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Biden Pushing Carter Economic Destruction

The US Labour market is stubbornly resilient despite excess mortality rate among prime workers 25-44 40% higher than ‘normal’.   The US Labour market is stubbornly resilient despite mass layoffs across the board of tech companies.   The US Labour market is a fraud.

The headlines merely justify the Federal Reserve Kill-Economy effect of raising interest rates that have increased inflation.   The federal government is doing nothing to curb inflation.   In fact, the federal government has never curbed inflation in its history of existence.

Has ADP or the Bureau of Labour Statistics revised their algorithm of the number of employable persons?   How did they account for the over 1 million people who left the market due to vaccine disabilities?

According to Statista, there are 131.18 million full time employees.   At the height of the pandemic January 2021, they reported 123.72 million full time employees.   So – after CoVid  deaths, Vax deaths, and layoffs – full time employees have grown by 8 million?     The Bureau of Labour Stats has a different take – they claim full time employment is 132.57 million. ADP claims job growth slid to adding only 106,000 for January – blaming weather for the dismal report.

Forbes brilliantly defies all the statistics and claims that 517,000 jobs were added in January.   Declaring that this is evidence enough to support the coming Federal Reserve rate hike… By BIS Member Jerome Powell.

For those who still believe ADP uses actual numbers in their report – guestimates are the lifeline of Science, Accounting, Health and Engineering data:

“The jobs report and pay insights use ADP’s fine-grained anonymized and aggregated payroll data of over 25 million U.S. employees to provide a representative picture of the labor market. The report details the current month’s total private employment change, and weekly job data from the previous month. ADP’s pay measure uniquely captures the earnings of a cohort of almost 10 million employees over a 12-month period.”

That would be Orwell Speak for – we cherry pick the data, morph the results, and make sure it aligns with the destruction of America per our Handlers, McKinsey & Co.

The problem with having more than one source providing data on the same event is that their data results invariably collide.   While ADP did shut down for three months last summer purportedly to upgrade their system to make it more in line with the BLS, they still can’t manage to match reports. However, the discrepancy would seem to correlate with the number of persons on Vaccine disability.

Given ADP has chosen an 18% representative sample to create their algorithm – one might ask – why not simply import the entire data – why cherry pick at all?

A computer algorithm that has to search the entire data for a pre-programed representative sample is more inefficient than simply providing the data over the reality picture. And the data is now biased and compromised.

The Real Agenda is Real Estate.

After pushing real estate prices into oblivion rising 50% or more over the last few years, the only way to cripple people would be to destroy the prices.   Bloomberg predicts devastation on par with 2008.   Personally, it is more like the early 1980’s after Carter destroyed the oil market, the housing market, jobs market, and the entire economy.

Carter’s reasoning was there wasn’t enough oil to go around.   Therefore he cut off Iran and dropped imports by 15%.   Carter’s oil embargo destroyed the US economy.   Lines for miles – angry people fighting for some gas so they could go to work!   Carter’s response – wear a sweater…

The US economy contracted quickly and concisely.   And the Housing Market felt the brunt of the ravages.   Homes were now valued well below mortgages – foreclosures sent the homes back to banks and households were forced into the rental market.

Interest rates were in the 20+% range.   The job market crashed along with the economy – proving once again that high interest does NOT equate to curbing inflation.

According to Investopedia: “The Great Inflation was blamed on oil prices, currency speculators, greedy businessmen, and avaricious union leaders. However, it is clear that monetary policies that financed massive budget deficits and were supported by political leaders were the cause.”

Biden is playing the Carter scenario while the media hopes to distract us with 2008. 

A Largess Difference!

This time, the rental market is The Agenda 2030 scenario.   Many of the home communities bought up by scavenger Hedge Funds converted the homes to rentals.   The price points are not available.   But Ownership seems the target.   Builders continue their pace of building – but apartments seem to be the focus.

It was a long haul back that took roughly 10 years before the economy was revived. The difference is we didn’t have the burgeoning NGO’s to contend with – we didn’t have our entire local and state leadership compromised by fraudulent elections – and we still had family.

In that regard, the only way to curb the influencers is to remove their Charitable status and Foundation status so as to impose a tax at a flat 30% rate.   In defense of legitimate charities, this ‘should’ have no effect given true charities don’t have ‘taxable income’…   Because their entire purpose is to give it away – right?

NET ASSETS:   Red Cross of America = $2.4 billion.   Wellcome Trust = $38 billion.   Gates Foundation = $50 billion.   Nova Nordisk Foundation = $320 billion.   THESE organizations are NOT charitable.   They are Tax Havens.   And the IRS has been hijacked at the EXPENSE of The American People.

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