You Can’t Always Get What Ya Want….

While we hail the bringing down of the Swamp, the shadows that have ruled, the cabal, and all its history, do we truly understand the implications?   It may mean that every CIA and FBI action was rooted in a false agenda.   It could mean that the narratives that justified massive killings, and even the claims of subversion and implantation with devices – could all – be real.   The claims of criminals, could prove to be true, and the deaths as a result of Swamp motives, true.   All the what-if’s in the world could suddenly have substance.   What if the shooter in the Florida airport was telling the truth that he had been indoctrinated into working for ISIS by the CIA. What if, the conspiracies were all proven to be true?   And everything that was fed to our media by the Swamp for the last forty or fifty or a hundred years even – was a lie.

Imagine the magnitude.

The what if?

Waco?   The Boston Marathon?   9-11.   Parkland?   The problem with a lie is it declassifies all previous truths as it makes it shore to shore travels across the globe.     And soon, there are none. No truths.   Can we, as a society, recover from that indoctrination of false truism?   Would it negate science?   Philosophy?   And even doctrines of religion?

Truth became my obsession for a reason, it wasn’t an accidental or benign path.   It was – necessary.

Shakespeare spoke of the stage.   Nietzsche of hopelessness.   Fellini of absurdity. And Bergman of absolute suicidal depression.  They were not lying.   And so, Hollywood emerged as the salvation of fantasy.   Until their power became so visible, so viable, so enormous, that the greed and deity of their arrogance took over – and power was wielded.

What if the FBI and CIA are the drug Lords? What if they are the sex traffickers?   What if? Because when a lie of the magnitude that is being opened now is absorbed, there are no boundaries.   The question remains, can we accept what is truth?   When the lies have been the ‘way’, how then can we know which is which?   And so, therein is the escape – the seed of doubt.

In life, in our homes, in politics, on our social media, in the media, on television, in the news, what if… the fabrication is so deep that countless hundreds of thousands have died to serve – an agenda?   I think of my father. Of the service he gave to the military and thus by default to the world. I think, I wonder, if he ever questioned the authority that gave the orders.   And I consider his reasons for retiring suddenly. Decades ago. What did he know?

And so we now await the outcome of the Draining Of The Swamp – here in the US and beyond all borders throughout Europe, Asia, Canada, Africa – and etc.. and etc…

Within this frame of worldly deception, I find I am once again in the midst of a maniacal obsession in which a man would like to see me ‘hurt’.   Dueling good and evil, the men I’ve known at once demand that I return to them, and yet simultaneously plot my mortality.   I am at a loss. I cannot fathom such a mind.   Certainly, the 1960’s Kool-aide plot has taken hold…and they are all defective.  Why do some succumb, and others thrive?

I read recently of the CIA adding a ton of chorine to a water system… and while the article does not speculate where or what possible health reactions resulted, or even – why?, it does reveal the almost robotic reaction to emotion – as in – devoid. As we unravel conspiracy after conspiracy and find they are truly rooted in fact, how far back, how much unraveling proceeds?

Chip Tatum was a purported ex-military, ex-CIA, operative who knew names deep into the infiltration of the core corruption within our government including George Bush, Oliver North, and Bill Clinton.   Tatum implicated these three along with countless others as being instrumental in the exchange of arms for bounties of cocaine in the Nicaragua contra affair.   Cocaine the CIA and government officials sold on the black market – pocketing the reapings.   And yet – there were little to no repercussions. Why? Because the CIA was tasked with investigating itself – and found itself – innocent of all charges…

And we said – okay.

If this is true.   Then does the CIA and FBI involvement with the Epstein pedophilia claim gain traction as truth? Was WACO a complete and purposeful genocide? I suppose it wouldn’t be so difficult to stomach if I was talking about some terrorist regime nation, but instead, I am talking about the regime that was instituted by – a cabal.   An ideology that has no racial commonality, social commonality, or religious commonality.   While this cult has a social identity that could be termed ‘race’, it is not what we might commonly refer to. Yet it is perhaps thousands of years old..

Certainly, Biblical prophesy supports all this.   But it does not absolve the sadness of watching people we know, succumb. Because, it is like a death.   They have chosen to cross.   It is – a choice. When a person knows both sides, and makes a purposeful step into one side or the other, they cannot justify or preclude their choice with anything other than – choice. And if we are in the Faith, we will shed tears for them.

I suppose the most positive aspect of this truth saying is the fact that more and more people seem to desire that ‘fessing up’, standing tall, rigid, albeit angry, people are saying – just say it.   Let it be done so that we can repair and move on.

I was recently made privy to the televised rant of Michelle Obama in which she ‘deplores all females’ as intellectual idiots – if they did not vote Hillary.   And while she denigrates and deplores, and demonizes, somehow she believes this will make all the ‘deplorables’ suddenly experience an awakening and skip off into their dark, bleak, grey world of Michelline.   She is attempting to secure you through your own sin and self-guilt.   She is warring you into submission.   And yet, the vast numbers of warriors are rising each time, as they truly do awaken, and they see, the expanse of lies like an endless ocean washing tides of sand on the shores.

Kool-aide acid…

Right now. What we can know. Is that we have Clarke Kent in the White House, and he may not be a Saint, he may not be a Mense, he may not be a Rhodes Scholar, but as the Stones said,

“You don’t always get what ya waannnt, ya don’t always get what ya waannnt, … but if ya try sometime, you just might find, you get what ya NEED, ya-ya-ya, You Get What You NEED!” Ya. Ya.

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