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British Imperialism = The New World Order = Cabal

In 1949, Carroll Quigley introduced the world at large to the Milner Group via his first book which was posthumously published 2+ decades later.   Why?   Quigley was friends and a cohort of the Group and was likely asked to deflect the Communist theory that surrounded their agenda.   In 1950, the McCarthy administration began its purge communism from Hollywood and Politics.   Historically, this is looked upon as a ‘conspiracy’, however, the reality is the conspiracy – then and now.

While Quigley offered enough information to give the appearance that he was neutral, and the Milner Group had the world’s best interest at heart, it is more likely that he was simply another pawn – deflecting per orders.   His usefulness was dismissed when he was suicided via a heart attack at the age of 66.    That would have been1977.

Various writers subsequently commentated on his various theories and doctrine, however, Quigley dismissed them as rhetorical conspiracists while continuing to support all things Milner.

In 1891, Cecil Rhodes, of South Africa’s De-Beers Mining diamond fame, William Stead, an infamous journalist, and Lord Esher, friend and confidante to Queen Victoria, decided that the British Empire  should rule – the world.   What we now refer to as The New World Order.   They created an organizational structure whereby the inner circle was known as the Elite/Elect and would govern as a Junta of Three.   The Leader was Rhodes, and the Junta was comprised of Stead, Esher and Alfred Milner.   The outer circle was known as the Association of Helpers.

While the Elite remained, the Association of Helpers acquired various alternate names;   Milner’s Kindergarten, The Round Table, and the Chatham House crowd, among others.   Today, the Chatham House Crowd and The Pilgrims Society.

In 1902, the Pilgrims Society was formed in the UK.  One year later, the US opened its doors and membership became reciprocal.    Quigley wrote ‘Tragedy and Hope’ in 1966 in which he unveiled the vast network of Foundations and organizations that multiplied with unprecedented veracity, irreparably linked to the Milner Group.

Pilgrim Society Members have included;  Rockefeller(s), Haig, Kissinger, Allen Dulles, Joseph Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Depew, Jacob Schiff, etc…   ALL names currently configured in the scheme of the New World Order.

It would appear that within the hierarchy, individuals were initially appointed to specific industries so as to mold the global control mechanism under a closed power vacuum.  For example:   JP Morgan was the banker elite.    Then in 1930 the Bank of International Settlements, BIS, was created as a global central banking institution.   Its purpose was to create a global unified force – so as to own the wealth of the world.   This agenda has been calcified in the junta of the 1%ers.

However, the program became diffused with the advent of literally multiple thousands of subsequent foundations and NGO’s all having their own agenda, all demanding their place on the Pyramid, all thus creating their own vision.  And so, the Elite, the Cabal, became ingrained in – internal division.

Most recently, this massive displacement became all the more clear to me as a result of my own computer crash:

Day One:  I was told my computer might literally explode as my battery was expanding exponentially.    Oblivious, I fortunately listened and came to find that my computer was literally about to ‘catch fire’.   I was directed to put everything I could on a flash drive in the event my entire computer went up in flames.   Unfortunately, instead of copying files to the flash, I copied them to my desktop whereupon over 2500 files suddenly infiltrated my screen!

What I saw on my desktop was the thousands of layers of files that represent part of my work as a grid that mimicked thousands of layers of NGO’s that have become the grid for the initial Milner Group.   All layered.

And the inability to access one was little different from the ability of the Milner Group to Control the now thousands upon thousands of NGO’s that have become “Their Helpers’ per se.

In other words, the Cabal is rife with internal conflicts given they allowed thousands to become ‘Helpers’ per se.   And thus, their power is greatly, hugely, diffused.

Each Helper has their own agenda.  Each Helper has their own desire for Control.   Each Helper is corrupted within their own standard of corruption.   And thus – The Milner Group, The Cabal, is actually fighting desperately within.

Which means the infighting, the agendas, are in constant revolt for power.

In April 2017, Ronald Bernard, a format Handler who worked with BIS in trafficking, drugs, child sacrifice, and the occult gave a five-part interview explaining the mechanism of how and why The Group conducts its activities.

