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Bill Gates: The Vaccine Pandemic Epidemic…

As of 2015, there were about 1.56 million nonprofit charities in the US, and 86,000 Foundations.   Total assets held by the charities were $3.67 trillion.   That is accumulated wealth. It represents an increase of 256% since 1998.   Never taxed. Active in lobbying within limits.    

As of 2018, Bill Gates Foundation alone held assets valued at $47.85 billion.

In the early 1800’s Americans had created charities and voluntary associations such as hospitals, orphanages, seminaries, churches, etc…

There are four main Federal Agencies that disburse US tax dollars to NGO’s:   USAID – budget $41 billion, National Endowment for Democracy – budget $168 million, Middle East Partnership Initiative – $7.3 billion (as of 2016) and US Institute of Peace – $38.6 million.   In addition, foreign aid amounts to $40-$50 billion. States also use taxpayer funds to support NGO’s.

In the ordinary world, when an individual donates to a charity it is a tax deduction if the person itemizes. But when taxpayer funds are donated by the federal or state government – no tax deduction is inferred, and taxpayers are not given a choice where or how those dollars are disbursed. It is something like double-dipping.

Shouldn’t taxpayers be given a tax deduction for the charities our Federal and State government – fund?

In 1998, the UN created the UN Foundation – a charity – and simultaneously created the UN Fund for International Partnerships as a sort of ‘coordinating middleman’ because the Foundation was incapable of actually administering its funds. The Foundation partners with UNICEF, CDC, Red Cross, WHO, and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.   30% of the funding for the Global Polio Initiative comes from Gates.   We know that Gates is the primary funder of WHO.   So who is running what – why and how?

And as a result, the Gates vaccine for polio was adopted – globally. Qud Pro Quo – or tit-for-tat. According to a, ‘since deleted Market Watch Report from 2019’, the polio vaccine is likely to reach a $1.630 billion revenue source – annually by 2024. Despite the fact that the polio rate in the US is ummm … -0- for the last 40 years, the vaccine is still a recommended childhood prescription to the tune of 4 recommended inoculations.   While the hype would have us believe that the vaccine eliminated all polio in the US as of 1976, the bell curve had plunged to near zero – years before the vaccine.

Natural immunity.

But Gates is NOT natural.   He has 2 very inter-related focus’s; 1. Vaccinate the world for everything so as to make him/me mega $$$$,   and 2. Depopulate the world so the true King can rise to power.

And in this twisted vision, emerges the real Health Crisis. The real Health Emergency.   We are pumping chemicals into the bodies of children whose immunity is still in its growth – for diseases that haven’t existed for decades.

Running out of diseases requires new and worldly diseases – CoVid 19 filled that prescription. Not necessarily through actuality – but with the help of the Friends Gates had bought, it filled a void that Gates needed.

So how does one man control the world’s most respected organizations?

NIH, one of the most respected health organizations in the US is sitting on $110.5 million in undistributed assets. Annual executive payroll is $2.58 million and out of a total revenue of $63.4 million in 2018, it disbursed in the form of US grants per its charitable charter $15 million, the largest recipient of which would seem to be – itself… under the guise of IRS code 170(c)(1) – which references a ‘state academic university’ without referencing the actual university.

I sit at my desk with a spectacular view of Pikes Peak and watch the variety of people responses walk down the sidewalk – and the street – sometimes couples who live in the same household distancing 20’ or more and wonder, “was this just a test to see what could be done in such a relatively short period of time?”   Who were the rebels and who were the lemmings?

And of course, – the now $4 trillion question – why?

How could governors decimate their entire state knowing the fakery?   What kind of person could they be?   Or are they blackmailed? Are children threatened in the blackmail? Or are they really so self consumed that their own perversities are at stake…

Within this – I do believe that President Trump knows far more than we can even imagine.   I think his intentions are honorable.   And I believe that without him we would have succumbed to communism in 2017.   I know that I have no control of what happens, but I also realize that moral, ethical, and verbal support are paramount!   And if we fail these very basic ideologies, we are essentially curling in a ball and doing absolutely – nothing.

Don’t be a caste sheep.   Don’t wait for someone else to lead you.   Trcensorshipump is fighting for our basic Freedoms… are you?

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