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THE ECONOMIST:   “Home ownership is the West’s biggest economic-policy mistake.”

THE ECONOMIST:   “Home ownership is the West’s biggest economic-policy mistake.   It is an obsession that undermines growth, fairness and public faith in capitalism.”

A rather bizarre logic!   The most flagrant error is the fact that home ownership rates are highest among eastern European countries, Asia, India, and Russia.   The lowest rates are in Hong Kong, Switzerland, Nigeria and Germany.   Obviously the ‘obsession’ is a global desire – not a western phenomena.

Apparently, the ‘obsession undermining growth’ is creative economics whereby people growing wealth in a private asset instead of putting all their money into The Greater Good ‘Common fund’ is the stickler that must be eradicated.   Home ownership builds wealth, and wealth ‘inequality’ – therefore eliminating home ownership is the most banal, Cirrhosis of the brain. intellectual equation.   Thus realizing that the elite IQ’s hover below 100.

Economic growth is defined as: an increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time.

However, if expansion of an economy is hinged on an ever increasing production in an economy wherein the vast majority of individuals have no spare income and are living in an ever spiraling depopulation – the spin of words becomes even more interesting.   Not to mention valueless.

AS we watch the massive home buying by hedge funds across the US AND UK, people are selling like crazy under the premise that this bull market will collapse.   I mean, that’s the way the bubbles burst – right?   Just as they did in 2008…   But the hedge funds have no intention of losing a dime in this market, so exactly how will it really play out?

Sitting on the sidelines waiting for prices to tank with their entire profits sitting passively in banks, what could possibly go wrong?  

According to the Sustainable Development WEF Economist Magazine, cities need expansively more 50 story highrises and the suburbs need to be razed.   Why? Because ALL the jobs are in the cities.   An argument based on nonexistent facts, stats or evidence.   But that doesn’t stop the extreme left from making these fraudulent statements.   As in propaganda psychosis.

Housing isn’t fair!   Housing isn’t equal!  

Pushing people out of their homes, the rental market is hardly a means of economic growth and equality:   “The US rental property market is characterized by severe shortages, heightened demand, high property prices, and significant wealth for those who can rent. This is driving the investment into the higher priced segment and not into the affordable segment.”

So where will these less achieved populace go given the rental market is beyond their means?   Streets and drugs.  Death and disease.

As mortgage rates continue to rise, less people will be able to qualify to buy – anything!   Renting will be their only option. They will actually spend more out-of-pocket for rent without achieving ANY wealth via ownership.   If the Levied Powers maintain or even drive up home prices further, renters are likely to never have the means to get back into an ownership market.  And   the lower side of the rental market will simply – collapse.

Enter company towns.   Completely run by Corporate entities.  

Of course, once again, these grand thinkers of totalitarian rule have not mentioned how they plant to build these massive, contained cities without quality labor and building supplies that are scarce and unaffordable… unless their blueprint is Dubai.

It took 30 years to build Dubai. Importing their labor primarily from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, the slaves account for 88% to 90% of the UAE’s total population.   These slaves actually pay for the privilege to be employed in Dubai where they are offered bunkrooms and bare minimum food in return for their labor. The balance of the population – 10% – belong to the Royal Family.

The means for accomplishing a similar royalty rule in the US would be thru depopulation of civilians and a massive influx of immigrants who will be used as slave labor.   While the schism in demographics has yet to be reached, Pandemic clearing is sure to rise exponentially.

Death rates and disability rates are not waning with the Vaccines but rising consistently.   More vaxes are ordered despite the prevalence in disability.   But the goal of 2030 is looking less and less attainable – 7 ½ years.   Enter chaos.   Enhancing crime, death and corruption is another means of weeding the US and UK of their population.   Encouraging gang warfare feeds the disease.

\The Ultimate Purpose?   To liquidate the vast majority of civilians who live at, below or within margins of poverty.   TO then attack the middle class and depopulate them into poverty.   Thus elevating a ruling class.   But this also requires the weeding of factions who refuse to play dead.   It is THIS phase that is the crap shoot.

Still despite all their protocols, written agendas, demands, and screechings – construction in cities is virtually nonexistent.   While vast expanses of homes continue to be dug from suburban dirt.  And the immigrant slave labor is nowhere near what Dubai cracks the whip on.   Since the Biden Handlers took control of the White House, over 1 million new immigrants have entered the US.   The children are broken from parents and taken to centers for sex education.   The women are instituted into manual labor jobs. And the young men are instructed to wreak havoc.

Given a throwout there statistic that 80-90% of Congress are either blackmailed for their porn or maiden infractions, they have chosen to disappear into the mumble of jumbo no speakee English to protect their income and pension while espousing their Christian faith – and secular Satanism.  A handful abstain.

In the world of these beasties of secular reality; clothes should be rented, homes should be rented, cars should be rented, and food should be pre-packaged according to caloric content and delivered to every person as their only form of controlled consumption.   Instead of lolling hillsides and friendly neighbors sharing barbeques, 8 billion uniformed peasants will be stacked into 100 sq foot units eating manufactured mush and bussed to their 12-14 hour labor destination. TO Build a Dubai worthy of their elite rulers.

What do these hedge funds intend to do with this growing asset class of homes on their books?

Nothing.     It is the lizard in the swamp.    Until the time is ripe so as to emulate Dubai in instituting a royal structure of control.   Disagree, and your head will be severed.   It is worth noting that the Middle East was recreated in this fashion after WWI at the behest of Germany.   She decided the boundaries. She decided the rulers.   She decided and they became.

Never underestimate from where the Powers abide.   The THREE Amigos, the Three Musketeers – would include: Britain, US and Germany.





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