His interviews detail the true Cabal of Power, born of occultism, that has morphed significantly from the Quigley interpretation.

While there are multiple key organizations that now dominate this Cabalist elite that are nowhere remotely Quigley’s understanding, the dominant end game presentation is Communism – as the MEANS.   While British Imperialism remains the quandry for continued infighting.   And the Agenda modus have varied ideologies.

Current Board Members of BIS include:  Christine Lagarde, Jerome Powell, Yi Gang, and Roberto Campos.  ALL run the prime banking institution/cabal of their respective country.   All envision themselves as the elite wherein they gain control of global order.   However, while that is their interpretation, it is not necessarily the interpretation of the True Elite.

Just as brainless Hollywood icons think they are the Chosen Ones, their ignorance of intellect presides over their intuition – and in reality they are insignificant pawns.

There are a few societies that have remained in power as next generation Milner Group:   Pilgrim Society Members have included;  Rockefeller(s), Haig, Kissinger, Allen Dulles, Joseph Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Depew, Jacob Schiff, etc…     They are old school intellectuals who have been bribed to believe their existence is paramount amongst the plebes and peasants.

Their ego’s are more than willing to comply with whatever heinous actions they must support.

Within the initial structure of the Milner Group – communism was embraced, however, the actual globalization goal was Imperialism.

Government controlled schooling or public schooling was a forced mandate initiated by these imperialists as a means of controlling knowledge and writing history as they conceived it to be.  Nearly 100 hundred years ago!

Bank Wars became a means for controlling economies.   And elite universities (Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Oxford, London School of Economics) became a hub for new members indoctrinated within The Group.   Daddy Bush was radically involved although his implication in the Franklin Scandal nearly upended his Seat.   The Jimmy Saville Scandal in the UK was another upended that was quashed leaving pedophiles and sexual abusers free reign.   The Epstein Scandal nearly toppled hundreds if not thousands of potential Group members.  

And chaos within the ranks unfolded.

Most governmental organizations were created as offshoots including;  CIA, FBI, NSA, MI6, etc…   They were used to eliminate the enemies – most notably Kennedy, Patton, Huey Long, Princess Diana, and Garfield.   But they were also instrumental in the vagrancies of sexual deviances.   Blackmail.

The Economist (Rothschild Rag) recently lauded Macron for his intuitive realization that the Taliban would soon take control of Afghanistan.   As a result, Macron apparently ordered all embassy workers back to France in – July.   A full month before Biden.   As all other Operations seem rooted in The Group and its offshoots, it is fairly predictable that the Afghanistan debacle was orchestrated as well and the Deep State Helpers were briefed, including Biden, Merkel, and NATO.   Hollywood actors walk with their stipend …   And the public at large is exposed to an infinite schematic of propaganda videos and scenes that simply – DON’T EXIST IN AFGHANISTAN – but do in Iran.

ONE author within the New York Times is given this attribute that is shared amongst thousands of indoctrinated offshoot MSM plebes.   And suddenly the fake CIA green screen becomes the social media frenzy!

In 2009, Sibel Edmonds gave groundbreaking testimony exposing the US government’s role in 9-11, which was called Operation Gladio/B.  Having worked for the FBI, she revealed that drug cartels, mafia’s, money laundering, and arms dealing were all internally orchestrated to destabilize the Middle East – at the behest of the US CIA.   She claims that both Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri worked with the CIA.

Peter Hoekstra was one of the Dirty Dozen named by Edmonds as a Deep State member.  Others included; Hillary, Orin Hatch, DeWine, Dreyer, Lieberman, Hastert, Ruppersberger, Santorum, Souder, Sensenbrenner, and Kyl.  A fair mix of republicans and democrats.

While the ‘Initial’ British Imperialist Society was the game, other agenda’s have infiltrated the schematic and morphed its means and end.   I doubt Quigley was an occultist.   I doubt he was a communist.   However, his version of insight has been eclipsed by 70 years of infiltration.

What Quigley did reveal is that the conspiracies are real, and reality is the conspiracy.  Plato’s Matrix?   The Next BLOG!

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