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Humanity as Stewards: A Different Kind of – RESET

So often there is a focus of the consequences of war that goes without acknowledgment and compassion…. The rescue operations of animals wild and domestic who are victims of the same horror.   Dogs are used to sniff out humans from the rubble – but there are organizations dedicated to saving animals as well.   Animals are a great comfort to their human companions.   When chaos envelopes and bombs literally fall leaving tornado like damage in their wake – when all possessions and loved ones are killed – these pets can be the only attachment left to reality.    

When fires lit by arsonists ravage hundreds of thousands of acres of land and trees, the billions of animals killed is rarely even mentioned.   The worst was the Australian fire in which the Koala’s became a focus as they walked ‘into’ the fires to release their immense pain.   Death was more humane than the untenable ferocious misery they were enduring….   We sometimes forget – we are not the only victims.

It is as though we have become immune to the effects of bombs – of killing – of chaos.  Media likens a bomb to a justifiable action to ‘deter and protect’.   But the reality is too often bombs are levied for one purpose – to kill as many citizens as possible.   To wreak as much damage as possible.   To annihilate ‘the enemy’.    An enemy that may not even exist.

And forgotten is the fact that people are NOT the enemy.   Governments create militaries to hate militaries to fight on their behalf to create a vacuum for – Power.

A story:   Two years ago a blast hit the port city of Beirut.   The blast was extensive and hundreds died immediately while thousands left to live were maimed with incomprehensible injuries.   One such man had four cats in his apartment when the blast hit.   His injuries were catastrophic and required hospitalization for months.   But all he could think about were his cats…   are they safe?   Can someone feed them?   Can someone find them?   Where are they?

Neighbors rallied on his behalf and left food, water and a litterbox outside the building hoping they would return.   Three did.   The fourth never returned.

An NGO, Animals Lebanon, rallied after the bomb blast and began a search and rescue effort for pets trapped beneath the ruble.   It was grueling.   The VP of the NGO said there were thousands of carcasses.   Everywhere she looked.  

They were determined and foraged through the devastation finding those pets still hanging on to life.   Their only focus was to tend to their wounds and return them to their owners… if they were still alive.   Adoption for those whose humans had passed.   Over 350 people joined this rescue effort.  Together.  Humans.

Being Human.

While nations frequently claim their bombs and bombing raids target specific enemy installations, it is likely another piece of propaganda.  There is no proof Bin Laden was killed – yet there is reams of proof thousands of citizens died…

We have routinely been hypnotized into thinking a government is an enemy and therefore ALL the people are enemies as well.   Pakistan is such a country.   Cells of terrorists exist in the country.   But they also exist in literally every country including the US, Germany, Canada, etc…   And yet within the confines of this country, Pakistan, the majority of citizens are simply people.  People who grow flowers in their gardens.   People who tend to their children.   People who simply want to be left to their own devices without interference, coups, and war.

Still, the US seems unable to step away from this conquest of eternity.   We are bombing Syria, bombing Somalia, bombing Sudan, bombing Russia, inciting bombing in Chile, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, and now China.    Why?

Using the rationale that we are ‘saving people from their evil government’, we kill 10x more than we save.   And in the process continue to deplete land value, agriculture, water resources, and sustainable existence.

Every media provocation seems to style the same scenario, thwarted.   The possibility of an attack justifies an offensive response.   And so the world is brought to believe all bombings are justified to save us….

In this sense, the concept of a RESET is inevitable.   In the context of insurmountable debt, a RESET is inevitable.   In the context of corrupt governments, a RESET is inevitable.   In the context of peace, a RESET is necessary.   It just isn’t the RESET envisioned by the world according to Klaus and Soros and Gates.

MOST of our ails can be eradicated by the return of power to ethics and morality.   A RESET wherein NGO’s return to charity – where taxation of profits is enforced.   Where a flat tax is levied at 10%, where education is returned to the people, where the medical community must ‘cure’ a patient in order to be paid.   Where morality is once again an ethic, where crime has  consequence and entertainment is a common labor of love not money.    Where empires no longer exist and nations are sovereign to their own.

We know from history it is possible.

We are the stewards of life.  All life.   Animals.   Oceans.   Each other.   Yes, a RESET is overdue.   The People outnumber the corrupt governments and corrupted NGO’s  100,000 to 1.    Good can overcome evil.   The Great Deception is that we are in end times.   Satan wants us to prepare to die!   God wants us to actively LIVE!  

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