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Hillary House Of Cards – WikiLeaks Exposes DNC Staffer Was Source

Death by suicide would seem to be the fate of a number of acquaintances and adversaries of Clinton.

Suicides are the mainstay it would appear for the politicians involved in the UK paedophile scandal, they are a mainstay for the 33 or so JP Morgan bankers, for various whistleblowers and journalists, and they are the defacto conclusion for the Clinton entourage.

Seth Conrad Rich was gunned down in NW DC while purportedly on his way to meet with the FBI – at 4AM. At 4:20am he was walking down the street from his brownstone talking on the phone with his girlfriend and was shot in the back. His hands, face and knees were bruised. That would mean he was attacked and assaulted before being shot twice in the back. The police report states it was a ‘botched robbery’, but nothing was stolen.

Hillary had little to no sympathy for the murder, instead invoking her platform for greater gun control… And yet the media attack Trump over a comment about Muslim Brotherhood co-hort, Khizr Khan drew media attention for weeks?

Rich was hired by disgraced Debbie Wasserman as data director for voter expansion – meaning advocating for greater voter turnout by eliminating any state requirement for a picture ID. But the DNC was hacked, emails were leaked, and Wasserman resigned as a result. Wasserman willfully corrupted the DNC agenda by quashing Sanders – thus the voters were discredited, nullified or perhaps ‘mis-counted’ – as the primary was rigged.

Voter fraud is rampant in the US. Voter counting fraud is rampant in the US. Look no further than Florida which routinely counts a 130% voter turnout… and no one does anything – it is a yawn.

Could Rich have discovered the Wasserman discrepancy? Was he the source of the Wikileaks? In fact, Assange alluded that the source would be an embarrassment to the DNC, Perhaps one day the source or sources will step forward and that might be an interesting moment some people may have egg on their faces.”

Fast forward, Shawn Lucas serves the DNC with papers alleging a fraud class action suit for their corrupt handling of the Sanders campaign and he is found dead the two weeks later – unresponsive on his bathroom floor. Unfortunately toxicology tests can take more than six weeks.

Hillary again – no comment.

Victor Thorn, prominent and prolific writer of conspiracy theories and anti-Clinton pieces is found dead by a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound. How do they know it was self-inflicted? They found no ‘evidence to suggest otherwise’, but they also found no ‘evidence of suicide’ – it is simply the go to explanation for a hugely successful, diligent, productive individual who had no reason to kill himself.

HOUSE OF CARDS: List of Hillary ‘purported’ crimes:

1) email server breach

2) Benghazi deaths

3) Foundation illegalities

4) Foundation charitable contributions tally in at just 9%

5) Saudi connections

6) George Soros/Rothschilds puppet

7) Whitewater; death of Vince Foster – by suicide – and the disappearance of files

8) Silencing of Billyboys mistresses

9) Looting, damage and theft of White House property at the conclusion of Bill’s term

10) Illegally gaining access to private FBI files on Bill’s mistresses

11) Sold high tech secrets to China in return for donations to Bill’s campaign

12) Cash for pardons at the end of Bill’s term

13) Has been personally indicted for her absolutely disgraceful and rageful behavior when out of sight of the ‘lime-light’

And numerous lies upon lies that are routinely kicking her in the proverbial arse as she forgets what she has said: Mark Twain – “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

And as for her treatment of the ‘gold star’ families of Benghazi… she said the parents were liars.  The latest fateful deaths sound like The Cleaner has been called in to tidy up the messes Clinton continually creates.  Soros is most likely furious that she is so incredibly – stupid for getting caught – as in Nixon did what all President’s do – but he was stupid enough to get caught.

And still, our good ole boys and gals of the GOP Establishment state that the reason they can’t vote for Trump is because of his offensive comment about Khizr Khan, temperament, and because he reads The National Enquirer – therefore, they prefer to support fraud, corruption, collusion, suspicious murders, slander, lying, cheating, tax fraud, illegal server usage, narcissistic rages, possibly espionage, blackmail and Sharia Law.

And while the GOP and Congress might endorse each other with pats and kisses and champagne toasts – they have about 11% of THE PEOPLE on their side.  Not a good tally for re-election.

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