight. China’s response? We will continue to grow our trade with or without you.

Other countries are embracing China in response. Why? Because China vows ‘non-interference’, while the US is busily interfering in every pocket, every hole, every hand, and every company across the globe to the extent that even the Brits are tired of the meddling. The Brits!

Who is left that we can truly call friend? How do you create a global economy when everyone hates you? You don’t unless the agenda is to alienate the US from the global chess board altogether. In which case – who would step in as the ultimate power? Europe has just succumbed to a Muslim refugee assault so they are out. South America is in turmoil, so they are out. Canada doesn’t have the balls. Australia is too small, India and Pakistan are mired in their attempts to crawl out of poverty, so we are left with – Russia and China. But the shadows hate Russia and China. So the rise would have to come – not from a country at all – but from a conglomerate.

A conglomerate that offered ‘something different’ – something not-political – a conglomerate of the wealthy…