Steve Bannon – What a Tangled Web We Weave …

Steve Bannon likens himself to a Christian Zionist.   Having made his money as VP of Goldman Sachs, he churned his stock into a film career in Hollywood that spanned from 1991 to 2019 as producer, writer and actor.   Within his many business ventures which supplemented his film career, he served as VP of the board of Cambridge Analytics, a subsidiary of the SCL Group. 

The SCL Group was founded in the UK in 1990 to study ‘mass behavior’ – how to shift opinion through psychological means.   The group’s founder was, Nigel Oakes. SCL was funded by Lord Mountbatten, Paul Nix, and Baron Marland – second cousin to King Charles.  All of whom exercised close relations with the Royal Family. 

Working on behalf of the governments of NATO including the UK and US, SCL Group used mass behavioral techniques to foment coups across Africa, India, Taiwan, and Ukraine – among others.  Paid for by the DOD and MI6.  In 2012, SCL formed its subsidiary, Cambridge Analytics with funding from the Mercer Foundation at the behest of Steve Bannon.  Mercer heavily funded Breitbart News.  According to whistleblower, Christopher Wylie, who worked for SCL, Bannon saw the accomplishments of SCL across less developed countries and asserted that this means of behavioral modification should be used in America.

During the 2016 election, Mercer funded neoconservative Zionist Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.   Playing both sides of the Republican party.  It was Mercer who manipulated Bannon and Kellyanne Conway into Trump’s White House.  It has been theorized that Mercer was instrumental in Trump getting elected.  Mercer makes this declaration.

While SCL and Cambridge both declared their honorable intentions, they essentially were filling the void of MKUltra.   Manipulating the consciousness. While MKUltra is well known for its utilization of various drugs both voluntarily and involuntarily, they also used hypnosis techniques such as anterograde amnesia.   Anterograde amnesia causes a person to retain long term memories while completely losing memory of recent past events – much like Alzheimer’s.   It is quite likely hypnosis  was used in the 2017 mass shooting by Stephen Paddock in Nevada as well as multiple other mass shootings cultivated for the confiscation of guns – aka, Bloomberg’s Everytown USA..

These military/CIA techniques were a product of Nazi scientists in WWII.  The same scientists spirited by the OSS/CIA to America where they perfected their skills.   Theories abound that these scientific ‘advancements’ were utilized to create al Qaeda and ISIS via the Mossad.   In an al Jazeera interview, former director of Mossad, Ephraim Halevy, supports the Israeli military tending to wounds incurred by al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists claiming Jews were being ‘humane’.  A justification he staunchly decries.  When asked if he would provide this same international law of humane treatment with Hezbollah – the answer was a definitive NO.   The reason?   ISIS and al Qaeda never attacked Israel… an interesting distinction.

Which alludes to all sorts of conclusions – including that these terrorist cells were funded and created by Mossad – with assistance of the CIA.  And perhaps MKUltra evolutionary control was a factor.  Why hasn’t Israel ever been attacked by these terrorist organizations?

Question?  Why would Bannon align himself with these organizations and people?   Was Trump installed with the concept that Bannon would control him?   Is that the real reason Trump fired him?   Was Bannon under the thumb of the Royal family in conjunction with the Zionists?  

In 2017, Bannon was introduced to Jeffrey Epstein – Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell was a Mossad Agent.   In 2018, Jewish journalist, Michael Wolf, wrote a book detailing unflattering accounts of both President Trump and Bannon.  Many of his assertions are something akin to National Enquirer slander.  As a result, the media couldn’t contain their slathering over anything derogatory and the book became a NYT Bestseller.    

Some of the Bannon comments target Ivanka and Donald Jr – claiming Ivanka was basically an airhead, and Trump jr was a Russian asset, an egg who would crack under Russia’s wing. During his tenure in the business world, it has been asserted that Bannon has a short temper fuse and openly attacks anyone he deems inferior to his enlightened intellect.   Which would include everyone.

Bannon’s War Room and Bannon were bought by Robert Sigg in 2019.   

Based in Colorado, Robert Sigg is owner of Performance One Media, a holding company for Real America’s Voice.  Prior to this acquisition, Sigg worked for Turner Media – of Ted Turner fame.

Sigg has a expansive history of illegal activity including:  Mortgage fraud, domestic violence, burglary, assault, drug distribution and battery.   In 2017, Sigg’s 17 year old son was convicted of murdering and dismembering a 10 year old girl.

WHY would Bannon align himself with this sort of person?

According to Open Secrets, Sigg has been a profuse contributor to Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Robert Menendez, Frank Lautenberg, Tom McClintock and other Democrats… and Rhinos.  Tom McClintock, a Republican, called for special prosecutor, Mueller, to investigate President Trump in 2017.   He has voted in alliance with Biden consistently.

Robert Sigg is an obvious Democrat, anti-Trump and Steve Bannon’s owner.

Bannon would appear to be a Grand Masker.  It is quite possible he is a CIA or Mossad asset.  Perhaps recruited during his Hollywood tenure.   It is doubtful he has any affinity for any political candidate and is deeply involved in creating an illusion of himself in order to identify and incite conservatives into a fake ideology and thus targets for the Mossad and CIA. 

Bannon would appear to be the epitome of “what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. 

8 thoughts on “Steve Bannon – What a Tangled Web We Weave …

  1. This article is pure propaganda probably requested by the Biden Administration to cause confusion and malign a great patriot like Steve Bannon!! So sad!

  2. This is good and appropriate information. I did not know his deeper background. Bannon has a good cover. He fancies himself a patriot like Paul Revere. But if one watched him enough and analyzes what he says and does not say, his cover is blown.

    His style is bad. His show is unorganized, and he is often unkempt. He is bad at ad libbing. The music he plays is junk. Lots of his coverage is insulting, for example, he calls his viewers “the posse”, and he gives them instructions. He cannot run a decent show.

    His extreme support of Israel is suspicious, and discredited him. I read recently that on inaugural day, 2017, he wanted Trump to cut celebrations short and go back to the White House to make the move to the Jerusalem embassy. His priorities give him away.

    Now, Bannon wants Trump to back out of the debate on CNN. He is a meddler.

    After reading this, I am more convinced Bannon has nefarious goals.

  3. Never thought much of Steve Bannon .This article is a deep dive into US politics along with the added participation of MI6 and Mossad .Sounds very much like another journalist / writer ,I know and follow .Thank you for the exposure . Cheers .

  4. And yet Steve Bannon regularly interviews people from outside the establishment-approved personalities. Along the lines of your article, though, I can’t remember whether he interviewed Ron Paul. But on that subject, I can’t trust any well-known figure until that stuff hits the fan for them. For example, true-blue Trump fans seem to be the ones on their way to the Big House.

    We’ll be surprised to find out when we get to heaven and learn “what really happened”. Those of us who do get there, by faith.

    • What is this “stuff hits the fan” you are referring to? This story is about Bannon’s questionable background, not other people who you attempt to impugn. How is this cause to attack Trump supporters? Are your ethics and morals guided by corrupt prosecutions?

      This story is about Bannon’s real connections, not your imaginary learning what really happened later. The Creator would examine people’s actions over faith. Faith with no action is scorned.

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