Alt-Right = White Nationalism – or Patriotism

White Nationalism has been tossed around during the Hillary campaign and beyond, with major liberal media making the claim that Trump and his supporters are banners of this plague… Basically, it refers to the ideology embraced by the KKK.

“White nationalism is an ideology that advocates a racial definition of national identity. Proponents of the ideology identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation. It ranges from a preference for one’s specific white ethnic group, to feelings of superiority, including calls for national citizenship to be reserved for white people.

Critics have argued that ideas such as white pride and white nationalism exist to provide a sanitized public face for white supremacy, and that most white nationalist groups promote racial violence.”

WHOA there. Back up. “…such ideas as ‘white pride’. Wouldn’t that mean that Black Pride, and Black Lives Matter are actually the groups creating racial definition and identity?  Wouldn’t they be responsible for the devastation, destruction, riots and fires that consume our neighborhoods!?  According to the definition… – yes.

The definition progresses to the statement that White Nationalism is composed of a loose group of individuals who are labeled the alt-right, supported Donald Trump and write articles for Breitbart.   So who molded this bizarre definition?

The Southern Poverty Law Center – which is funded and sourced by none other than ta-da!!!!   George Soros.

But the media throws bricks and mortar at the alt-right describing them as vicious supremacists who hate jews, women, gays, blacks, muslims, and lather at the notion that Trump might create a Heil Hitler in the US. WOW!   Where the heck did they get all that?  They made it up to create a civil disparity.

To read some of the garbage inciting civil division and unrest (sound familiar Soros) the media is shutting down accounts on Twitter and Facebook. They claim that the ‘members’ have a racist code they use to avoid censorship…  whaattt?

The National Policy Institute and its CEO were purged from Twitter as was journalist Milo Yiannopoulosa, a quite vocal openly gay humorist – hardly the profile… and James Woods of Hollywood, among others.   Meanwhile accounts that vocalize and threaten to assassinate President elect Trump and to murder cops, those accounts remain a viable thread under the auspices of ‘Freedom of Speech’…


The media hypocrisy gets thicker when the Truth becomes apparent that this same supposedly white supremacist group is home to blacks, muslims, jews, women and gays. And the ideology has its core in rejecting political correctness and just telling the dang TRUTH. It isn’t a supremacy, it’s an ideology – and there is a vast difference that uproots the Liberal agenda and pits in their stomachs a glob of fear.

The fear? That their agenda, everything they’ve been working on for so long – might be upended.  And that riles them like nothing else.  They will not lose.

It’s more about rejecting being herded. Rejecting the globalization Kingdom. Rejecting the propaganda and misinformation campaign. It’s about rejecting the lies and deceit, the murder, and the assassinations that have perpetuated the power of not just the Democrats, but within the Republican Party as well. It is why the Independent Party is now the largest party in the US!

It’s about being fed up with governments that make decisions authoritatively instead of as an employee of The People.

It is about how twisted politics have become, and how The People have awakened to the deception and cried NO! If The People do not want mass immigration and the politicians declare they will allow it – they are not representatives of The People, they are a dictatorial rule. It isn’t about changing minds, it’s about listening.   For The People and By The People.

It’s about the Mainstream Media perpetrating fraud and deception on The People and then declaring themselves the censorship Gestapo!

So who are the alt-right? They are you and I without the derogatory label, they are children, teens, women, men, blacks, whites, yellows, gays, jews, and a host of innocent people who are tired and fed up with being under the thumb of a defacto dictatorship in which a coup was perpetrated without our ever seeing it happen.

But then, maybe that’s why they Hail-Heil Castro… He was their Star!  He was their mentor. And their Hero…

My Hero’s? My Father and my father.

This is the response to Trump. This is the instigation to riot and a renewed US civil war, global war. It is about tearing us apart on false labels, false news, and hype. We are better than that!   We can choose to hold and uphold, or we can cave.

Alt-right? A fake propaganda label for The People who want politicians to actually represent us, not their pockets, their greed, their lust, their personal agenda. And if we concede, we will be the sheep, the pions, the thrashed and beaten peasants of Sharia-Hillaria-tribal law.

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