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New York Times vs Trump

Once again the media has spoken from the lips of slander and would have us believe that all the racial tension and Islamophobia is a direct result of Trump. Once again, despite claiming that they will no longer revert to defamation, libel and slander, the New York Times prefers to peddle their wares of hate, while inciting righteous, arrogant attitudes and defaming our President elect.

“Millions of Americans are justifiably frightened by the tide of racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia that has swept the country since the election of Donald Trump, whose campaign stoked these views and who named Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News his chief strategist in the White House.”

I guess they have forgotten about the Oakland riots in 2009, the Pittsburgh G-20 riots in 2009, the Akron Ohio riots in 2009, the Springfest riot, the Santa Cruz riot, Oakland riots, LA riots, Occupy Wall Street, Anaheim, Brooklyn, Ferguson, Chicago riots, Baltimore riots, on and on the list of racial divide stoked under the auspices of our supreme leader – Obama. Apparently, there were over 25 major riots in the US during the Obama administration, compared to seven in the 80’s and 12 from 2000 to 2009.

It would seem the New York Times forgot about the racial tensions escalating in our schools and businesses and on the streets stoked by our esteemed leader – Obama.

Apparently, the New York Times has forgotten about the racial tensions that have escalated to breaking points not seen since the 1960’s during the tenure of our esteemed leader – Obama.

And perhaps our esteemed New York Times has forgotten that Islamophobia was a phrase coined in 1918 and became standard in England and the US in 1997 when Bill Clinton was President…uh-oh! Maybe the NYT forgot that detail.

And maybe what the NYT forgot was the fact that Trump denounced terrorism – not Muslims. And that terrorism is perpetrated by al-Qaeda, el-Nusra and ISIS, all Muslim terrorist organizations. And maybe the New York Times has already forgotten the terrorist attacks in Paris, Belgium, Orlando and California – all by Muslims.

Maybe the New York Times has forgotten what it was like to travel pre 9-11, before TSA, before security checks, before planes and their passengers were decimated from this earth. Or the reportedly 31 ‘foiled terrorist attacks in the US’ since 2000 – most, but not all, purportedly by Muslims.

Because the New York Times would not seem to be reporting for the American People, they would be reporting for division-racism-inciting hate-and a lame attempt to drum up business by reporting FAKE NEWS, the very fake news that Facebook and Twitter and Google all decry as hate speech that must be censored. So maybe these same media outlets should consider censoring the New York Times!

The media, the criers, the safe spacers, the rioters, the protestors, the vengeance filled haters need to take a long Rip Van Winkle nap or just move to Canada and fulfill their veiled threats.

And lest we are confused over the financial status of the New York Times, as a public company they are required to release the data. Between 2011 and 2015, Revenue declined by 28%, between 2012 and 2015 and the number of employees was halved, but wages and benefits were not. Year over year, the biggest hits have been for pension costs and severance pay. Per share value dropped from $1.11 to $.38.

Their CEO, Mark Thompson, is from the UK and was formally with the BBC – which is a government mandated censored source of news. So he is familiar with censorship. His compensation for 2015 was $8.564 million. In 2011, then CEO, Janet Robinson took home a whopping $11.5 million, of which half was classified as ‘Other’. It cost the Times $23 million to get rid of her.

During Thompson’s tenure at the BBC they paper came under fire for editorial guideline breaches, deceptive journalism, and political bias.

Owning 17% of the company, and considered the ‘largest Class B owner’ is Carlos Slim, a Mexican business magnate of Lebanese descent whose estimated net worth is about $82 billion. He is considered the richest man in the world. His Lebanese parents and Muslim background could possibly account for the New York Times controversial attitude toward Islamophobia, not to mention the ‘Wall of Mexico’.

Slim’s real estate holdings include 417 fifth avenue NYC, as well as a portion of The New York Times building.

The paper is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family trust which holds 88% of the Class B shares and is /managed/held by 13 cousins of Sulzberger Sr who had no sons and refused rights to his daughter. The family is of German Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

Professionalism in our media has tanked to an all time low, headed by many of the once great giants who seem to think that The National Enquirer methodology is better for their bottom line – and Truth is Fiction.

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