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CHAUVIN MISTRIAL: A Botched Trial of 3 Stooges

Minnesota is ruled under the thumb of the “Democratic Farmer Labour Party”. Which is unique to this state and has no brotherly-sisterly affiliated state.   They hold all five statewide offices including: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Attorney General.   In other words – they are THE uniparty system ruling Minnesota.  

The Democratic Farmer Labour Party is –  the defacto Green Party in Minnesota given the nominal Green Party does not really exist in this state.   In fact, there are exactly two viable parties in Minnesota – The Farmer-Labour Greens or the Republicans – there is no other representation.   No independents.   No libertarians. No Progressives. No Alliance.

Disproportionately represented according to national statistics, Minnesota is 85% white, 5% black and 4% Asian.   They have a relatively high living status and are predominantly of Christian or Catholic alliance.

Yet somehow – the roughly 5% population representing blacks has taken over the state.


Keith Ellison, Attorney General for Minnesota, is a black man raised Catholic who converted to Islam.   He and his siblings have all been blessed with high income and a solid upbringing without inequality, racism, or despair.   Three of his siblings are lawyers, and one is a doctor.   Obviously privileged and unequal.

Ellison came to be elected into politics in District 58B which apparently has a total voting representation of roughly 24,500.   Despite being 62% Republican as of 2020, Ellison was elected in 2007 and held office until 2019.   ODD!   At the request of the Farmer Labour Governor, Tim Walz, Ellison became the ‘special prosecutor’ over the George Floyd trial against Chauvin.

The County Prosecutor was originally Michael Freeman.   However, Judge Cahill, banned Freeman and 3 of his staffers from working on the case claiming the lawyers met with the County medical examiner, which violated rules of conduct.   Unclear how that would be a violation and Freeman contested Cahill’s upheaval.   Freeman had charged Chauvin with 3rd degree murder and 2nd degree manslaughter. Ellison added the 2nd degree murder charge as well as charges against the other three officers.

State Attorney Generals rarely appear in court. In fact, their job is to ‘appoint’ prosecutors – not act as one. Ellison is known as an anti-cop zealot who has fought two sexual assault allegations by former girlfriends. He was also a benefactor of George Soros financing.

There would appear to be gross irregularities in the prosecution from the getgo!   Leading to multiple advantages for a mistrial not withstanding the idiotic interference in incitement and sedition calls by President Biden and Maxine Waters.


While a mistrial comes about most often as a result of a hung jury in which case a new trial is scheduled, when prosecutorial misconduct is the cause, then the double jeopardy clause prevents another trial.   And the defendant goes free.

While Chauvin utilized a neck restraint against George Floyd who was 6’6” and likely 250lbs, neck restraints are NOT disallowed according to police rules in Minnesota. The Medical Examiner determined Floyd died of a heart attack – he had meth, fentanyl, and pot in his system. Floyd suffered from heart disease, sickle cell trait, and hypertension.

2nd Degree Murder is broadly defined as ‘intentional’ – knowing that his/her actions could cause death.  Minnesota definitions do not address the specific actions taken by Chauvin as a police officer on duty and thus the entire 2nd degree clause is questionable.   Which is also grounds for a mistrial.

While the abject sloppiness of this trial is profound, it almost leads one to suspect it was a staged event with the ultimate outcome declared previously. Ie, a Mistrial.  Every step of the way it was botched.   Is the Minnesota government that incompetent, or was incompetence the point?   In other words was the entire agenda to purposefully botch the outcome?

For now, Chauvin is in solitary confinement pending appeals.   While such action could be considered punishment, it could also be to secure his safety given the ‘décor’ within the jail system.

Many on the left refuse to actually learn of the legal aspects and instead invoke such insidiously ignorant judicial claims as ‘he wasn’t a good person’.   Fortunately, in our previous system of government (pre-Biden), being a not good person was not grounds for conviction of murder and a life sentence. However, times, they are a-changing. And not in a good way.

While setting fires, destroying livelihoods, destroying cities, property, and harming individuals simply because they exist would seem above the law – police are now below the law according to racism which is measured as 1% of blacks killed are by police – 97% are killed by blacks.  

Shouldn’t we logically be going against the 97%?

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