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CoronaVirus Vaccine – Targets Corona not CoVid 19

North Dakota making news for CoVid.   Reporting 818 deaths, 642 were CoVid, 466 were in nursing homes/end care with another 400 patients in end-care currently testing positive – meaning 73% of CoVid deaths were end stage patients.   There are currently 322 people hospitalized that have tested positive.  

In March when the virus began to spread, officials estimated they could care for over 500 CoVid patients in a peak day.   They have 2098 ‘staffed’ hospital beds with the ability to increase that to 2398 if necessary ~ according to Maj. Gen Dohrmann.   General Dohrmann further stated he felt confident that if necessary they could convert the State college for an additional 4000 beds.  No problems.

Therefore, the entire news doomsday being fired out to send our economy into whiplash is false. But the narrative needs to be hyped for the benefit of terrorism.

If Coronavirus cases are surging and most people report mild flu like symptoms, would that not be a good thing given that means they all now have the antibodies that the vaccine wants to give us?  Most will never get the virus again…  But somehow, the vaccine will only protect us six months – and then we are susceptible again – that definitely makes zero sense!  Unless you follow the trail of $$$$$$$$$.

If we take all supposed deaths across the US – 255,000 and all supposed tests – 11,801,000, that would give a death rate of 2%.   If we back out deaths with underlying conditions (according to the Science of the CDC) that would give us a death rate of .01% of all cases.   Just a number.

New York Times – Nov. 18th:    “In July, Pfizer and BioNTech initiated a late-stage clinical trial on a coronavirus vaccine.”    That’s odd.   They are they calling it a “coronavirus vaccine” not a CoVid 19 vaccine?   Just like the PCR Test is a coronavirus test, not a CoVid 19 test!

Are they vaccinating against a cold or CoVid?

The technology being utilized in the vaccines has NEVER been used before in any vaccine.   The nanoparticles installed in the vaccine are injected into a muscle and create inflammation so as to cause your own immune system to make antibodies to attack the virus.  What kind of inflammation?   Participants who experienced significant adverse effects developed inflammation within their neurological system.

So why did the mRNA traverse into their neuro system instead of tracking a simple virus? Obviously the ‘coding’ got confused and went places it wasn’t designed to go.

Another vaccine in development would inject a person with ‘self amplifying’ RNA which means the nanoparticles replicate inside you on their own.   Do they ultimately stop replicating? Can you stop them from replicating?   Do all those self replicating particles take over a person’s DNA?

Or are you now altering your DNA?

Apparently, other than the RNA nanoparticles – all other ingredients are a Big Secret! Why?   If vaccines are patent protected, then the ingredients should not be an issue.  Unless there is something to hide.

In 2018, Jon Rappaport wrote of the RNA concept in terms of it altering a person’s genetics permanently.   At the time, NIAID scientists (that would be Fauci’s office) were busily creating a vaccine that they claimed would use synthetic genes to re-engineer a person’s DNA and protect them from all flu viruses. At the time they called it a ‘universal vaccine’.  Imagine the amount of coding necessary to protect against 6000 different flu viruses – imagine one nanoparticle goes – rogue.

While gene editing has been in various stages of experimental use for specific diseases caused by a damaged or missing gene, the CoVid vaccine is not targeting a gene – it is injecting particles and instructing them to find a viral gene code based on strings of code.   The virus is not caused by a mutated genetic cell, it is caused by an infection.    Big difference.

When explaining how the altered DNA works, Bill Gates discussed how the new genes would clasp onto strands cut the defective one and replace it.  But that was based on targeted therapy.   In that sense it is something like chemo. Full body chemo invades every cell in your body making you very sick, whereas targeted chemo attacks the diseased cells in a specific location and is much less invasive.

Oddly, gene editing and genetically modified foods are not permitted in many countries until further research can determine long term health affects.   But billions of nanoparticles redesigning a human gene is somehow permissible…hmm

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