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Biden’s Handler May Be Bloomberg –

Two of the world’s Largess polluters and wealthiest white men are working for Climate Change:   Michael Bloomberg as UN special envoy, and John Kerry as US WH envoy.   Both fly frequent flyer mileage – aka their private gas guzzling jets which produce a footprint 625x that of one car in any given year. Each.   In addition, each consumes a relevant housing footprint equal to roughly 30x the average homeowner in the US given multiple properties.   But when the true value is organized, the Climate Change Agenda in terms of stock valuations is considered to be worth – trillions.  

For two of the wealthiest across the globe the obvious question is why?   Why do you want MORE money?   What does it do for you?   Obviously you are bored.   Obviously your life is worthless unless you continue to rape and pillage.

But ultimately, one has to come to terms.   While neither of these pillagers are religious, and therefore do not answer to God, it is noticeable that pictures depict very ‘unhappy men’.   Why then would you continue a path that has no value – even to your own conscious life?

It is quite possible that it is Bloomberg, not Obama, pulling the Biden marionette strings.   Obama is the deflection or decoy.   But a picture unveiled by The Gateway Pundit in March 2021 would seem to be that of – Bloomberg, rallying Kamaltoes and Bidenhose as they completely derail the US economy.

Janet Yellen has declared that mobilizing the private sector on Climate Change is essential.   Why?   Because the private sector controls the money.   The governments do the bidding of the private sector.   And the money is generated by global corporate manipulation.

After the ‘virtual’ Climate Summit, that was so incredibly boring I turned it off after 5 minutes, John Kerry stated that although it is an impossibility, but if the US and China, the two largest global CO2 emitters, were to have zero emissions, it would not even dent Climate Change.   I’m not sure, but I imagine many cringed as he made the statement because it foretells a ‘lost cause’.   And a Lost Cause will not generate the illusion of saving the world!

But then Kerry, like Biden, is in his latter years of 70 and may have a bit of commonality in the reign of – dementia.   As in oops I didn’t mean to say that, where is the delete button…

Why is it that the supposed ‘powerhouses’ in our government are so ‘old’?     Soros is 90+.   He isn’t making policy!   He can barely brush his teeth!    But decades ago, he was pronounced, appointed, as the scapegoat of all things Cabal.   By contrast, Michael Bloomberg would seem to prefer anonymity.   Allowing him to be the puppet master behind Biden while the deflection is to attack Obama as the ‘race provocateur’…

Bloomberg’s abject failure of a presidential run had to be an ego killer.   The notion that a brain-dead person would win has to be even more of an ego denouncement – unless it was the only way for Bloomberg to RULE.   But in their world – ego – is everything, and ultimately Bloomberg will want to take a bow.

That would preserve Bloomberg’s ego.

Because as Jen Pissy put it when justifying government breaking the rules they institute as mandates among the peasants – there is a special status for government, governors, mayors, and the like that overrules that of the “ordinary people”…

The ever-boring virtual Climate Summit did reveal one grandiose sentiment;   They want more money!   Lots of more money!   While never really specifying why… Given none of the Paris Accord Green Fund actually funds anything Green, the Agenda is an illusion, however the concept of a formidable ‘event’ would seem more plausible.

It would make sense that the master puppeteer behind Biden was Bloomberg.   It would make sense that Obama was 3rd or 4th tier.   Obama obviously never made his own decisions but parlayed what was told to him.   Obama hasn’t the intellect nor the military acumen.   He is and always will be the Hollywood playboy.   He was created by McKinsey and Company.   A prop.   While the media repeatedly reveal Biden’s appointees were Obamas, one would have to assume Obama made ANY appointments.   Which I seriously doubt. Creation of a politician’s persona is their main protocol behind McKinsey.   Much like My Fair Lady.  Creation of their Cabinet – is a scripted patented production effort.

It would appear that most of those ‘picks’ were chosen for their lack of intellect – possibly making them clearly puppets as well, easily molded, silenced, and installed in a corner while the World Turns.

So, given Bloomberg is the voice and arm behind Biden, it is worth a moment to observe what Michael advocated when running for President:

Certainly he was all things pro-China, and all things anti-Russia.   Obvious.   But when reviewing his plans as set forth during his brief tenure as a Presidential candidate, they would seem to be lock-step with what Biden is implementing vis-a-vis Executive Order:   increase taxes, surtax on millionaires, free college education, student loan forgiveness, increase minimum wage to $15, Universal Healthcare, and a $1 trillion expenditure on ‘infrastructure’.   Electric vehicles for all, reinstalling the Climate Paris Accord agreement, etc…  THESE were ALL Bloomberg’s platforms!

Does all of this begin to sound familiar?

IF Agenda 2030 is not about Climate Change…   IF it is not about a Cabal Power Grab…  What would be the impetus for reiterating this illusion?   Could the New World Order be about the introduction of technological advancements beyond our comprehension?   Containment of human population in localized cities?   Extermination of the weak, old and immune compromised?

Biden has stated that the UFO report commissioned by President Trump will be released to the public this June.   Perhaps this report will provide more answers to the illusion we have been fed for centuries.   The extermination of past societies, the placebo’s of Big Pharmaceuticals, and a powerless government that is controlled by forces we have yet to meet.

It would appear that Bloomberg and Kerry’s mission has nothing to do with Climate Change, and everything to do with ‘preparations’.

The first recorded UFO sighting was actually 1440 BC.


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