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US Healthcare set for a Nationalized System!

Health care in the US is beginning to look like – Canada at it’s worst.  Doctors are retiring en masse, and hospitals are choosing to provide only basic care when the cost for true health seems prohibitive in terms of dollars.

For example, a relative of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 liver and colon cancer in April.   The routine treatment;  remove the tumor in the colon and prescribe massive chemo to hopefully reduce the liver tumors.  Four months later, the tumor in the colon magically reappeared, the chemo had no effect, and the prognosis was grim.   In fact, the doctors basically scratched their heads and said there was nothing more they could do.

His wife was not so easily deterred.  She called up the Mayo Clinic – long waiting list, John Hopkins – long waiting list, and was about to give up when she remembered she had a distant cousin who worked in Administration at Sloan Kettering.  He was admitted that week, saw a surgeon who said no problem, we’ll take care of the tumor, saw an oncologist who put forth a plan of action involving removing the gall bladder so that a tarted chemo device could be implanted to spray the specific liver tumors with chemo.

Their prognosis?  He will fully recover.

Of course now he has to fight his insurance company because they don’t want to pay a dime given the treatment is ‘excessive’ – as in saving his life.

In the meantime, I was advised that my own insurance carrier has the highest mortality rate of any other insurers.  Great!

My own recent experience involved a rash that required an initial consult, a second consult, a third dermatologist, and a fourth conference to tell me there was nothing I could do, it was an incurable disease.   But when I went home and researched my incurable disease, I found a forum that told me exactly what to do – which involved going to the grocery store – 3 days later my incurable disease was gone and has not returned… Imagine that?

My doctor bill?  Just under $1000.  My grocery store bill?  About $9.00.

One in three doctors in the US is over 50, one in four is over 60.  Doctors are not entirely to blame, they have been squeezed by insurance company rules that dictate what they can do, when they can do it, and how much medication they are required to prescribe each month.   They are tired, and they feel they are a failure in their profession because of the dictates imposed on them.

Some doctors have broken the mold and take ‘no insurance’.  Only then are they truly free to ‘practice’ and make perfect.

Within this fray of emotion, many young people no longer feel the desire to even enter the medical field.  The costs are high, malpractice insurance is high, and results are based on insurance company mandates, not on cured patients.

And then of course is the predicament of the uninsured illegal immigrants being given priority healthcare and adding to the neglected ratio.

All of this is a prelude to what was inevitable when Obamacare was passed, a single payer national healthcare system, which was the plan all along.

The concept was written a century ago when it was determined that the way to complete control of a society is through control of their money – creation of the Federal Reserve, control of the markets – so that investments can be manipulated for the uber wealthy and all politicians, control of education – so that the upcoming youth is vacant of truth, history, and facts, and ultimately, control of healthcare – so that the population mandate can be implemented so that the weak are eliminated and only the strong survive.

Health care was/is the last mandate.   Just don’t get sick…

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