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FAKE POLLS – ABC and Washington Post

The Washington Post has declared that a Washington Post/ABC Poll declares that Obama’s approval rating at exit is a whopping  60%! WOW!

Whoa their pony. This same ABC poll had Hillary winning 274 electoral votes to Trump’s 188 days before the election.

If I had made such a grievous, ridiculously faulted calculation, I think I would be hesitant to open my proverbial mouth without making radical changes to my methodology. Because, obviously ABC is not even CLOSE to accurate!

What ABC has proven is that Media Polls are fundamentally flawed when bias is inserted into the procedure utilized.   Worse, their reputation is tainted, and the entire polling process becomes subject to fraud.

As if the media weren’t already ricocheting off allegations of bias, fake news, falsifying statements, having no evidence to back a statement, no legal basis for an argument, and prejudice, they have to up the ante with a FAKE POLL!

It is basically a flailing attempt to inflate Obama’s miffed ego as he faces a legacy of division, hatred, and chaos. Unable to let go of the fame, Obama is clawing a fake legacy.

The Poll is based on a source of 1005 US adults with a +/- margin of error of 3.5% points. What the poll does not identify is ‘where’ it was conducted, who they asked, what age group, what ethnicity, and basically has no relative information.

Langer Research is tasked with creating the Polls and their outcome for Washington Post/ABC. They have only been in existence since 2010, so their history is sketchy at best. They were touted by ABC as ‘progressively minded’, as in Progressive Politics, aka Hillary.

October of last year, Wikileaks released a memo which showed media pollsters create an end based on a narrative. Media pollsters are considered the least accurate, and the least reputable. Gary Langer of Langer Research stated in 2004, “Predicting the outcome of the race is the job of the campaigns, not the journalists.”  In other words, journalists and the media should stay away from Polling because they are a failed, biased group from the outset and their results will reflect this agenda.

Perhaps he should heed his own advice. Polling for the media/journalists has only one motivation, creating a favorable outcome and backing in data to support it.

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