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TEXAS ELECTRIC GRID: A Corporate Enterprise Collapses

Wind power in Texas is privately held. It has absolutely nothing to do with a governor or senator.   The largest farm, Los Vientos, is owned by Duke Energy. The second largest is Roscoe Wind Farm which covers 100,000 acres and is owned by RWE a German company with revenues over $14 billion. It was initially installed in 2008.   Turbines have a typical lifespan of about 18-20 years.   The third largest producer is NextEra Energy, Inc, a major donor to Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidential election.

These private companies lease the land from ranchers and farmers and pay a royalty on their energy production revenues.   Local energy utilities then purchase the power for resale on the grid to customers. Customers have the right to ‘choose’ among a number of alternate utility companies.

But apparently blame has been reduced to red vs blue, republican vs democrat, when in fact the finger pointing is more relevant toward corporate governance. The entire solar/wind phenomena was instituted by corporate agendas for-profit!

Of course, no ginormous mega freeze is allowed to go unchartered without the New York Times spewing blame at global warming.   In an article today, their very scientific knowledge comes from a ‘reporter who focuses on climate’.   In a Question/Answer commentary, John Schwartz, provides his scientific knowledge of how and why polar freezes are caused by warming. Of course, his bio reveals that he has a blast writing humor, technology, space travel as well as science despite absolutely no education background that would qualify him as an expert in anything. By degree, he is a lawyer.

Utility companies are NOT responsible for wind and solar failure either.

CenterPoint Energy:   “There is not enough electricity from third party generators.

Oncor Electric:  Reporting damaged infrastructure due to extreme weather.   “Along with solar and wind, natural gas-fueled micro-turbines, diesel-fueled engines, batteries, and landfill gas are common components of DG”.

Of course, electric cars put an added strain on the grids, and that market may find itself in a flux as the current La Nina’s typical weather pattern lasts anywhere from 2 months to seven years. This estimate of between 2 and 84 months reveals the insanity of climatologists attempting to ‘predict’ anything.   And the level of fraud in claiming global warming is unaccountably wholly criminal. The NOAA acknowledges that future predictions of weather are unreliable and often involve a lot of ‘guesswork’.

WHY wasn’t Texas put on notice weeks before the event?

La Nina is considered the cold phase of weather affecting southern regions of the Pacific.

October 2020, climatologists warned of a severe ENSO phase of La Nina which bends the polar jet stream south. But other factors come into play including volcanic activity which tends to create a deflection of sunlight.   But monitoring these phenomena didn’t even begin until the 1950’s – therefore providing a ‘prediction’ is based on a relatively short span of conditions.

There are 45 volcanoes across the globe with continuous eruptions.   There are currently 23 ongoing volcanic eruptions in: Italy, Guatemala, Russia, US, Indonesia, Japan, Chile, Grenadines, and Papua New Guinea.

Multiple factors contribute to weather anomalies.   But what this Texas outage reveals is that our grids are tenuous and solar and wind are NOT going to replace fossil fuel generation anytime in the near future.   Electric cars are NOT viable unless the grids are amped up significantly.   And further ‘cooling’ of the sun as per the Bill Gates stupidity is on par with a serious terrorist threat.

And fyi:   Synthetic meat is made from dead cows cells.   Where will they get cows in order to cultivate those cells?   What is the nutrient value of synthetic GMO meat?   Can a person’s system process those GMO chemicals? NONE of these questions have been answered at all.

Once again the mental IQ acuity of Bill Gates is more and more questionable and less and less reliable.   I’ve lowered my estimate from 100 to 90.

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