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G7: Free Trade = No Tariffs, says Trump.

John McCain feels it is his voice of reason in siding with Trudeau’s stupidity that is of merit.  In his recent Tweet storm he declared, “…Americans remain pro-free trade and pro-globalization…”  But McCain can not speak for Americans because he lost, his Hillary ticket lost, and his ‘values’ lost.   In fact, Trump offered up the most pro-free trade terms possible – NO TARIFFS.   That is truly – Free!

Of course, it doesn’t meet the international systems of norms, in which the US must be heavily mistreated to the financial advantage of the EU and Canada.  Blustering with indignation, Merkel and Trudeau , as politicians, were beaten at their own game, and in defense sputtered like children on the playground, ‘well my daddy can beat up your daddy’…

The larger issue at stake is not the tariffs, it is the ‘norms’, it is about losing control, and thus power. 

Trump is a businessman, a negotiator, he isn’t a politician and he isn’t diplomatic, nor does he want to be or care.   There is only one way to deal with Trump – on his ground as a businessman. Period.  Because Merkel and Trudeau have never done anything other than politicking their entire lives, they don’t have a clue how to handle the nuance.  Merkel continues to threaten alliance with Russia, while simultaneously refusing to lift sanctions per the request of the Austrian PM, and by refusing to allow Russia back into the G8.  Why?  Because her threat is most likely air that she would rather not breath.  And because MI6 can’t allow it.

Tied within the entire circle is – Soros.  The man who most likely was running the Swamp CIA, who hates Russia, who wants Putin dead, and will do anything to create a false reality that Russia is the true ‘evil’.

So both Putin and Trump are calling Merkel’s bluff. 

While Soros is running the show and fuming like Wile E. Coyote, when the Road Runner suddenly stops and Wile E. finds himself splattered at the bottom of a cliff…  Trump is looking down and decrying, “beep, beep…”

The ball is in fact in Merkel’s court.  If she aligns with Russia, she has to give them the G8 back, she has to lift sanctions, and she has to render Soros impotent.  Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Austria have all announced their support to align with Russia.   And because Merkel is a politician, not a businesswoman, she is waiting for instructions, like the true Communist of her upbringing, “tell me vat to do”.

What to do..what to do…? Threaten more tariffs against the US. Sigh.  Not a good move Merkel, because to lift them she will appear weak, and weakness, the appearance thereof, is the core of the game.

The chinny chin comment by Merkel that she is delighted that Trudeau is on her side is equally silly. Trudeau is ruled by the UK.  The UK is ruled by MI6.   May is ruled by MI6.   They do as they are told, walk when they are told, and talk with the intelligence of AI.  Beep, beep.

We are not impressed.

This is the same UK that has imprisoned Tommy Robinson without cause, simply because he dares to speak against the government policies.  The same UK that scurried away with the Skripals, claimed they were poisoned by Russia, refused access by Russia or the US, and refused any interviews whatsoever.   The same UK that has refused to indict any ‘living’ politician in the ongoing child and sex trafficking case that has dragged on an historically 35 years! This is the same UK that created the Trump Dossier…

And we want them as our faithful and compassionate – ally?

Ally in what?

Ally in the Swamp?

Ally in the international systems of norms?

Ally in bombing to smithereens Yemen?  Without one shred of reasoning…

Ally that collaborated to create a Hillary Presidency?

The EU is NOT what it has created itself to appear to be.   I doubt it defends the words of The People, any more than McCain does the American people. 

So.  Pro-Trade?  Then no tariffs would seem a good solution, let everyman play the game!

Globalization?   A Ponzi word that means – international systems of norms.   As defined by – Soros, the Cabal, and the Mafia.   Because, now the Mafia has demanded their cut in the picture, the scheme, and given their subtle means of making sure they get what they want, the cabal is an inclusive vehicle.  Smile. Tolerant.

IDIOTS.  You expect more from the globalists who claim to rule the world… Right?

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