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NEOCONSERVATIVES Against Trump: A Cabal Lineage

The THIN LINE.   The Lincoln Project is everything that Abraham Lincoln was – not.   What it is is a resurgence of the National Union Party which sought to attract democrats into the fray of republicans in their ‘pro-war’ assault.   By contrast The Lincoln Project claims that “two views cannot exist in one party”.   And yet, the organization announced its endorsement of Joe Biden – a Democrat.   Hypocrisy?   

While they justify their hatred of all things President Trump by declaring they have never backed a Democrat president, as an organization they have only existed since 2019.  So backing ANY president could not have occurred.

The rag-tag bunch includes: Schmidt – manager of McCain’s failed run, Weaver & Galen – who worked with Bush, McCain and Schwarzenegger, Wilson – who served as director for Bush, and George Conway – a Washington Post columnist and husband to Kellyanne Conway former Trump counselor and speaker.  The stated goal of The Lincoln Project is all things anti-Trump, currently citing Trump’s response to CoVid.   However, their disdain was quite public long before CoVid and has everything to do with the Cult/Cabal.

Most recently, the former Chairman of the RNC declared his alliance with The Lincoln Project. Michael Steele has a somewhat checkered past having lost a handful of elections. His political career was only really successful when he was picked, not elected, as Lieutenant Governor by Bob Ehrlich.   Erhlich’s short-term political career became nonexistent in 2007 after a failed run for governor.   He did work briefly in 2012 for Mitt Romney’s failed campaign, otherwise he returned to the practice of Law.

Defending Democracy Together:   Founded by Bill Kristol, a Republican who backed Bush, McCain and Romney, is also a contentious anti-Trump organization.   Kristol identifies as a ‘neoconservative’.

43 Alumni For Biden:   Is a who’s who of Bush/Cheney alliances, friends of China, Obama appointees, Cuba sympathizers, CNN columnists, Democrats, and Bill Gates buddies.    Nearly all the 43 served with Bush, voted for Hillary, and/or work for an organization funded by Bill Gates.   As such, they too would be defined as ‘neoconservatives’.   Two people in particular stand out; 1. Joe Kennedy – a Democrat who co-wrote the New Green Deal, and 2.   John Brennan, the disgraced.

Obviously these 43 Alumni are vintage members of the hawk establishment.

Neoconservatism would seem to be at the root of the anti-Trump brigade.   Claiming to be Republican’s, but like the far-left green democrats, the alliance within the party is based on extreme ethics and principles. Neoconservatives typically align with right-wing Socialist objectives. Their ideology references such slogans as “War is Peace” and “Might is Right”.   Detent is considered a sign of weakness.

Neoconservatism arose in the 1960’s among liberal hawks who believed war was the answer to everything. They were comprised of democrats who felt the party had become much too pacifist and felt interventionism via military aggressive force was the means to the end.   Many of the founders are said to have been Trotskyists. Historians and authors, such as Michael Lind and Francis Fukuyama, have aligned them with Lenin claiming they will attempt another Bolshevik Revolution.

While many current neoconservatives use former president Reagan as their mantra of justification, Reagan was a pacifist – VP Bush was the war monger.   Bush was NOT Reagan’s choice as VP, he hated Bush, considered his ideals vastly different than Reagans’, and vehemently disliked the east coast republican establishment which was aligned with Rockefeller.   Rockefeller’s foreign policy was known as quite hawkish.   But he wasn’t called a neoconservative, instead, he was referred to as a liberal conservative – as was GW Bush, McCain, and Romney.  The Presidential Club.

The alternate VP pick being pushed on Reagan was Ford. “Ford was rejected because the Reagans discovered that Ford planned to govern the country as a “co-president” with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger returning as Secretary of State, Ford’s former chief of staff Dick Cheney as Defense Secretary, and Alan Greenspan as Treasury Secretary.” ~ Infowars.

That would be a globalist power play. 

It was during George W Bush’s reign that the foreign policy neoconservatives took hold.   During the Bush administration the US interventionism was prolific in: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Africa, Chile, Peru, …etc.   The CIA and FBI expanded their roles in coups across the globe.   NGO’s sprouted and funding was siphoned from government organizations – USAID in particular.

And then we had 9-11 USA.

Preemptive military strikes became the policy. War the objective. Power the end result.   Bush’s advisors included Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and Stephen Hadley.  The US dropped $1 trillion on Afghanistan alone!   But that was the point.   Wars completely destroy Budgets and the US hurtled into unaccountable deficits.

The fact that Bush has called upon all his cronies to try and stop the Trump Train means Bush is scared. His fear is leaving him open to mistakes.   And like the Biden, Obama and Clinton messes unraveling at the hands of President Trump, Bush may too have something rather dubious/devious to hide.

There are numerous conspiracy claims that Bush and his administration were behind 9-11.   United against terrorism, the people flipped their opinions and began to embrace the Bush presidency after the collapse of America as we came to realize.   However, Trump’s team may have managed to uncover massive corruption and a Bush 9-11 truth could upend everything.

The alliance with the ‘then’ Saudi regime has also flipped with Prince Muhammed bin Salmon assuming control.   MBS is said to be an ally of President Trump.  To think MBS doesn’t know exactly what happened would be naïve at best.   What he has shared with Trump could be the Bush impetus.

The claim to Republicanism or Reagan by the neoconservatives is simply a hijacked label that has absolutely no allegiance or alliance with the policies and ideals espoused by Reagan.   Instead the labels are utilized to gain a false sense of a common divisive hatred for President Trump.   In actuality, Reagan’s office was no different than Trump’s in that it was stacked with Cult/Cabalists.  In actuality, Reagan would likely approve of Trump’s policies and his nationalistic patriotism.

These anti-Trump organizations have one main goal – to close down the TRUTH, to embolden their lies and deceit, and to support globalism, a New World Order, and Marxist ideals at ANY cost. 

And the CoVid Virus simply helped to open Pandora’s Box…

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